Ready for Borderlands 3?

ready for Borderlands 3?

I'm more interested in TFTBL2


>telltale """games"""

The story was okay but come on now

sure am.

1k hours in bl2.

bocchi anime when?

Just fucking call it a goddamn midquel you fuckmongering cunts

BL2 was the pinnacle of the series.

They're gonna keep making them. might as well want the better ones

Lmao no, I hope it flops hard. I want to see a picture of randy shitford bankrupt and homeless before he blows his own brains out.


>Borderlands 3.
>Travel across multiple planets!
>Collect over 908 TRILLION GUNS!
>Play as one of 4 classes that rehashes of the other classes we already made! And one will be completely braindead and broken!
>Thrill as Anthony Burch reprises his role as head writer with his witty humor And stolen reddit memes!
>Preorder now so Randy Putchford can afford his house payments and can continue to post shit on twitter when he should be busy actually being the head of a dying studio instead of the "face" of vidya Social Justice!

Fuck off Randy

Borderlands 3:
>LOL FUCK TRUMP XD oh and please purchase Battleborn™ on sale now for only 5$!

>please purchase Battleborn™ on sale now for only 5$!
Its going Free To Play soon.

I don't even like Trump but knowing this is all BL3 will probably be makes me hope it never gets made.

Ugh, I can just see them whipping up some definitely-not-Trump and rubbing it in your face.

It'll be like an SNL skit...if they lasted several hours


randy plz

what the fuck is there to do in that game that warrants spending 1k hours in it?
I've spent about 350 and I've maxed out zero, krieg, and maya.
I've gone through all the side quests, op levels, and raid bosses with all three characters.

Even if you were to get all 6 characters maxed out I don't see how it could keep you entertained for more than ~800 hours.

>I can just see them whipping up some definitely-not-Trump
so a Handsome Jack rehash?

Wow, didn´t even say badass once

if you all aren't playing this game on pc when release, I will feel so so so sorry for you.

Except Burch works for Riot and they brought back the writer from the first game.

Pretty much, but with a lot less character to him.

No Krieg No Buy

After the mess that was the Pre Sequel i have low hopes for anything Borderlands related

Pre Sequel was an outsourced rush job.
The next Borderlands has Gearbox's full attention.

Can't wait

So, there are a bunch of Borderlands-related hidden messages in Battleborn's 5 DLC missions.

So far they are:
OP #1: Visit Prometea
OP #2:
OP #3: We Are Not Pandora Anymore
OP #4: Tannis Is Not What She Seems
OP #5: Do Not Open The Vaults

Visit Promethea is already known, We Are Not Pandora Anymore is interesting, confirms Pandora's 100% out of play. Tannis Is Not What She Seems seems to be the biggest hint.

I haven't been paying attention to the easter egg hunt that much, but the second mission was the main focus for a very long time, so its message might be the most significant.

Pre-Sequel was made by 2K Australia, not Gearbox

Only if they recruit Telltales writers.

except BL1's classes were shit compared to BL2's and BL2's (besides Krieg and Gaige) were shit compared to TPS's

Either way, you could se glimpses of PS in B2, I just hope Randy doesn't fuck up more franchises with his bullshit.

the second mission's message is "CHILDREN OF THE VAULT"
i'm a bit disappointed but that's still pretty interesting
we're going to have some kind of cult, presumably, or perhaps just some vault-related aliens

eh, borderlands 3 can only be better
battleborn's co-op campaign was top fucking notch
i'm hoping they make BL3's a bit more like it

Ya always plays with 2-3 buds and have a blast. Would be cool if we get a competent story and less backtracking tho.

Well, TPS and BL2 both had Anthony Burch as writers. BL3 is confirmed to have him uninvolved.
So, y'know. That's good.

I honestly played all the Borderlands games almost exclusively solo. Blame always having shit internet.

Oh boy

torgue's crater was bad fucking ass
shut your bitch mouth


I just want a fun game, my first playthrough of B2 was amazing, but the memes and bad characters were horrible. Also the amount of DLC was kinda ok for the price.

>bad fucking ass

So this is the power of Pitchford...

>we're going to have some kind of cult, presumably, or perhaps just some vault-related aliens
I'm betting it's the Order of the Impending Storm from Maya's backstory and they're gonna cover themselves in ayy lmao shit like what the Lost Legion did.

could be good
I liked 1 but not 2, too many maymays

i don't remember the order being that big a deal, AFAIK it was just one religious sham using maya to con a planet

since sirens are tied to the vault, it's possible "children of the vault" could just be more sirens converging
it'd be interesting to see if tales from the borderlands amounts to everything, since it ends with rhys and the woman getting teleported somewhere else

Honestly, I just made the connection since the Watcher said "War is coming" and Impending Storm sounds like it could be a war.

well, the game's probably going to take place on promethea
apparently promethea's where atlus found alien technology
>bl3 W H E N

Probably Fall of 2018.

anyone else going to replay TPS and BL2 in preparation? maybe i'll finally get that platinum

Maybe if Gearbox does another balance patch.

Best BL2 char, I don't necessarily want Krieg to be playable in 3 but I do hope for a Vault Hunter in the same vein.

I'll buy anything Borderlands related, I simply like the franchise, man, Colonial faggots be damned.

like it or not, gearbox makes some good fucking games
>opposing force
>borderlands 1
>borderlands 2
honestly, considering valve's gone to shit, they're probably now the game dev that's influenced me the most
though bethesda comes close