ITT: "Fuck you I liked it"


Other urls found in this thread:

More like
>Fuck you I never played it

fuck you I liked it.

ITT: Fuck you

It was fun
i really hated all that "punk" tho

>half the "jokes" were internet memes
>the other half were "it was funny because you can't do those sort of things in reality"
Dishonorable mention for namedropping reddit without any context other than "that is a thing that exists"

Would have been a 8/10 game honestly if the writing wasn't so constantly horrible even the online base defense modes were top tier if there were enough people

>it's a "quest to retrieve quest markers from previous quest giving NPCs" quest

ITT: Fuck

>he didn't play as the girl
>he actually listened to yuri lowenthal's smug voice for the entire game

time to drop a nuke

It was better than 2 and probably stands as the best western made action game, not that either of those are necessarily proud achievements.

Itsuno needs to hurry up and bring us Devil May Cry 5 though.

The last guardian

ITT: You


Axl was the realest nigga.

I thoroughly enjoyed this despite its many shortcomings. Still been meaning to play burial at sea.



It was a dumb action game that was a terrible Resident Evil game, but it was still pretty fun

Wasn't great, wasn't even good.
It was mediocre in it's best moments.
But I'll be goddamned if it wasn't the game I looked forward to playing when I got home.


I don't give a fuck if it's episodic, simple, and sometimes cringey. This game made me feel like I was playing a Don Bluth film without the dragon's-lair-esque quick-time events.

I've lost count of the games I would show to my friends in middle school where I would be all ''Dude guys check this out, its awesome!" and they would be like ''yeah....''

I don't think Chaos Legion is universally panned or anything but I never see anyone talk about it fondly here.

tbqh, the lutece twins are the characters that held up the game


also sherry is best girl


If anyone posts AC3 in this thread, they're gonna have some explaining to do


fuck you the homestead missions, sailing, and assassin apprentice thing was dope

I could sit there all day and just chop orc head off.

Was so damn satisfying.

Man, apparently I have shitty taste.

You're thinking of black flag.
AC3 was fucking terrible beyond the prologue.

while it was a lot of fun, tbch, it took itself far too seriously

I liked the soundtrack

nah it was fun
still stronger than unity at least

The vidya jokes, commentary on the industry issues like piracy, and literally playing out a console war won me over.

That and cute girls.

Hating that game feels kind of like a meme at this point

The only issue it really had was that you could only carry 1 gun at a time and you couldn't buy them at vendors, making upgrading them pretty useless.

Who doesn't like Shadow of Mordor?

Haven't played unity so I can't comment. Brotherhood>2>Revelations>BlackFlag>1>3

Was sort of upset that this was a Microsoft exclusive until I saw footage of the first couple hours of how douche and unfunny it is. Its got that shitty Borderlands humor where the characters spout nonsense obnoxiously as if its the funniest stuff in the world.

It's really not about taste...
not in my case, I was the borderlands post. I hated some parts of the game that were so fucking unbearable to try and beat, just artificial bullshit that was designed to fuck you if you didn't have the perfect gear. Abondoning missions to go chase after whatever wep/armor/upgrade you needed took forever. Just a real big time waste over time. Had a lot of content though.


Reminder that Sony is getting their own Insomniac open world game with Spider-Man.

fair but my opinion is
BF > AC3 > Rogue > Brotherhood > Liberation HD > 2 tied with Revelations > 1 > Unity

I fucking love Life is Strange and there's nothing you guys can do about it.

Full blown out faggotry taste.

DmC is just bad, X7 is a fucking abomination to the series and Life is Strange.. Well you're just a massive faggot in general if you honestly enjoyed this "game." I can see girls enjoying it but you're clearly a fag.

LiS isn't bad but chloe still sucks

>Who doesn't like Shadow of Mordor?

Apparently everyone when the Shadow of War thing leaked.

Really the only complaint most of them have is how ''brain dead'' the combat is.
They all watched a YT video of a guy in the start of the game without any varying enemy types spam counter and not die.

If he had been anywhere past the first few hours he'd have shield orcs and berserkers tearing his ass up.
Not to mention the fact that the whole game is built around using a ton of tactics to take down individual captains and warchiefs, of which there are tons.

Shaode of Mordor is so painfully mediocre. People on think they like it because loads of big Youtubers put it in their top 10s of the year and that the Nemesis system was "so satisfying to kill dah orcs that said mean stuff to you".


>X7 is a fucking abomination to the series
Someone couldn't beat flame hyenard.

