Gentlemen, I need you to wake up. We are under fire. Understand this

Gentlemen, I need you to wake up. We are under fire. Understand this.

>playing/buying western games

el oh el

Go back to your board you fucking manchild.

t. Bonnie Ruberg

lol forcing videogames into a category of political work.

When manchildren make better observations than media moguls.

Every damn time.

This post needs 10 (You)s or Trump will die in his sleep tonight

Last thread an user said all art is political and every video game is political too.

So how is Crash Bandicoot political?

with the all-caps and colored word highlighting this reads like propaganda
oh wait

There's always going to be some fringe shit like this. Fact of the matter is SJWs are as irrelevant as flat-earthers and climate change deniers. They will always hit that giant impenetrable wall called reality.

>Bonnie Ruberg

>So how is Crash Bandicoot political?
Obviously that flying mask symbolizes his oppressed sexuality.


Stop trying to recreate Grimergate. It wasn't as "fun" as you think it was.

What's wrong with political games though?If they're too political for you can just not buy them.

Nothing is wrong with political video games. Everything is wrong with American politics bleeding into video games

>just ignore the cancer in your lungs, it'll go away eventually

>goobergate cucks and Sup Forumsfags in a meltdown over what some literally who said in a presentation at GDC


these people are literally invading every space with their politics, and if you speak against it on any board you're told to 'go back to Sup Forums'.

I would care, but videogames have been trash for about 10 years.
Even if we got rid of SJWs, videogames would still be garbage.
Lefitsts are pissing in an ocean of horseshit.

Yes that is exactly what I am saying. Vote with your wallet: don't like the subject the developer is talking about? Don't play his fucking game.


Dumb danmaku poster.

these people can get govt grants to make this shit and the incestuous nature of their cliques means their friends in gov jobs who's only role is to give away tax money will prioritize them. this shit will never go away.

Even something as insipid as Super Mario makes a political statement even if the creators are unaware of it. What you're really mad about is politics you don't like being injected into games.

>unironically using the term "Wake up" in this context

SJWs are faggots and the internet is fucked, but you don't need to add to the flood of crap, OP.

>le first post le best post
What the fuck is this Youtube comments-tier Reddit shit.

>If you don't like "y" politics don't play "x"
>"y" politics are in everything

I would just like to play video games without being lectured.

I'm not saying it will or that it should, I'm saying you should play/make the games you want and let other devs do the same.

I mean. I'd be ok with making exams optional

I'm playing Bloodborne, Nioh and Devil Daggers right now and I've yet to be lectured.

Why do retards still think being SJWs is profitable? Trump won and SJWs have shown to not buy video games numerous times

Literally Hitler

The lesson of your pic is to not care so much about politics, which ironically is the solution to the problem in your post.

nonsense, you can make anything mean anything if you think hard enough about it, even when there's nothing there

>SJWs have shown to not buy video games

They're literally keeping Bioware from going bankrupt.


I swear this time its a coincidence

The interpretability of such statements mostly stems from the viewer's desire to interpret.

Beyond this, I have no problem with games being political. What I have problems with are douche-nozzles like you asserting that every game makes a political statement or that games must be political in some way.

Go ahead, rant on a tyrade about how Pong is about male power fantasies. Don't be surprised when you get your bullshit called out and people treat the game as the non-political, enjoyable activity that it is.

That goes double for Super Mario. I could take a shit and you'd say it's a political statement if I plugged a controller into it.

Sasuga merchant-san.

Hot gas

did gamergate fail or something? why do we need to recreate it?

>We are under fire.
Are you stupid? The fighting is already over. We lost.

reminder that politics will never reach Japanese video games

I just took a massive shit and Boobs don't make a game better.

>Implying Bioware still makes video games

Shovelware interactive movies with bad writing, animation, and nowadays generic soundtracks. Disappointing as the first Mass Effect was so promising too.