IGN back at it again, giving away overinflated scores
IGN back at it again, giving away overinflated scores
They brought out some good points, but people need to see that these "journalist" create half baked reviews because the switch they played isn't even the switch we'll play. They don't have the eShop, they don't have the day one patch. But these sites are pushing out reviews because if you're not early you're too late.
>if we had to rate it now
>I haven't eaten this pizza with ingredients I've only taste din other different type of dishes before, but if I had for rate it based on how the chicken tasted on chicken noodle soup, on how the tomatoes tasted on a BLT, on how the cheese tasted on a grilled cheese sandwich, I'd say it's pretty good
That's honestly on Nintendo for telling people it's okay to release a review two days before launch.
You're an idiot, most people have no issues with stuff like the UI which would be affected by a patch. The issues are with the bad graphics, the uncomfortable controller, and the low storage size. How is a day one patch gonna fix that?
But what will eShop really bring to the table?
Another Mario scroller?
Mario Karts 20012312?
Or maybe a non-remastered version of Skyrim?
If that's what IGN only cared about why is the review still in progress?
>32gb limit
>not affected by a patch
Retard, Nintendo could easily sell storage DLC, for example, 100gb of storage for $20
>IGN: "Hey NoA, is it cool if we go ahead and post our review of your new system?"
>NoA: "Yeah, sure, the embargo is lifted after all."
What kind of retarded fanboy mental gymnastics do you need to do to think it's the journalists' fault?
They reviewed the hardware as it is. Not the software lineup. And currently the hardware ranges from sup-par to average in terms of 2017 technology.
To not fuck up the sales for Nintendo and thus prompt Nintendo to stop advertising with them
You didn't answer my question, how is a patch going to fix 32gb, bad graphics, and bad controllers?
Because IGN has integrity. They're one of the only publications that has a "Review in Progress" score instead of a final score like others.
If that was their intentions, why give it a score?
because its their fucking job and the review embargo on the Switch was lifted today by Nintendo itself
Jesus Christ, I knew Nintenyearolds were autistic but I assumed they understood how to world works at least...
> Because IGN has integrity
> Because IGN is primary a gaming news outlet
Nintendo sent broken/unfinished consoles to reviewers, they have to judge what they have in their hands right now, not what some imaginary day one patch might fix.
Actually hoping that people drop their preorders, so I can get a shot at walk in.
>implying that absolutely had to review it now.
Why not wait 2 days?
They do reviews in progress for other things.
Because IGN needs the clicks? Not sure you're aware how these sites make money.
So much this.
The reviews are pretty much winner takes all.
So whoever manages to get their review t the market first will rip the most benefits for the review.