What went wrong? Why did it fail to sell and garner attention?

What went wrong? Why did it fail to sell and garner attention?

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It was a horror game, which is considered a niche market.

However, it is regarded as one of the best horror games of all time.

Because it is an horror game and most people who bought it didn't actually finished it due to being too long or not handling the scary nature of the game. I was one of them.

I wouldn't say it's one of the best horror games, but it's one of the better licensed movie franchise games out there, somewhere between arkham city and wolverine origins.

because of the game breaking bugs they still won't fix

because it was too difficult

>because of the game breaking bugs they still won't fix
What bugs?

>too difficult
You mean "cheap and completely unpredictable".

It's repetitive and feels like work after 4 chapters.

Still one of the best games that year. Captures the essence of the movies and has some beautiful graphics. Also does great with the audio and the AI is pretty good on higher difficulties.

I see it this way: if you're a fan of the movies it's a wet dream. If you don't like the movies, it's a great horror game with nice visuals.

Too subtle for Aliens plebs

can't exit junction boxes or w/e they are called

floating guns and ammo

blank screens on certain hardware

>It's repetitive and feels like work after 4 chapters.
felt like this within the first 40 minutes

I think it could of benefited by being a more traditional survival horror than the hide and seek style gameplay that's popular these days. But I'm somebody who doesn't like that particular gameplay, so maybe I just wanted the game to be something it's not.

Poor master race get another bad port?

>could of
Goddammit, I did it again. I meant "could have".

I heard it sold pretty decently, like 1.5 mil copies, and CA was contemplating a sequel. Also maybe most normies don't know about it, but among hardcore survival horror fans it's considered one of the best in its genre, only below something like system shock 2

Speak for your fucking self.

what was your problem with it, faggot?

The game was too long for its own good.

1: Anal Colon Marines made people wary of Ayy games.

2: A lot of the bigger journo sites gave it low scores because it's an actual survival horror game and not Call of Duty.

Good answer. Add these to "too long" and "still an amazing game" and you've got a real answer.

I don't know but it's the only Alien game I ever bought and I don't regret it.

there are bugs on console too

>cheap deaths
>completely unpredictable AI gets frustrating
>too long

Be honest, is there really that big of a demand for the Alien franchise in general? Most of the modern gaming community probably haven't even seen the first two movies.

I can confirm this. I got one about 5 minutes into the game on PS4.

>Be honest, is there really that big of a demand for the Alien franchise in general?
Not if ridley keeps shitting on the franchise. That new trailer looked bad


That should be a good thing.

>First person

How is this also bad? Would it somehow be scarier to see an xenomorph in 3rd person?

Honest answer? way too intense

it wasn't a "fun" game. I mean it's fucking great but I couldn't finish it cause every fucking second I was sweatypalms

>can literally slam fucking locker door closed behind you 3 metres from an alien
>it will just walk by locker while music blares and then leave

not to mention the "get out of jail free card" know as the Flamethrower you get like 3 hours into the game

shit was piss easy

How can a game be too long?

fucking everyone has seen Aliens at the very least
t. 22 year old

>a good thing
Not really. They went overboard with it.
>How is this also bad?
Third-person works better for survival horror. At the very least, there should've been an option to change the perspective.

Colonial Marines hurt the Alien game image (more than it already was) and the AI was broken

You lose the right to complain about difficulty when you play on easy.

I respect your opinion but I think I get more immersed in horror games when their first person. As for the AI, it wasn't anything groundbreaking, but I think playing on medium difficulties still presents a decent challenge and actually feels like being hunted.

screw the med bay though.

I'm very glad you corrected yourself there
have a meme on me

>Third-person works better for survival horror
> At the very least, there should've been an option to change the perspective
that's far from easy

>AI was broken

The game would suffer more if they tried to build around two perspectives.

Larger fov, can actually see your character's shoulders, upper arms, etc. Also, a larger focus on the environment.

the main issue with the game is the alien is on very short leash tied to you and only you. it can't go anywhere outside of a very small radius and comes out at all the same opportune moments. you wander around the station and find a locked door, then you go find a dead body with a key, and out comes the alien. you get past it and find the tram to the next level and out comes the alien to harass you while you're waiting.

thankfully there's a sweet mod that fixes this that lets the alien come out a long ways away from you and you can actually blindly run into it randomly instead of the same shit where it rattles the vents before it comes out. two players can have completely different experiences on the same level.

You don't know that.

Who has said that besides you?

>Third-person works better for survival horror
Dinosaur detected.
RE and SH being third person doesn't make it the only way to create good survival horror.

I bought it twice, on PS4 and PC.

It got a lot of critical acclaim, didn't it? I'm not sure how it did financially.

I didn't like it.

You've merely described what 3rd person does, not how it contributes to a survival horror game's quality.

it barely broke even

While the game is too long for its own good and does have some pacing issues, that ultimately had nothing to do with its sales potential. The majority game buyers prefer quantity over quality, just look at the abundance of open world games.

I've seen the first two movies for the first time recently and while they were great I never thought "boy I wish we had Alien video games"

Not enough marketing. Ace game though.

Underage detected.

A larger focus on the environment, if done well, contributes greatly to the atmosphere. Take Dead Space for example.

>tfw barely no Amanda Ripley lewds

It did well but it didn't get the iron-man numbers Sega insists on predicting for every release so they weren't pleased.

