Are you guys going to buy the switch?

Are you guys going to buy the switch?

no, it's overpriced
>b-but portable hardware is expensive
i don't care

when i have money yeah.


I'll probably get one at some point, ye

Probably, though I will wait until I can afford it and it has more games that interest me.
Fuck this meme, plenty of people play their 3DS's at my school.


I will when it actually has more than 1 game.

that's me

I miss quentin

I have mine preordered already, but I have to work the whole weekend so I won't be able to play it much at launch.

What is on Sundays on HBO?

I never understood the sunday night HBO.
I am not american, what show?

Honestly, I actually might, but bear in mind that there are certain conditions that need to be met.

>lower price
>a few games that I would be interested in

I think Game of Thrones?


Then why the fuck isn't:
>disucussing Game of Thrones

And thank you, user.

All my years in Sup Forums, and I gotta say, the only level of autism that could possibly top Quentin's is /ck/.

>Irish stew
>quinky sauce

it's also fucking slow, so you'll wait 3 days for an autistic saucy quip in response to your post

I'll never not find it funny that Quentin decided to pick the live action adaptation of Ozymandias as his self insert.



since when is having your phone out acceptable? if you do anything but phone with it you should die

This isn't the mid to late 2000s anymore, smartphones have more or less become substitutes for PCs. Aside from gaming and work, people barely use PCs for anything else these days.

Its not about the 3ds(well, not unless you are some autistic retard who plays it with speakers on).
Its more about beign an obese manchild with a fedora.
Every cringe pic with people playing 3ds, the cringe factor is the guy playoing, not the fact that he is playing per se.