The beast returns

The beast returns.

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>modders (I) need to get paid
fat jew fuckhead

they do deserve to get paid.

if you ever create something valuable, youd want to get paid too, but I doubt you ever will, since you dont understand free market

>he does it for free
Might as well be a mod on Sup Forums desu.

He's right you know.
But not like this... People just need to start donating.

They deserve it sure, but whether starting to pay them is beneficial to anyone really is another question entirely
Modding communities of games that support such things are alive and well even without the modders getting paid, they do it because they want to and don't expect to get monetary compensation for it, (((eceleb))) status at best
So why try to fix something that works fine already

because gabe wants a cut

those modders can release thier mods for free then

The problem is, as literally everything on the internet now, curation to weed out bullshit was not there. You could add a stump and change $100 and spam it forever. Paid mods need to be locked until you make free ones that get a decent amount of traction

I stopped liking this dude a long time ago


I agree, great modmakers should absolutely get something for their time.

It's a lot harder to consider his point when he's also taking a cut of the money.

>19 days ago

>a dump truck of feedback

That's a polite way of saying "Everyone and their mother started stealing mods off Nexus and tried to sell them as their own" I guess.

Now bethesda can get even more money for making incomplete games.
There is literally no reason for a AAA dev not to abuse this system.

He's right. Modders create value and the best way the community allocates value is with money. This is what made Steam successful over other competing platforms in the first place.

The only people who disagrees with this are disgusting libcuck commies who don't want modders to be adequately compensated for the value they add to a game and instead want all the value to go to Bethesda or some other jewish company.

So 100% of the profit goes to the modder, then?

Didn't think so you fat fuck.

Why not just have a patreon style thing built into steam or an optional donation pop up before you download?

If a modder wants to get paid then just let him put up a donation link

>are alive and well
I don't know about you, but modding sites are FULL of fucking trash mods to me. Half of it is retarded weeb shit and nude mods, or broken and incompatible shit, with illiterate install guides and user unfriendly managers and installers.

Modding communities are low quality. But we don't think of them this way because it's what we've known for decades. I don't know if giving modders a platform that allows them to make money on their mods would fix that, though.

>makes an erroneous completely untrue statement encompassing a community that has dedicated to make mods for the last 25 years without any money to it
>if you disagree with my false statement you're a commie

you're fucking retarded

And instead want all the value to go to Bethesda or some other jewish company.
see Also, copyright laws would make this a mess

They do need to be paid, in the form of a fucking job. why don't you hire some of these modders and let them make fucking games for you Gaben? you know like the Half-Life game people have been wanting for over a decade? or a new and improved Left 4 Dead? or just games in general?

>modders "absolutely" need to be paid
>but we deserve to take 75% cut of their work when we did nothing
>what do you mean the industry should hire them and give them a stable paycheck and benefits? Valve doesn't MAKE games anymore, we don't need developers!

same thing with not for profit organisations
I mean fuck, they want to get money for work sure, if they want to do this for no money that's amazing but people do need money.

>but whether starting to pay them is beneficial to anyone really is another question entirely

the modders, it would be beneficial to the modders

they need to be paid, but it needs to be optional

valve will release a donation type system, they won't do the same thing twice

>money is more important than passion

pretty much the reason why valve is pretty shit nowadays along with the game industry.

I can already see it now

Valve will massively fuck up again and mods will go stolen and monetarism without the modder's permission like it did before.

Just have easy donation access, jesus fucking christ

Like a button to donate to the modder

>"has dedicated to make mods for the last 25 years without any money to it"
>"[insert tribe here] has operated fine without capital or property rights for years without functioning toilets and now you Westerners want to introduce capitalism!"

Fuck off commie scum.

>We understand that the community was upset about this, we shouldn't have introduced paid mods to an established modding community
>Actually Gaben, that's not the only reason we-
>*bangs gavel*

I use Steam for everything, but I always knew that fat fuck was gonna try to bring them back.

