Thanks for the beta-testing sonyggers.


>tech demo

Wait wait hold up. All PCucks were completely SHITTING on this game now you guys are excited about getting our console scraps?

It wasn't that enjoyable of a game, but okay. Also it wasn't exclusive to Sony platforms.

Use the catalog, retard

I thought PC had games and didnt need to rely on PS4 for them?

i've heard sonyggers say it IS ps4 exclusive because nobody bought it on xbone...

but i thought this game was garbage and no one on pc would even want to play console trash like this

We have all moved on already you fucking idiot. No one gives a fuck about FFXV anymore. We played based Yakuza 0 in January and Nioh last month. Now we get Nier and Persona 5 next month while you play your generic dogshit Chinese MP games.

Well, I'm not an expert on sales numbers, but I don't know many who own an Xbone that would have bought FFXV in the first place.

So I suppose that could be true.

That's PCucks for you.


FFXV is not even exclusive to PS4, it's also on the Xbone.

someone please post the scraps comic XD

There's several inconstant games listed in that image.

Ni No Kuni 2 was listed for PC when it was announced. Nier PC version is just 3 days after the console release. Ys VIII on PC. FFVII is likely to be a timed exclusive, no way is SE gonna limit that cash cow to one platform.

who cares if those games aren't exclusive? you can play them on the same device that plays actual exclusives. (something pc and boner don't have)

>same device that...

...plays at shit resolutions and framerate.

Yeah, no thanks peasant.

Or I could just play them on a superior device and not play Horizon Zero White Males.

Jusat for the record, even if true I'm not even going to pirate it.


Thanks for beta test, sonyggers.

>off road driving

What treachery is this?

>never evers as recent as yesterday
>it wasn't that good

the ride never ends

First of all it's cross platform regard.

Second of all enjoy the shit game.

A PC port is never a scrap. Even the worst PC ports run as well as their respective consoles, or better

W-we never liked this game anyways.

Yeah no enjoy our scraps that console players don't care for anymore. You guys are the after thought of gaming lol. Everyone already played it except you.

idort here (PC/nintendo/sony)

don't bother playing this game unless it's on sale for less than 20 bucks, not worth it

it took me forever to find this image and after finally finding it I now remember it isn't even completely relevant to this post.


What makes you think most PC gamers won't be able to afford a shitty console when they can spend the money on a gaming rig?

Honestly those games aren't even mildly interesting. Ratchet and Clank looks good and the new GOW maybe but the rest are pretty much either a movie game or have formulaic gameplay.

Yakuza on the PC would be great though.

I just think the PC console debate is funny because you have Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo fanboy drones all over that can barely purchase a single console and go into defensive mode when asked about their choice. Meanwhile most PC fags already own a console or two.

You don't have a 1080ti to be laughing at other people

lol i have a pc and a ps4 pro, but final fantasy is trash. i have absolutely no interest in the damn game

Great, I'm never gonna be able to run this thing.

Get different hobbies.

Not at 4k ultra big dick settings mode but I am sure this shit will run fine on 1060 and 1070 in 1080p to 1440p.

>All PCucks were completely SHITTING on this game
That's a lie, and you fucking know it you dumb piece of shit

he's not wrong, everyone shits on 15 except FFXV-kun

>cidney and three fuccboi party


PC here, no, that's true. The game is shit, and I'll pirate it day one just to use CE, explore the map, and never play this shit again.

I played this game on my xbox and liked it but playing on my pc in 60 fps will be nice.

>tfw Sup Forums is a jaded shithole
>everyone hates everything
>I just wanted to play FFXV on PC since the start since I was actually interested in the game
>will never be able to state this without shit flinging

the game was shit anyways, have fun retard

>Sup Forums is one person

I can still recognized the list of images of your exclusives, that's is not a lot of exclusives

>Arkham Knight

Game sucks man. Watched the gameplay on Cryaotic's channel. It didn't seem at all too interesting and looked simple.

Off-road driving looks fun

I really need a 1080Ti

How can I upgrade from a 1080 to a 1080Ti with minimal payment

you will never play the superior definitive version lmao

game still looks like trash, being ps4-only wasn't the reason i wasn't interested

runs fine now afaik

I don't play garbage though so I have no idea how it is now

It was fixed

Do we even care though? Wasn't it shit?