>Third-person works better for survival horror.
Part of the horror genre has always been based on obstructed or obscured vision.
You can't see shit because it's foggy, or raining, or really dark, so you don't know something is after you until it's right in your face.

Third person perspective kind of fucks that up when you can clearly see around corners when you're not even close to them, and you can see the whole interior of the room you're in.

What was difficult?

After the Hive they don't really do any new shit with the aliens. It just feels padded because it's more of the same crab walking through hallways to fix the generator bullshit after the game's tension has already peaked. You're not scared of the alien anymore, you've learned how to abuse its AI, and you have a full stack of "Fuck off alien" tools on you at all times.

>screw the med bay though.
You didn't like it?
I thought medical bay was the spoopiest level of them all, and I personally consider it the climactic point of the game, the game actually goes downhill from there.

That sounds awesome, and less tedious.

gorramm this game's atmosphere was brilliant, and it looked absolutely fantastic
Even though it was entirely useless, the focus shift thing you could do when holding up the radar thing made me fall in love with the game a bit

If you actually use the flamethrower liberally the alien stops caring about it.

Also, the distance from the camera to the character makes a big difference. Try looking around a corner in RE4 or Dead Space "when you're not even close to them".

>can actually see your character's shoulders, upper arms, etc.
Why does it matter or not in you can see your character. You literally answered the question of "why Third-person works better for survival horror?"
"because it's third person"
Also a large fov matters only if the game is built with that perspective in mind.
that's why I said it would suffer, because they built the game around the perspective of first person. It doesn't necessarily change the quality of the game if they did a good job building around that perspective, but trying to build a horror game around both would be difficult to reach the same amount of suspense for both perspectives in the same game.

>Who has said that besides you?
Who says horror games are a niche market?
Pretty much everyone.

Please understand, the word "niche" is not used as an insult in this context. It is simply acknowledging the truth that horror games have a smaller core audience than other genres, and thus will always smaller budgets.

That has nothing to do with 3rd person. That's merely larger fov.

That said I just saw a video of an early 3rd person build and it looks bretty gud so perhaps you're onto something. Penumbra would have been trash in 3rd person, mind you.


I'm saying first-person is too restrictive. It's as if your character is wearing a neck brace.

Serious question.

Did the androids and the alien walk around at a jerky 24fps because of hardware problems, or did they do it on purpose to emulate the frame rate of the film?

Casuals want to play games that make them feel powerful and this game does the opposite of that.

That does look better, imo.

What system did you play on?

It was too long and too much of the same environments


the aaaystation poor?

Are you playing with a controller? I don't know if that's the problem, but I personally never get that felling.

>trying to be sneaky
>shoe squeaking intensifies

The quests were boring and the story dragged on easy to fucking long. It looks like you finally made it but nope something else goes wrong. I was bored out of my mind when the game ended. There were too many notes and not enough variety of the environment and enemies. The best part was playing cat and mouse with the alien. Played the shit outta survival mode

It has nothing to do with the controls or sensitivity.

You, as a person with two working eyes, can see your shoulders, your arms, and the entire front of your torso and legs. FPS games rarely even let you see your legs.

The sj nation score?

Ayy Lmao does, though.
Isn't that the game we're talking about?

I think I literally shit my pants doing the air vents in the Nostromo level.

Remember that part at the end where you need to backtrack through the same hallway 3 times.

The mall level full of robots was the fucking worst.

It was a horror game, and most people want brainless minute to minute explosions, not slowly building tension and feelings of dread. It takes like 2 hours for the Alien to show up. Most people would have found it unacceptable if it took more than 15 minutes for one to show.

Then, they made the game challenging. Most people, like 80-90% of people who picked this game up quit at the Medbay section. They stopped like 25% into the game because it was too hard at that point, and several reviewers reflected this idea that it's a bad game because it's actually challenging, instead of letting you go on a power trip.

When i was in University 2 or 3 years ago I did an elective on film music and at one point the teacher mentioned Alien. He asked how many people had seen it (he did this for a lot of movies) and like 15 out of 150 people put their hand up.

Right, it does. However, your fov is still restricted - turning your head doesn't allow you to see your shoulder, it just swivels your body.

>Third-person works better for survival horror.

You are legitimately fucking retarded, like you're missing parts of your brain or you've got an extra chromosome running around if you think this is the case.

Looks pretty meh.

you'r cheap whore morher

Holy shit, user. That actually hurts.

tfw quit at the hive because it was legit 2scary and I couldn't bring myself to progress because THERE WERE XENOS EVERYWHERE

>smart AI
How is this a bad thing? The alien AI is amazing.
>cheap deaths
you're retarded.

>no points as to why first-person is superior in this case
>"y-you're stupid!"

We're getting mighty arbitrary here, user.
Would a free-look button, like most milsims have, make you happy?

Way to misquote me, cocksucker.

smart =/= completely unpredictable

Nah, there is no immersion in 3rd person games.

Hell, it wasn't scary, but Re7 came closer to being scary than any other RE or SH game.

Kinda does, since that's the whole point with the ayylien.

The ai is incredibly predictable, though.
You're one of those people who never use consumables, aren't you?

>can't accept a valid point
>"m-mighty arbitrary" *teleports away*

2.4 million units sold on consoles alone.

Is that not good enough for a sequel?

Yeah, that shit was the best part. Loved it. I honestly wish the game just ended there instead of going on for another 3-4 hours.

>Re7 came closer to being scary than any other RE or SH game
Underage shitter confirmed. Kill yourself.