Its gonna fail again for the same reason not because they used skyrim as thefirst game, people simply wont buy it, and the mod authors who lock their shit behind a pay wall will be deemed talentless whores who should go develop games if they wanna get paid for shit like that

NO, modders must be paid and by "must be paid" I mean we can't give them all the profits, I want to take 75%

You're fucking retarded, the modding community operated without any monetization for over 2 decades and the one time that modding was monetized by valve was a huge fuck up and caused all sorts of chaos, theivery and fraud

why dont mod teams have a paywall or something like a patreon of their own

>modders deserve to be paid

Then pay them for fucks sake. Valve and Gabe have money

They do, but no modder charges money directly. Any money a modder does make is purely for donations


>game ports to PC with a horrible inventory UI designed for controllers
>modder makes a simple, sane and sanitary UI mod for m+kb
>game costs $60 + $5 for the UI mod that makes it playable
I agree, the modder should be paid, but the company that ported the game poorly should be the one paying them and not the consumer.

>pay for two mods that are incompatible with one another and crash the game
>can't refund either one
It worked so well last time, too.

paid modding destroyed every modding community it touches.

even on nexus with donations its lead to some low quality shit that lives on the front pages, and the entire mods description is some sob story begging for money.

the only reason that fat fuck gabe is talking about this is because they want to eat into the profits. the item mall, pay to beta test indie games, and hat shit isn't enough for that greedy fuck. all something like this would do is encourage companies to release incomplete games because "modders will fix it". except those companies and valve will also be profiting off the persons work, who may have even stolen the mod from another site. now you've further damaged the industry due to law suits (something games like sims games have actually dealt with)

Valve and other companies can fucking hire people on contract jobs if they think their work adds to their game for official releases.

>gabe newell doesnt understand the free market

Oh m laffin


If gabe actually cared about modders then he should pay them. not the community.

they will, just wait and see

modern valve is THAT retarded, which will result in what can only be described as "pirated mods" I shit you fucking not, this will be a reality in less than a year

because it was never about the money, they all did it out love and passion

at least they used to

what valve did to gaming in 2015 was nothing less than a fucking nuclear strike against videogames on pc, and the fallout wont clear for a while

I have no problem with the concept, the problem is ((( Valve ))) and whatever company made the game EACH taking more money than the modder gets.

Good luck getting anyone to pay for Fallout 4's shitty mods.

Bethesda is going to have to step up their game a fuck ton in order to have a base game that will get people to mod good shit for it. As of right now, its a lot of uncreative shit that is nowhere as rich in variety as Skyrim regardless of it being out longer.

>you dont understand free market
>Paids mods become a thing
>Shitters discover they can make a quick buck
>Shitty mods invade the market
>shit mods with stolen assets everywhere

Suure, (((Gabe))).

true that. those weeb guys, durante and kaldaien or whatever, who have done more work on japanese ports than the cheapass japanese publishers put in, deserve to get salaries paid to them by NISA and Koei-Tecmo and Scamco for their honest work & efforts at fixing the shoddy work of the lazy and incompetent hackjob devs porting these things who DID get paid for their "work."

why don't they just make it optional for modders and let them set the price??

that way if some retard sets a lantern mod for $100 no one gets it and the guy works really hard on a mod get supported by ppl who would really want the product enough to pay.

The biggest problem is that it was applying to "micromods". UI mods and shitty swords now would cost money. Many mods that were complete overhauls eventually saw profit. Half-Life itself was this to an extent, and then stuff like Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Team Fortress, and Garry's Mod. They were big enough for people to pay for. That's not too bad, but it needs to be regulated, someone needs to deem them worthy of being something to pay for, like Valve did for them, and not just let people make terrible scammy mods and throw them on a shop like at a Chinese market full of bootlegs.

And why wouldn't Valve deserve a cut? They are the ones hosting, developing and marketing the platform which would launch and sustain these modders.

because they want to collect money

They SAY they care about the modder but really they just want to make more money

a lot of mods already use other mods' files and animations

What went wrong?

