BotW speculation thread? No spoilers

BotW speculation thread? No spoilers.

Personally I'm the most pumped to explore the world and find all the dungeons. I hope there's going to be a shadow temple like dungeon and some throw back bosses like Gohma or Dodongo. Also it would be cool if we get some backstory that helps to fill in the gaps in the timeline. I've been seeing this game getting 10/10 and I don't think I've ever been more hyped for a game.

What are you guys most excited about? Doubt I'm going to get much sleep tonight so it would be great to get some discussion going.

i want good items

bring back the medallions already

I'm sure we'll see a few of the series staples return like the hookshot and mirror shield

The medallions are so underrated.

also i want to be able to upgrade the master sword

i really just want a 3d LTTP

>caring about the timeline
>hoping it makes sense this time
you're playing the wrong series of games, you know

What the fuck do you want them to rehash OoT over and over again? they already did it 3 times, SS/TP/WW, fuck off and die retard.

I hope the game's plot goes meta as fuck and is some huge critique/analysis of the typical Zelda narrative and video game narratives in general, like MGS2 or No More Heroes 1. I hope it goes full Hypercrisis.

tfw you walk into a thread full of soon to be disappointed anons


After playing it for the last 2 days, I wouldn't expect too much from this game if I were you.

how would you rank it with these zelda games
These are my favourites

That's like saying you don't want piranha plants in mario odessey. Rehashing is fine if it serves the gameplay, most of the enemies in BotW are based off the classic NES game.

Surely it can't be as bad as Skyward Sword.


He's shitposting anons.

Your first mistake is thinking it's anything like a traditional Zelda game.

It takes a lot of cues from current open-world games, it's not nearly as content-dense as any of those, though; lots of open space, the treasure you do find in the field is mostly consumables, a heavy focus on using your environment and tools in combat vs. man-to-man fights since your weapons break(not often at first, but after a while, you'll be going through them quickly), lots of menu/item management(not many slots for weapons/shields), and few opportunities to use your Slate abilities outside of the aforementioned "dungeons"(called "Trials" in-game, which are infantile in their difficulty). You can cook food in certain locations, and this heals for a lot, and there's no cooldown for using it, so difficulty is nonexistent unless you get one-shotted(and you will get OHKOd by surprise bosses and enemies in the fields). There's items and food everywhere, and once you get to the first major town, money is a non-issue, since you'll most likely have enough crap to sell to easily get over 500 Rupees. Also, the WiiU version runs like ass, don't get that.

If you like running around and collecting shit, being in a large, open world and using the things you find in it in interesting and sometimes surprising ways while wrestling with the occasional bit of jank, BOTW will probably be your favorite game in the series, even though it lacks a lot of the polish these games have been known for. It's engaging, but shallow in it's mechanics beyond the initial learning curve.

If, on the other hand, you want to play an actual Zelda game as you currently understand them to be, you're gonna be really confused/pissed on Friday. I can't stress enough that this is an almost completely different animal.

Take that how you will, hope my blog post helps you, user.

>BotW speculation thread? No spoilers.

Ok, since nobody could possibly have played it yet, I'm really wondering what the DLC actually offers.

Hard Mode could seriously be a literal game changer if done right, having the whole world become a gauntlet, with the end game specifically be designed to be hard enough that you're expected to have done most everything else to even stand a chance at it as a good player, would really be something and I'm going to hold off playing it until it can offer me something better than the base game's challenge.

Likewise, the extra dungeon/story DLC could offer a proper completion capoff to the game, which would also be intriguing f they get creative with it.

I'm thinking the DLC will probably add a very traditional dungeon with boss.

Ya they could pull a skyrim and make a decently large island separate from the original map

I've heard the game only has 4 dungeons

Please tell me that's not as bad as I'm thinking

It has 4 main dungeons, 120 shrines, and many side quests to do. As well finding secrets and exploring new areas. There are also some open air mini dungeons and some hidden ones.

How big are the dungeons/shrines compared to the average Zelda dungeon?

This is a very solid perspective and I'm surprised no one is paying attention to it. I guess all you guys like to do is shitpost?

They are more like a glorified shrine with a boss at the end


Shrines are like a single puzzle room in a traditional zelda game.

Dungeons (4 sacred beasts) are wayy smaller than traditional zelda dungeons, but twice as clever.. if that makes sense.

It's out for free online right now. Why speculate? Go play it on your WiiU.

...I mean.. .you're not actually making the mistake of getting the Switch, are you?

Yeah, I'd say the same. But you still get those zelda "aha" moments when figuring out puzzle tho