How awesome would a well made Simarillion game be

How awesome would a well made Simarillion game be

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Tolkien Jr. wont allow it seeing that he is a cunt

then why is he allowing all these awful middle earth games

Wow that is one big elf

Not really awesome, it wouldn't make for a good game at all. None of the stuff with the Vala would translate well into gameplay.

Beren and Luthien could work as a Shadow of Mordor-type game and the major battles of the wars could work in a Battle for Middle-Earth-type game but aside from that it's too broad and abstract to translate it into a game.

It's the same reason there isn't a game ABOUT Greek mythology, just games based on it like God of War. Mythology itself is almost always too broad to adapt into a single narrative that isn't a complete mess. The Silmarillion is simpler than most considering there's a set-in-stone timeline but it's still too much. The same could be said for the Lord of the Rings in general, just look at Shadow of Mordor. It's much easier to make shit up and "base" your game on something rather than try to adapt it directly or make your game fit into a carefully constructed universe.


Also, you don't need a tolkien universe because every RPG in existence has already ripped off Tolkien to the point that when you say "fantasy rpg" thats all people can think of is whacking orcs with a sword.

How many video game mythologies are set up as such.
>First there was god
>God was lonely so he created demigods
>The demigods created the different races
>The oldest and wisest race is the elves
>The elves are so old and so wise that they leave their magical shit and/or forgotten ancient technology, sitting all over the world for any dumbass to find.

>There may or may

>can't even spell the title correctly

You and everyone like you is the reason it wouldn't do well. You do not have the memory or patience to understand it let alone enjoy it.

When the estate agreed to the Movies and other merch, it was only for the Hobbit and LotR. The Silmarillion wasn't included.

I think the movies nor the games are allowed to directly reference anything from it.

Playing as Sauron and going through his origin story would be amazing. His early life with the Vala, his growing magical power, his corruption by Morgoth, then his transformation from a relatively unknown guy to the one regarded as the strongest Maiar ever with magic abilities rivaling some Vala, as well as Morgoth's Lieutenant. Tons of his appearances in the Silmarillion would make for a great game.

>I think the movies nor the games are allowed to directly reference anything from it.
It's a very minor detail, but I think they mentioned the elven rings Narya and Nenya

Seeing how god-awful the hobbit movies and the games are, it seems to me he's doing the right thing.

go be autistic somewhere else

Yeah it's pretty good.

You think you can enjoy the Silmarillion without being on the spectrum?

>that trailer for that new piece of shit fan fiction game

Tolkien must be rolling in his grave

>the fucking shitshow that was the LOTR movies, the holy-fucking-jew-tier shitshow that was the Hobbit movies, and what the actual fuck lore-raping Shadow of Mordor games becoming so popular?

Yeah, total cunt. Let Shamalamadingdong make another Avatar movie while you're at it.

I'm having such a hard time remembering who did what as soon as my last Silmarillion reread is longer than a month or so ago
Fuck Finwe and all his descendants, there's absolutely no need to make up that goddamn many of them considering 90% don't do anything and the rest have confusingly similar names

>90% don't do anything and the rest have confusingly similar names

I'm presuming that this was intentional, similar to the names of the dwarves in The Hobbit. I think Tolkien said he gave them all similar names because you're not supposed to care which one is which.

I agree that it doesn't matter exactly how they're all related to each other but it's getting a bit silly when I can't remember if the guy who helped the rest of the Noldor get through the ice level is the same as the one who created Nargothrond or whatever

>referring to places in a book as "levels"



What if the game was open world, with choices like Fallout and stuff? You create a human, elf or dwarf, and have your descendants (or yourself if you're an elf) go through the ages?

>create human
>have to watch millions of years of the game unfolding on its own because your race hasn't woken up yet

>Shit shot that was the LOTR movies



You guys didn't enjoy Surprising Elves jumping over the dwarves?

Alfred deep throating the Ogre and saving Gandalf?

Legolas helicopter spinning elven attack and time dilation anti gravity stair climbing?


Why does Manwe look homo?


>create tall dwarf
>get cucked by elves and stunted to be a manlet

>anti gravity stair climbing





Imagine all the lore-raping, blackwashing and pandering once they get the hands on it.
They already raped lotr, I don't want them to rape the Silmarillion too.

Please, would you kind sir be a gentleman and provide me with the source of this picture?

Just let go man.
The Tolkien universe is just as doomed as Star Wars is at this point.

>once they get the hands on it.
First, Christopher and his son have to die, and whoever gets the rights after them has to not guard the rights so closely
So don't worry, you'll long be dead

Silmarillion is mostly Elves doing things themselves and some Elves being massive cunts.

Oh I know, I was referring to Tolkien games in general, not just Silmarillion.

Sorry for the mixup.

>1st age Noldor kill a Balrog with helmet spike

no thanks, I dont want some diversity driven cuck studio like ubisoft and bioware shitting all over the literary masterpiece that is the Silmarillion.

Balrogs are basic bitches, you just think they're hot shit because Feanor was too stupid to stay with his army and went down like an idiot

I fall asleep to the Silmarillion audiobook EVERY NIGHT, its glorious.

knock yourselves out

What kind of game would Malazan be?

if Ubisoft made it a generic third person open world game that is utterly mundane in every single aspect while managing to push some left wing agenda at the same time.