That's what the system was, but it was still shit because Valve and Bethesda took a huge cut and there was a ton of people stealing other mod's code.

I can already charge money for my mods without papa gaben raping me and my users in the ass.

>shitty mods invade the market
And only fools would pay for them.

Meanwhile, better mods also appear, in greater numbers, and they get the most recognition since they're better.

Exactly. You should only listen to an argument when it is heartfelt and not merely a cover for an agenda of profit.

Even if you believe that modders "deserve to be paid" and are dumb enough to ignore all the problems this introduces and the logistical nightmare of it all, you know during every second in which Newell is speaking that he doesn't really care about what he is saying and is just using it as a cloak for his profit motives. Why would you ever agree to let yourself get assfucked like this?

Nice bait, but I'm no commie. Making paid mods just means the market gets flooded with shitty knockoffs and thefts of original work. There's a reason the original attempt to make paid mods failed miserably


>sell something on a supermarket
>They only give you 25% of the income

I've said it before and I will say it again.

Paid mods can only exist once a framework that allows quality assurance to the customer and profit to the content creator exist to support them.

This means that the following conditions need to be met before paid mods can be a thing.

1 - All mods in the mod store must be subject to quality assurance and testing to ensure that they work and are subject to a warranty that guarantees that they will continue to work with all future updates of the game (subject to a full refund if the mod ever stops working due to a game update)

2 - Mod store quality assurance that guarantees that all mods will work together and will not conflict. That is to say, every mod you pay for for the same game will work simultaneously (Subject to a full refund if this is ever found to not be the case and no compatibility patch is made available)

3 - General quality assurance and mod store curation is guaranteed at a professional level, that all mods in the mod store are of a sufficiently professional level to be considered a professionally saleable product and are adequately integrated into the game

4 - That all mods are subject to testing before going on sale to ensure the above standards are met and that all mods entering the mod store are subject to inspection to ensure that no content stolen from other mods, games, media or authors is used.

5 - That the majority profit share goes to the content creator (aka, the modder) and not to companies like valve. A small percentage of no more than 10 percent may go to Valve and a percentage of no more than 10 percent may go to the developers of the base game but no less than 80 percent of the profit should be going to the creator.

If you can't create a market for mods that has a professional standard of quality, assurance of integrity and reliability and in which the people doing the work are the ones who profit the most. Then you can not treat mods as a professional product.

>better mods also appear
No, the only driving force behind the modding scene is the love for that particular game. As soon as money is being involved, we will get half assed shit all over the place.

Better than the 0% they're making now.

If this was really about them "deserving" to be paid then they'd let modders have their adfly links, their patreons, or their paypal tip jars.

This is about getting another piece of pie.

There are already modding sites that allow donations who do a much better job hosting the mod. They don't take cuts that come from the donations that go to modders.

Valve eats a huge chunk while charging the user to download it, but also offers no support to either party legally. Hosting a texture swap isn't anything special.

There's also the problem that the modding community relies on each other. Custom textures for many games often require special software that updates with the game made by the community, and the majority of skyrim mods rely on other software and other mods to run. There's also very little stopping users from straight up stealing other peoples mods.

Then why doesn't he pay them?

They deserve over half of the profits for doing nothing besides a half-assed mod system? That seems fair to you?

And it WILL be a half-assed system. Just like early access. There will be no quality control and be fully automated.

I'd argue that number 2 isn't really necessary. But it doesn't matter. You can only meet these criteria with a handful of mods handpicked by the developers. At that point, it ceases to become paid mods and becomes a handful of handpicked, uplifted DLC. This would not become the cash cow Valve so greedily desires, so they'd never go for it.

Modding is inherently too chaotic for paid mods to ever be viable.


bend over to gabe newell already

Shouldn't taken someone elses product, slapped some minor shit on it and had someone else sell it for you then.

