What is your most used Bloodborne weapon?

What is your most used Bloodborne weapon?

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Saw Cleaver, m'nigga

Logarius Wheel & Bow Blade.


The Cane.

The most fun weapon in the game, of course

>that untricked charged r2 follow up
>that tricked charged r2

Pure sex



Whirligig and Holy Memelight.

Ludwigs Holy Sword
>good range
>bretty good damage
>classic sword moveset
I used it for 70% of my first run as an arcane build, fire damage, with the tonitrus as my secondary

Ludwig's Holy Blade

i want to use the Reiterpallasch to go with my effay knight attire but the weapon is pure garbage.

Spin2win axe

>lost my mother to a bike wheel

>Being a Ludwig's Holy Crutch Shitter
cmon son.

Also real niggas use the Whirligig Saw and Kos Parasite.

Beast cutter because sometimes beast need cutting but my arms are to short.

>Whirligig Saw
I don't like playing games on the easiest difficulty.

>does pure blunt damage

I dont usually buy dlc, no matter the game. Is TOH worth it?

It's metaphorically blunt


Very much yes.
It has both the hardest boss in the game and one of the most fun bosses in the game.

Post your weapon, bitch.
It's fucking amazing. You get 3 really great boss fights, lots of kick ass weapons, neat clothes.
Hero that believes in Justice.

>calling the Ludwig's Meme Blade a crutch
>uses the Whirligig Saw

lmaoing @ ur life

LHS, shits hella sweet

Already did.

Is the boom hammer any good at all? It reminds me a lot of the Red Queen in DMC4 but the boom hammer moveset seems shit.

My niggah

It doesn't need a showy moveset. Just get three top-tier blunt gems and then meme on people with the explosions.

saw spear

you mean the Kirkhammer? dont be a pussy.

If the falcon punch were possible to land on most enemies in the game, it would be the stake driver. Since it's not, I'll go with the weapon I finally beat all the Old Hunters bosses with.

She doesn't seem to get much love in these threads.

yeah i like it a bit more than the cleaver just because of the extra reach and the ability to do thrust attacks

new player here.
went trough 3rd boss, im at the 4th right now.
Just bought a sword which can trick into a grandsword(not att home atm so i don't remember its name). Sadly, I do not have enough skill to use it. Is it worth to lv up skill to use it? Is it gud? im currently using sword/hammer+saw lance for bosses.

It's blunt damage but it's also got serration bonus so try figuring that one out

>that dashing R1 in whip form to cane poke

Black knight sword

Every weapon in the game is good. Use your first playthrough to find which one you like, then make a new char and build for it.

Executioner's gloves.

The hammer.

I love the Kirk, son, don't disrespect.
I'm currently doing a Stake Diver/Cannon Run, you'd be shocked how easy it is to land that punch. I actually managed to beat the Crow of Cainhurst with a full on rocket punch.
>Uses a boring sword that turns into an even bigger boring sword
>lmaoing at anything.
I bet you eat steak over-cooked and with ketchup.
Ludwig's Holy Crutch, the strongest Quality build weapon in the game. yeah it's good. it's boring though. stick with the Kirkhammer for fun and the Saw Spear is really good.

I'm winner!

yeah that's a pretty good weapon, worth the skill investment

so by 4th boss do you mean Vicar Amelia? because since that boss is classified as a beast she will take extra damage from serrated weapons (your saw spear). if you upgrade that weapon to at least +3 and buff it with some fire paper it should do much better damage to her than if you used ludwig's holy blade

Ive never enjoyed a weapon in a souls type game more than this.

I have like 900 AR with the right gems, the weapon is all about the large hit box you get when you ignite it and the fact it hits as hard as a 2 hander so you can still use a gun with it.

Ludwig's but they're right- it's almost too effective a weapon. I force myself to play with other stuff in most playthroughs nowadays. All of the DLC weapons are fun as fuck.

Canefags need to go drown themselves in a toilet.

thanks m8. Will try it out. I love how no matter which stat do you lvl, phys def always goes up by 3, so bad stat allocation is a lot less punitive.
Yep, thats her.
Just entered the room one time. gasped, watched some attacks(i LOVE how every attack is a praying gesture). then died. Worth it. Gonna kick her ass with the saw and then use the souls to get the remaining skill.
>stick with the Kirkhammer for fun
So far kirkhammer is my fav weapon. The fact that his attack stuns enemies is incredibly useful against certain mobs.
Also, NOTHING beats the satisfaction you get from a full chrge attack. IN THE FUCKING FACE



Got the game on Sunday, are these bath messengers going to betray me somehow? The game keeps telling me that their baths connect to a nightmare and sometimes the ones near the upgrade station are missing. Are they going to fuck up my hunters dream and turn it evil or something?

Edgy teen: the weapons.

I know it's a fantasy game, but, these weapon designs are just awful.

I can see some Spaghetti-O smelling, fat down syndrome "gamr gurl" running around with this. Lmao!

