What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

oh boy

Who wrote this article?

I thought gamers were dead tho


it means gamers are literal subhumans

Switch has no real games, only "Nindies"

Are "gamers" an extraterrestrial species?


I used to be a gamer. Now I guess I'm a gorilla. Thanks a bunch, Nintendo.

Does that make me a ghost?

Virigins aren't human, so I guess they're right.

Oh good, now I can stop pretending to like the damn thing.

Too bad humans don't buy consoles.

Gamers buy actual consoles that have actual games
Switch is "we want the Wii crowd"

they never learn do they?

You people are sub human garbage, essentially.

gamers = reptiles confirmed


I have no clue what they meant by that. Are they saying people who identify themselves as gamers are sub-human? Because that's pretty agreeable.

Gamers are white males. This only accounts for the .1% of the near infinite amount of Genders/Races out there.

wtf i hate gamers now

>Joe Bernstein

>What did they mean by this?
I read the article.Basically the author suggest it's not a console for dedicated gamers but it could appeal to causals on business/family trips and things like that.


Just let death come. I'm tired of this farce.

Imagine being human and playing a Nintendo Switch

Don't be stupid. I am a human.

The Switch is for everyone, not specifically gamers.*


Stop encouraging him.

>Nintendo no longer gives a fuck about the demographic that allowed it to succeed for the past 30 years

Since Normies love casual Mario I kind of hope they make another NSMB game.

They're terrible bland games but they're like comfort food to me.

What's next?
>Sun to appear from the East, say experts
>Touching water makes you wet, how to avoid it in 10 easy steps
>To read this, you need to be connected to the internet
>Your mother will die if you dont reply to this post

Fucking always online posts. Why can't I just shitpost without having to be connected?

>fuck trying to appeal to wider audience, only SJW cucks do that

"Appealing to a wider audience" is the mark of a company that has lost its way.

holy fuck, you really are that stupid.

Do you remember how much money Nintendo made with the Wii and 3DS by doing this exact thing? Tapping untapped markets prints money for them.

>non-Nintendo users are subhuman

Simple, fuck the nintendo core fanbase. They're not large enough to bother pandering to (as seen by the Wii U sales).

Gamers are dead. Deal with it nerds. Gamergate lost.

SJWs don't try to appeal to wider audiences, they just want to appeal to people who hold the same beliefs they do.

>if you buy our console, you won't be a gamer!
>don't worry!
>It's for everybody!
>we promise!
>we don't even like fucking gamers!
>why are our numbers shit!?

When you shit on the people who made you what you are, you will lose.

At the expense of their original audience.



This is very familiar

iphone is the real console for humans


Gamers have transcended humanity.

>He thinks he's human.

Original audience don't pay the bills.

but they already got tablets and smartphones

It means the journalist who wrote that has self image issues

The original audience was already leaving from the SNES through the Gamecube.

Or Nintendo is intentionally trying to aim this at the average joe that doesn't religiously follow video game news sites and shitposts on video game image forums but instead actually spends most of their day interacting with other people like normal human beans.

Sounds like a way to justify a substandard product.
>lmao you care about framerate what a nerd this is for HUMANS not gamer freaks
>dude like what kind of person gives a shit about battery life are you some kind of GAMER NERD LOL

Why not both?

You're not wrong but the phrasing (humans as opposed to gamers) coming from someone who is a professional games writer absolutely reeks of self loathing and personal shame.

Imagine being human and playing the Switch. Shits just so weird, I cant fathom it. lol

>Nintendo succeeded for the past 30 years
>N64 lost to the PlayStation
>Gamecube lost to the PS2/Xbox
>Wii was their highest selling and most causal console