Zelda Awarded Perfect Score by Famitsu

Anotha one.

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As of 2017, twenty-four games have received perfect scores from Famitsu.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Vagrant Story
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Final Fantasy XII
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
428: Fūsa Sareta Shibuya de
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Monster Hunter Tri
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Pokémon Black and White
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Yakuza 5
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
Grand Theft Auto V
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

How will sonyggers ever recover?

No saying the game will be bad, but famitsu scores are basically trash. They're awarded based on hype.

I mean Final Fantasy XIII-2 got a 40 too.

>The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
>Final Fantasy XIII-2
>Yakuza 5
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle


Famitsu's scores have always been pointless since their reviews have always been a single paragraph of the most vague and generic statements possible with a number attached.

The only thing Famitsu is good for are screenshots.

>yakuza 5
>not 10/10

who cares, only IGN matters for us, so frick off OP!


Name 1(one) website that we can trust the scores 100%



Damn, just giving it away.

Jim sterling.

Just posting for an update, they gave Spirit of Justice a 6.5.

Fuck these idiots.

>Kid Icarus: Uprising
deserves it desu

There is none, whoever tells you otherwise is a retard or a shill

Giant Bomb

Come on, we've been over this a decade ago.

Christ centered gamer


Sup Forums


>the same that gave FFXIII a perfect score

I'm getting it on WiiU

IGN will also give it a 10/10

Man. Two completely different games in two completely different genres reviewed by two completely different people got two completely different scores? Didn't see that coming.

>Peace Walker
>Black and White
>Skyward Sword


Yeah, no.

Fake news, they was paid by Nintendo

I mean, these are the same guys who said Other M was better than Metroid Prime.

>ace attorney
>puzzle game full of exploration and story
>too little gameplay

>gone homo
>walking simulator
>no gameplay other than going back and foward spinning shit
>prety much a bad tetris clone

>gone home

I get you're trolling, but at least try to make it seem like you're serious.

>Final Fantasy XIII-2
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle


>New Super Mario Bros. Wii
>Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
>Pokémon Black and White
>The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>Final Fantasy XIII-2
Jesus christ almighty was everyone working at Famitsu suffering a collective aneurysm around this time or something?

Someone post the God Hand review from ign compared to party babiez. I would do it if i had it.

Our parents. We all should listened to them years ago when they told us to stop playing video games.

Honest-to-God question: why is Gone Home "not a game"?

>Japanese review magazine known for giving the vast majority of the games they review high scores simply for being published in Japan gives BotW a perfect score

Yep and the Batboy story in Weekly World News was totally legit

Sorry for the reaction btw, it was intended for another thread l.

daily dose?

Thanks doc

got your back sempai

the one by christians

Literally a "It works" award

Christ, I hope Sony is at least paying you for this shit.

Does famitsu just give everything a 40/40

not bashing zelda, i havent played it, but the only time you hear about famitsu is when theyre giving X big release a perfect score

holy shit my sides
im dying
I understand this indian poosucker has to earn his pocket money but damn, at least put some effort into it

>Phantom Pain

That game was a chore

I liked when a destructoid reviewer played Risen and called it a poor mans fable, really activated my almonds



>Christ centered gamer

holy shit have to seet by myself.


props for differentiating and put aside overall qualification and moral. that's a lot more professional ethics than many other sites.

Jeff from giant bomb gave horizon a perfect score.

Does this mean horizon is as good as zelda?

Famitsu scores are a total of four reviewers who all give scores out of 10. Supposedly that should make 40/40 scores much more rare.

is there any vidya journalist/site/magazine still worth to read? The last decent one was gametrailers ihmo. Votes were given randomly, but the reviews themselves were excellent and objectively dissected every game.

>For Honor (PS4/XBO) – 8/9/9/9

So basically Zelda got a 7?

everyone's listing the games they think are shit and i don't want to be left out
>Tri instead of almost any other entry in the series
>fucking peace walker
>black and white instead of black and white 2
>skyward sword
>fucking FFXIII-2, what the hell
>yakuza 5 when it's mediocre compared to the rest of the series
>a garbage game with shitty mobile game mechanics that gets a pass because "fanservice"


you can tell when it started they started to get paid off. I mean
fucking hell

"Open world perfection"


blunder confirmed.

>Vagrant Story
see back then it was rare and I was pretty happy that such a niche game got recognized for being so good.

>Kid Icarus: Uprising

Someone there has good taste at least.

A 10/10 game on a 5/10 console.

zelda or nintendo in 2016+1

lmao desu

Famitsu became aware of their reputation as hardasses and did a complete 180 to sell perfect scores, fyi.

When does the embargo end anyway? How many hours from now?

>Soul Calibur
>Vagrant Story
>fucking Wind Waker

Right off the bat. I love those games but perfect score? Haha no.

but the average reviews for the console, if they were put on a unified 1-10 scale, would be around 8.8

one or two bad reviews just cancel out with the overly positive reviews

>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle

Please tell me you made it up

>The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

So this site is complete garbage then?

So sometime during 7th gen they decided perfect score were overrated and started handing them to anything with even the smallest bit of hype behind it

Why do you repost this image constantly? Sun/Moon were a huge success.


underageb& confirmed, mods have been alerted

6am EST/3am PST

>using sales as a metric for video game quality
full retard

>Final Fantasy XIII-2
opinion disgarded

pc alway wins baby.

>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Everyone has skipped mentioning this, ftfy.

Ah thanks m8

Good lord. 4 pages.

>is 10.0 better than 8.8


That game is fucking hardcore.

>Ratings all over the place

Have you considered your own opinion?

Why would it be mentioned when Skyrim is an actual 10/10 game?

I can understand FFXII because of the whole bait and switch and the fact that you can set it up so it literally plays itself but Peace Walker? Haven't played any of those other games other than Black and White 1 and 2, neither of which I remember anything about other than 2 was way different from 1, and Skyrim which I played to death but only because of mods

Finally, someone appreciates Early Gen V.

Can't stand any game in the series
>Vagrant Story
Loved it but it was far from perfect
>Wind Waker
Never played it
Never played it because I'm neither a girl or 5
>Final Fantasy XII
Plays itself
Autistic garbage
Never owned a PS3 so never played it
Never heard of it
>Dragon Quest
Never played a game in the series
>Monster Hunter Tri
Too easy to become OP
Never played it
>Mario Bros Wii
Got bored of it after 10 minutes, it was the same garbage I've been playing for nearly 30 years
>Peace Walker
Loved it but only in short bursts
>Pokemon Black and White
I was finishing high school when the original pokemon came out so I never got into the series
>Skyward Sword
Base game was bland as fuck, mods are the only thing which made me play it over 10 hours
Otherwise known as FF Hallway simulator. Never finished the first game why would I play the sequel
>Kid Icarus: Uprising
Never played it
>Yakuza 5
Never heard of it
Have no interest in that manga based trash
Only game on the list I'd say deserves a perfect score considering I haven't stopped playing it since I bought it on release
Tedious as fuck
>Breath of the Wild
I'm going to find out but I'm guess it'll bore me but I still need to justify my Wii U purchase

The second GTA 5 should be MGS 5