I shudder at the thought.

The lore in Silmarillion would go over the heads of most casuals, it's why there was never a movie adaptation of that or Children of Hurin.

>Tolkien Jr. wont allow it
As if he wouldn't allow another chance for making a buck, he's already turned his dad's notes and scribbles into canon lore.

He fucking loves publishing everything his dad wrote in book form but you should actually read up on his opinion about Silmarillion adaptations
Christ, he even fucking hated the LotR films

I don't know, the first few chapters bored me so much that I couldn't go on.

It could work as a Total war styled game. You can choose between different elf factions, dwarves, men, or morgoth's forces on a huge map of Beleriand

As a pretty autistic Tolkein fan I found the LOTR movies pretty decent overall, the Hobbit on the other hand though..... How did Tolkein Jr allow this?!?

>fights a dog


That's where looking things up comes into play: The games being made are off the films, primarily. J.R.R. Tolkien himself had to sell the rights to the films (and any subsequent properties) in order to have the funds for his children to afford the inheritance taxes on his estate when he was planning for his death.

Therefore, Christopher Tolkien (the one currently in charge) has nothing to do with many of the games, particularly the ones that have that gods-awful "WB" splashed all over them. (So... all of them.) In fact, the Tolkien Estate has gone to court multiple times to have fraudulent games shut down, but after a while, it becomes more cost intensive to keep doing that than the estate can reasonably afford.

And holy fuck, I just realized that I know more about the state of Tolkien's affairs than I do my own family's. I think I need to get a life now.

To be honest only the extended versions of the films are watchable if you watch the LotR movies for the lore.

Nothing can be worse than the animated 70's Tolkien movies.

I think they just gave away film rights for adaptations and then didn't have too much input?

Manwe? More like Manlet, amirite?

Someone should send one of the Tolkiens the trailer of Shadow of War.

Fuck you. Rankin-Bass The Hobbit is spectacular and if you don't think so, you need to go find a rusty spike to perform fellatio on while your Dad sings a sea shanty and the head priest of Ireland sodomizes your sister.

Apparently, Warner Bros. has some "Tolkien scholars" that oversaw the direction of Shadow of Mordor to ensure accuracy with Tolkien's vision.

agreed, that shit was comfy as fuck.

That game (and the sequel judging by the trailer) are the literal antithesis of the thematic core of the LotR series

>not including Tulkas

>Tolkien's vision was the One Ring/wraiths had magical control over orcs.

They took this picture while he was still dicking around in space with Eru


>well made Simarillion game

That Melkor guy seems pretty sweet, I bet he's like the Badass Hero of the Silmarillon once Sauron appears!

Apparently wraiths can dominate/mind control lesser minds; no idea where that detail was noted, but it must have gotten the seal of approval since it's such a major gameplay element

bullshit though, they cant even dominate gollum

He don't wanted to descend in Arda and only did it to help the other Valars against Melkor.

Eru is kind of a fucking dick when you think about it
>Melkor is obviously being evil? go fuck yourself and handle it yourself, this all totally just plays into my cosmic melody, enriching it

>tfw Lord of the Rings is literally as good as fantasy movies get
>have nothing at all to look forward to in the future in terms of fantasy movies

Why is there a bit of white things on his shoulder?
Is it because he also created rain and frost?

More so, it's Melkors destiny to be evil and hated. Eru is a fucking asshole desu.

I'm not sure he had zero opportunities te redeem himself, the deal with free will is basically the catholic doctrine : God obviously know what will happens from the start, but you still have free will.

I dunno, I didn't read it as Eru creating Melkor just so he could bring discord into the song and then covet the power to create life
For me it was more like he created the Ainur with free will to help him create the universe and Melkor just kinda became a dick
Yeah but Ainur aren't on the same level as humans, are they? These are dudes directly created by God, he could at least have exiled Melkor or something

Tolkien was catholic and he hated the trope of the inherently evil race he created with the orcs, and he would have liked to have the opportunity to show they are not all evil.

And he descended upon Arda in power and majesty greater than any other of the Valar, as a mountain that wades in the sea and has its head above the clouds and is clad in ice and crowned with smoke and fire; and the light of the eyes of Melkor was like a flame that withers with heat and pierces with a deadly cold.

Description of Melkor from the book

>Big Daddy Eru decided to make a song and create a band.
>His song is going good, the band is really working.
>But then that fucking upset shit-head of a base-player Melkor decides he's tired of getting the left-overs from the rest of the band and tries to play a base rift that doesn't even fit the song.
>Eru tells the band to take care of it.
>They mostly just try to fit the song to Melkor's new base rift.
>Melkor gets mad again.
>Eru decides to pre-record his guitar solos and tells the band to take care of it.

more like
>But then that fucking upset shit-head of a base-player Melkor decides he's tired of getting the left-overs from the rest of the band and tries to play a base rift that doesn't even fit the song.
>Eru just fucking weaves it into the song, juggling three melodies at once, this song is becoming sick and Eru is clearly the best
>base player becomes even more upset

But Eru should have known about it. Melkor is literally part of his thoughts just like everything else.

And Eru actually the introduced the themes of Elves and Men.