>not Kate

True, Kate is best.

>Duplicate file exists here
I fucking love this game. Comfy as fuck

nice katemind guys
and yes kate is best and also did nothing wrong

>"so satisfying to kill dah orcs that said mean stuff to you".

Its more than that though.

The game turns into Pikmen on steroids.
You can nurture and guard an orc of your choosing, helping him rise through the ranks and then popping his head like a zit on a whim.

I do too

To be fair, the game /does/ get quite easy towards the end

When you can get two instakill moves every 5 kills it gets a bit trivial

>Who doesn't like Shadow of Mordor?
Anti-batman brigade who can't so much as see an image of a western action game without waving their cocks around


I know the enemy variety is shit and the combat is shallow and repetitive but I still like the fuck out of this game. It's one of my top three for the last gen.

Also I love Dead Island. Shit is just plain fun man. Breaking zombies arms and they just flop around with that melee system is golden. Also the nice sunny atmosphere was a welcome change. Too bad the characters are all unlikable assholes.

Homestead missions were terrible and felt like poorly written garbage in quick way to describe
>lol run around the camp to get the doctor
>some1 in the river time to get em
>ends with Connor going "MAN, I SURE DO LOVE YOU GUYS AND YOU'RE ALL MY FAMILY" and you don't give a flying shit about them

Assassin apprentice was also stupid due to it most often being "press X to win" and often felt so shoved into the game

The only thing it had going for it was the sailing and the new way to unlock fast travel in cities. It actually felt like someone in the god damn city of Ubisoft thought of something good and even then it was surrounded by a pile of shit.

>every 5 kills

It's actually every 5 hits. But at that point I feel like you've earned being an unstoppable bad ass.

And even then there are plenty of captains and warchiefs that are immune to combat finishers so you're not totally unstoppable, you still have to change up you tactics sometime.

It was better than 2 that's for damn sure

Was Quantum Break any good?

I'm going to say this outright, it is much better than Resident Evil 6.

Finished it 2 times. Amazing game. Gems and fairies (or what was they called) mechanics was decent. Magic suck dick.

Max is for _______

Except Orcs respawn and they're really not interesting as characters nor to actually fight, nor is the stealth leading up to them

I wish the online was still populated. I really liked the intersecting story sections.


k8 is gr8

>Resident Evil 6 is much better than Resident Evil 6

You fuckers don't even know

fuck yes i love golden sun

You're not interesting.

>C-captain... I did it... for the BSAA!

Blacklist was fun too despite what Sup Forums said

I dunno. You need xbone or win 10.


I thought the consensus was that Blacklist was alright, it was just that one "STEALTH" gif floating around.

>that one FPS section
Okay I'll admit that was shit

Shit, I woulda posted Alan Wake, I thought the original game was fairly popular, though.
This too, I love remedy games.

I will kill your dick If rampaging through a tiny city as a godzilla doesn't bring you pure joy.

Fuck you, I liked it.

Bulletstorm is so good. I never thought braindead console shooter without jumps and 100% EDGY main characters could be that fun.

I don't think so, I pirated it and it worked fine on 8.1, and steam requirements say 7.

Jesus fucking Christ. Is this the mental capacity of the contrarians on this board? Fuck not liking anything like the fucking edgy 13 year old you are, you can barely string a fucking sentence together.


>Re 6
>better than Re 6

i'll have what you're having

Like I said
It's not on the right platforms. I heard a little that it was good but it was on the xbone for so long and then windows store so nobody talked about it. It's on steam soon, I guess, so you may find discussion and opinions.

Well holy shit. That puts a smile on my face.

Wanted: Weapons of Fate
Command and Conquer: Renegade
Vanilla Stalker
Metro: Last Light

I agree. It was fun but goddamn that writing

Do people actually dislike Golden Sun?

>Metal Arms

Fuck YOU. Metal arms was a fucking great game that doesn't deserve to be posted in a thread about bad games.

I dont remember that part but to be honest I spent most of my time playing local multiplayer over the story

This chapter made me quit this game, that was fucking awful. I beat it and I couldnt keep going

So you don't like what first defined Assassins Creed games you like pirate shit. Unity was the last one to feel like the first couple games. Everything since has been making one made me line the series shittier. Just my opinion though. So I guess ITT: AC Unity fuck you in liked it

What's wrong with Metro: Last Light? It's better than first.

>"Where is that stinking human? I can smell him. He'll make a tasty treat tonight, boys."
Such interesting dialogue, really investing