Name ONE (1) (isa) game where I can play as a Filipino

Name ONE (1) (isa) game where I can play as a Filipino

>draw a boy
>add boobs
>call it a girl

I like Phoebe because she is barefoot

Tekken 7

Why would anyone want to play as a lumpia-pork-eating bakla monkey? No one does -- not even monkey Filipinos


>implying lumpia isn't the greatest comfort food ever made
You're missing out, user

I have never seen a filipino nor a peruvian before but dota and other games made me hate em all

Any game where you are a Chinese. Aren't they the same now so much so that China is about to annex them?


the chinese filipinos (sangleys) are quite pretty

they're rare, though

Falafels are. Christ ate them

>tfw Filipino
user hates me

>tfw highschool had two of these they were the only filipinas in the grade and the hottest two in the grade
>got the idea that all filipinos were as beautiful and that their race had the best girls
>turns out 99.9% of them are ugly brown jungle monkeys
Quite depressing

Nigger you better beat the shit out of every filipino kid if you dont want the world hate you

Beat me to it

As a Filipino, i really wanna go duterte on people like this.

Filipinos are too powerful to be in games.
They are the most powerful race in the world, after all.

Act tough but then surrender to the Chinese?

That's the curse with being half Hispanic, half-Asian. Filipino girls are a VERY mixed bag.

We changed plans, we are gonna out-jew them in business deals. We learned a thing or two from them.

No one beats a flip in being stingy and a cheat.

Nigger dont lie,most of the hispanic girls are cute as fuck the filipino girls are just ... just ...

Nigga, all of your businessmen are Chinese. All of the richest people there are Chinese. You ain't gonna do shit, just like you didn't do shit about the fact that China just built a military base in your backyard without your permission.

If that shit happened to any other country, there'd be war already.

For some very odd reason you guy looks like Thai.

As a flip, there is literally no reason why you would want to play as us. There's nothing interesting about it.


Because I wanna role play as a qt Anne Curtis

if your game needs a little dyel boxer man, make him filipino

flips would shill your game so hard

soul calibur

Nutshack V: The Phantom Shack

>stingy and a cheat
No one beats kikes and chinks, monkey

She looks Hawaiian to me.

Tekken 7
Soulcalibur 2-4

Idk but pokegirl contribootin

Wait until they put TJP in WWE games

>most of the hispanic girls are cute as fuck
lmfao no

Fucking this. I want to put my penis inside Talim

They age like milk, but Hispanic girls are delicious between 15-30

There's nothing boy about her.

>not a single cameo or even mention of Phoebe in Pokemon SM, of all fucking places

Game Freak are hacks, more news at 11.

There's a section in Front Mission 3 where you play as Pham, a redheaded flip. She looks nothing like a flip though.

You also blow up Batangas which was fun to see.

You posted the wrong Pokegirl, user.

ghost pokemon are worse than ice pokemon