Make no wonder this game sold so little. (2 million isn't very much, considering how many Sonyggers there are. It even sold less than Orcarina of time. 7 million, in its first year.)

At least you have The last of Tumblr, my wife's son of war, and uncharted (which is hardly even a game.

Sonyggers are the ultimate cucks, holy fuck.
Make no wonder you're terrified of the Nintendo Switch, it's going to absolutely destroy you.

Yeeeeeesss you understand that satisfaction you get from POUNDING your enemies into a bloody pulp.

This one.

they are the only niggas who care about you in this shit ass world, that and the Doll. Take care of them.

>a fucking pork chop bone

You have more edge than that """"weapon"""".

in old yarhnam the kirkhammer was what made the area a lot more ez. The robed enemies just love to be squished.
another user.
I just found a hat to give to my little guys.
Im just so happy. Is there a lot of shit like this?
Also, Ive spent some insight to get Grascoigne clothes. Did I fucked up?

>invade ganksquad in the nightmare
>intentionally whiff charged r2
>they all dash in at once
>explode the fucker out of the ground

It's just too satisfying user I can't help it, it's a fun fucking weapon.

His pants are pretty stylin.

Gascoigne has a bitching scarf and hat, that's no mistake. It's also decent poison resist. And yeah theres a few hats and stuff you can give to the messengers.

Saw Cleaver, every run. None of the other weapons ever seemed to compete with it at any point.

Do you main Ryu too?

I don't play shitty games, so no.

Well you main a shitty weapon, so I figured.

who /rakuyo/ here? lady maria!

its is pretty cool, so no regrets.
My only doubt came from not knowing what insight actually does.
I manage to avoid any spoiler so Im in the shadow.
So far it seems the more insight I have, the more I can see about the "real world"and more shit I can see.
So far I noticed the Doll, the bath messanger and maybe the strange apparition in front of the cathedral.

>I can see some Spaghetti-O smelling, fat down syndrome "gamr gurl" running around with this. Lmao!
you can make this dumb ass argument about literally any video game

My fellow gentleman


>Also, NOTHING beats the satisfaction you get from a full chrge attack. IN THE FUCKING FACE
Last time I played Bloodborne I think my favourite moment was when I finished Amelia's by smashing her ugly whore face in with a fully charged hammerblow. Felt pretty damn good.

Don't bully my wife, thanks.

I want beast fuckers off my planet!

Whoa. I just entered the woods and have yet to find items for the my buddies. Is there any advantage to giving them shit?

Using LHS and saw clever and Ludwig's rifle. Not sure why people hate on those weapons but I haven't seen half the weapons yet I guess

>Also, NOTHING beats the satisfaction you get from a full chrge attack.
[revving intensifies]

>implying you wouldn't
Shit dude, you only got like 1 insight.

What did Amelia look like pre-transformation?

>using the threddit cane

Mother Kos is NOT for sexual


Insight is fucking worthless once you get about halfway in,as long as you have a little at all times you're good,and having too much can fuck you up,so spend insight on the clothes and shit if they're available.

Seems the Healing Church disagreed, but can your really blame them?

Strength or skill? There's a lot of weapons for both that look fun, and I can't decide.

All that shit happened before the healing church, f@m, it happened back during Byrgenwerth and the first generation of Hunters

I normally hate stuff like this, but this video is cool.

Why is this game so fucking good?

Really? I thought hunters weren't even a thing until the Healing Church, though.

40% of my characters have Kos Parasite, its just too fun.

The blende- I mean Blades of Mercy

Stake driver. I purge with no fear.

No, Ludwig was just the first officially Church-sponsored Hunter. There were plenty of Hunters before that. Even the Executioners came before Ludwig's healing church Hunters (he wears their uniform, implying that he was a member until joining formal ranks with the Church instead of loosely-affiliated enforcers).

We can even propose that Gehrman made the Hunters Dream with Laurence and the Moon Presence before any of them left Byrgenwerth, because Rom ascended while Byrgenwerth was still around, and after she showed up, summoning the Moon would have been inpossible. Because Byrgenwerth collapsed after Laurence split off to form the Healing Church, we can therefore assume that the inception of the dreaming Hunters as we know them occured before this schism.

dis shit

Who Madara's Whistle here?

Not that useful

my first webm :(

>19 Bloodtinge
Literally no one.

Bloodtinge builds are great fun, though. You just need to grind a bit if you want those top tier off shape gems.

which playthrough should i do

default hunter with blunderbuss, saw cleaver, and hunter set

gentleman with hunter set and top hat, pistol/evelyn, and threaded cane

or another suggestion that's fun and stylish

>pure garbage
you must be thinking of a different weapon

2nd sounds fun. Powderkeg Hunter playthrough might be fun too, if you want to do a quality build.

The only build that matters.

For me it would have to be between logarius wheel, hunter axe, kirkhammer and whirligig saw


too late-game, i dont plan this to be a pvp build, just a fun pve build