Why didn't they take screenshots instead of taking pictures of the screen from the outside? It'd be easier to see the visual differences.

That said, all that vegetation implies that the console version was significantly downgraded.

Right? Can we address the off roading? is that PC exclusive? Jesus christ why bother sony?

you are satisfied about games being rushed to the market?

I for one will be entertained the moment it hits PC and someone modelswaps the boy band into the Four Cidneys. Actually, shit, they could go one further, and make it Cidney/Luna/Stella/whatever the name of that Yuffie knockoff is; instead of a boy band, you have a girl band.

No I wasn't, I sincerely would have bought a PS4 just for FFXV if they didn't hint at a PC release last year. I'm fucking gay for final fantasy and I don't care who knows it.

>Game is shit
>Flops and fails to break even
>Oh shit nigger lets port it to PC and hope to get a few more sales

Why the fuck would I even want this gay boyband noodle shilling garbage?

The offroading will be in an update. That was already confirmed previously

you got a problem with cup noodle you got a problem with Sup Forums, cuckerino

Yup. Ran better than consoles on a 750ti

>instead of a boy band, you have a girl band
loli band

>I'm fucking gay for final fantasy and I don't care who knows it.

That's fine buddy. I bought a new rig for the Witcher 3 so I know how you feel.

Bought the PS2 for GOW and Bully.

enjoy your poorly optimized sloppy seconds

The best thing is Tabata said that he would want to make the game moddable to see what the community could make.

FFXV isn't even a PS4 exclusive.
Fuck off Sony fanboy

They finally worked out how to make pc games with LR

Just like TES games you unfortunately can't mod shit story.

Maybe there's enough modders with Final Fantasy boners to do some work on it though. It's already easy to imagine someone trying to tear assets out of FF10 or Lightning's Game to put those parties into FF15, like when they rip a Dark Souls sword skin out and mod it into TES (one of Gaben's paid mods did that, even, lol)

Nope, I am literally buying a ps4 so i can play it, persona 5, and nioh

>I really need a 1080Ti


Thanks again for beta test, sonygger.

Imagine all the mods

All the pornographic mods

maruchan is way better than cup noodle.

PCucks have shit taste, don't be surprised.

Don't really care anymore, everything about looks like neutered, half-baked crap. It ain't FFvsXIII.

But it was on Xbone too? Are you retarded OP?

>"p-ps4 has no library!!!"
>nioh, bloodborne, persona 5, gravity rush 1 and 2, final fantasy xv, kingdom hearts, yakuza, uncharted, etc
>"p-please give us them... we deserve them...."

You should play it. It's pretty great. The gameplay is fantastic.

I didn't want to agree but the guy who made STLM for Witcher said it's his favorite RPG combat system of all time

Enjoy FFXV game came out months ago btw

>Games go stale

Who gives a fuck. Does PC get exclusive content? No? Just extra frame rate? Yeah no one gives a shit. We already played what you are going to play.

No food can go stale dumbass. The game is not new, just no one cares about PC gaming. Hence why I said months ago. Use your brain.

So console-war shitposting aside when is the character creator coming and what does that even entail?

>shitty unfinished game comes out on consoles, people play it, realize it's garbage, and forget about it after a week
>6 months later someone posts a screenshot of a developer build
You guys are a constant source of amusement. PCfats and Nintoddlers are like furries and bronies, respectively.

Because most PC gamers are underage or early 20s poorfags who spent all of their allowance on PC parts and don't have any left over to idort. They try to pretend that they just don't want le inferior hardware tainting their reputation as a gamer, or that consoles have no games, or whatever, but it's all just a coping mechanism for being poor and not being able to play anything they want regardless of platform.

Ugh FFXV is going to feature gimpworks. It's hard owning AMD.

I'm confused, why should I care? I have a GTX 1070 and a PS4 and already played through FFXV. Why would I buy it again? Hell, why would I wait XX months to play it on PC for the, "superior" experience when if somebody asked me what I thought of the game there's no way they would be able to tell that I played the PS4/Xbox version or the PC version unless I specifically stated because the gameplay is identical regardless of what framerate or resolution it's at.

Is it pretty? Hell yeah, but it's not worth spending $40+ and playing through the entire game again (most likely with a PS4 controller hooked up to my rig).

I don't know, somebody explain it to me so I can join in the shitposting.