>never about the money

you can say the same for peace keeping groups or animal rescuers
but sooner or later after spending so long on a hobby they're gonna need money

>the only driving force behind the modding scene is the love for that particular game
Hence why it's currently shit.

>tfw gabe cant touch your god tier mod community cause its not centralized on steam

There is only ONE benefit to this entire thing. Only ONE.

More games will make mod tools, which means I could inevitably take shit like FF15 and fix its shit.

>some minor shit
the reason some games are even popular is because of mods

>19 days ago


Shit mods will always appear in greater numbers, if only because they take less time and effort to make.



>modders need to be paid

well I release numerous mods for various games over the past 7 years or so for everybody to use

I can tell you that claim is total bullshit, I have a donate button for people who really like my work, it is a nice past-time and love doing it for myself and others too

what valve is trying to say here is most likely ''we (valve/fatty gaben) want to make a platform like nexusmods or moddb, but in cashshop format so everytime you pay and download something from it we can get I slice of it by doing nothing.''

fuck that greedy fat fuck, he just wants more money from doing nothing

please keep that in mind before you shitpost, do not support this fat fuck

You realize how retarded you sound, right? Almost none of that exists for even modern game development. Why the fuck should we apply harsher standards to mods than we hold game developers?

And more importantly you obviously have no fucking clue how game development works. The idea that all mods will work together is frankly asinine because often there are mods that do similar things in different ways. People would abuse the everloving fuck out of this by buying mods then using an excuse to refund them.

I'm a mod creator myself and do you know how obnoxious it is to get people bitching at you to add compatibility for other mods that came out months or years after my own? Mods that do extremely similar things that would require me to integrate their changes into my mod for any semblance of compatibility.

The problem isn't so much that they'd use assets from other mods, but that they'd be shit made for a quick buck

but mods on ffxv are pretty much confirmed already tho

He's right you entitled fucking communists

I have my own vision for making the game better.

Listen you dumb cunt.

Last time proved exactly how this wouldn't work. There are multiple sources to download mods from, and no matter the game or what they try to do, there will always be a way to get the mod out there that isn't through the official channels. That's just the nature of mods. In fact, we saw this work in reverse. People were taking free mods hosted on the nexus and putting them up on the Workshop for money. Some mods still don't exist anymore because of that nonsense.

Getting into a hypothetical, let's say a guy starts making mods, and he makes a bunch of individual re-textured items and sells them for 99 cents a pop. Some retard might buy them, and others might just buy them, package them up in their own mod, and distribute it to everyone for free on some other hosting site or just on mediums like Sup Forums. Paid mods will encourage mod piracy, and mod stealing. People will take free mods and try to make money off of them, and people will take paid mods and make them available for free just to spite them.

>Hence why it's currently shit.
As opposed to when modders were paid before and it was thriving, right?

Yeah, because it was better when they were paid right

>modders need to be paid
>but they need to pay me 70% of the price
>and lets ignore all the modders that already get paid.

Valve's entire business model these days is about taking a cut of the profits from everyone else's work. They get a cut of each game sale, and now they want a cut of mod sales.

They're okay with games like DOTA 2, where they can just shit it out and then sell cosmetics and roll in dough year after year, but they don't want to make a game like Half Life or even Left 4 Dead because they aren't as monetizable as a game like DOTA. Valve has been quite frank about this, and it's highly unlikely you'll ever see the kind of games you want from them ever again. Their business model has completely changed and I imagine they've probably shed most of their game design talent as well.

How does this not apply to video games as well? Hell, that literally already happens. Have you never heard of asset flips?

When were modders getting paid? For like a week when they tested it out?

>that JUST haircut
I thought it was a shoop, but it isn't. Fuck.

I think you missed the point.

And all the posts 100% against the idea of letting modders get paid is really about not wanting to pay for anything, since we all know more than half of Steam's userbase is full of NEET weeaboos living at home on autismbux.

The free market will sort it out you fucking cucks. The trash mods won't be bought and real talent will be encouraged/incentivized. MAKE MODS GREAT AGAIN!