ITT: games that have ruined their genre for years to come

ITT: games that have ruined their genre for years to come.

The genre was already shit

Card games based on people buying parts of decks was P2W before P2W was even a thing

Any card game where you have access to every card from the start > every other card game


Please for the love of God tell me about some buy once, cry once card games. The only reason I like this god-forsaken genre is because of nostalgia from Yugioh: Duelist of the Roses, where you unlock most of the cards in, like, 6 hours, not 300.

>world of warcraft.jpg

>Any game by Blizzard
>Call of Duty
>Ark Survival Evolved

Smash 4

Hearthstone may have ruined digital card games, but paper has been the same since ever. In fact, the 2 big paper games (in America) are on their way to being as cheap as when they were first created.

You have access to all the cards with paper. You just have to pay for a deck (much like you'd pay for a game). The beauty is that you chose how much you pay, what format, casual or competitive, etc and get to interact with the cards physically and have a real opponent sitting in front of you.

>League of Legends
>Day Z

I think I got most of them.

Party games are doing fine, user

Halo did more damage than CoD

>Yearly releases
>$15 dlc map packs
>Have to grind for weapons instead of picking them up

Nope COD did much more damage than Halo 3 ever did.

Pretty sure my browser is lying and I already replied to you once but fuck it:
You need friends or a decent IRL community who play a paper card game already to get into it. Neither is particularly common, at least where I live.


In what ways? Genuinely curious, assuming you aren't just shitposting.

Final Fantasy VI

Post literally any modern Blizzard game and this is true.
>Hearthstone was the first major digital-only "trading" card game
>World of Warcraft defined the MMO genre for years to come and everyone tried to rekindle the glory of it and failed horribly, producing a new type of transient user who just keeps hopping from new MMO to new MMO (mostly Korean ones) looking for something like what vanilla WoW was, but unwilling to go back
>Starcraft 2 and the "APM or bust!' bullshit came to a head with it in addition to the utter bastardization and lore rape
>Diablo 3 among normalfags is actually considered a great game
>Heroes of the Storm is the most dumbed-down MOBA ever made and basically marked the end of the creation of new "classic" MOBAs
>Overwatch spear-headed the creation of the "3-D MOBA-like" Hero Shooter genre that previously only existed in the games Team Fortress 1 and 2, Paladins, Battleborn, Gigantic, and whatever that one with "real graphics" is, plus probably one or two others I'm forgetting came into being right around the same time

Nope. Halo started the faggot kids/manchildren fps shit, or rather it made it big.

This. When every new entry in a genre is defined by it's "potential" to be the "x-killer" (e.g. The WOW killer, the Hearthstone killer), it's dead for at least a decade. Blizzard has a real knack for creating this retarded dynamic where players consider any game that isn't as popular as the top dog is considered a failure and support it even less.


How about just saying both games are shit and did no favors for the FPS genre?

Battleborn is shit though and OW didn't mark shit as of yet.

It's the best fighting game out there right now, prove me wrong


Baddies detected.

Sad, but true.

Nu-Blizzard is basically a mobile game developer:
>Use polish, colorful graphics and "fun" gameplay (kineastetic feedback dialed up to where putting down a card in HS causes earthquakes) to get to the top of game rankings
>Use gameplay loop designed to keep players only playing your game and sell lootboxes to whales
>Don't bother giving a flying shit about things like story, characters and your heritage. Kids aren't bored of "ancient evil awakens" storyline yet, and don't care even if they were

The only thing I can say in Blizzard's defense is that they finally created a new IP that is perfectly in line with nu-Blizzard design, without having to rape one of my childhood franchises to do it.

Hearthstone was legitimately fun when it first came out and nobody had the best cards and nobody knew what the best decks were. Lots of fun was had until people started taking an RNG card game seriously. The game has gotten substantially worse as time goes on. Each expansion makes the game worse than before.

Irrelevant of how shit the other entries in a set are, it doesn't change the fact Overwatch started a cancerous trend.
The literal only one being developed before Overwatch got its first official announcement was Gigantic. Then all the rest started popping up left and fucking right following the OW announcement.
It's like flies drawn to shit. They simply have to try it.

>Before Overwatch


It didn't do shit. BB was being developed and came out before OW. Like I said, OW didn't do shit as of yet.

I'm not a fan of csgo, never understood its mass appeal, but regardless if you're a fan you must admit the industry they created around shitty gun skins is toxic and harmful to gaming and consumers.

>Reading comprehension
BB was officially announced after OW.
They aimed to take the market by storm before Blizzard could do shit. There was a weird power-gap event that brought most of these into being around the same time, I forget what about TF2 caused it tho. Anyway, Gearbox fucked up, poured everything they had into BB and it flopped solely because (and I mean literally flopped, not like No Man's Sky which was a huge economic success) Overwatch had an open to everyone Beta event the weekend following the BB launch.

>Hearthstone blowing ass
>Fanbase recognizes the shit that is an overindulgence of RNG
>slow but eventual mass migration over to Gwent
>for a brief time things are fun again before the overpopulation of fans ruins it like everything else

This is false. It was announced and in development first. GB also fucked up by trying to pick a fight with popular Blizzard. Once again, OW didn't do shit. Infact, the biggst Blizzard games, SC and WC didn't do shit, except convert legions of gooks. Not counting WOW and D2 of course. Both of those RTS games were out after already established games like Dune and C&C came out, and most of the copies came out before Broodwar became a huge thing. Also, claiming that D2 really did a lot is a stretch as we've had ARPGs for years before that game even came out, so I'd say that even it didn't do shit.

>HeartStone was garbage p2w RNG shit.
>Shadowverse was the samething but with animu titties.
>Gwent slow rolling it's way down the shitter.
>Elder Scrolls game is shit too.
>MtG went to shit ever since they decided that turning creatures side-ways was more important and classic control decks are too "anti-fun" and "toxic".
>No good DBZ card game since Original and GT.
>Naruto Card game was trash too.
>Hex has shittiest business model out there.

Only good card games any more are Deck Building games like Ascension and Legendary.


Honestly I feel as though Blizzard is monopolizing the gaming industry with the appeal of MLG. Because "If you can go 'pro' you should play our games." In all actuality the likely hood of that is miniscule to say the least. YouTube, Twitch has spawned and entire genre of shit players who make REAL money playing a shit game. All the while Blizzard just rubs their nuts together in excitement. Games should be fun and I do think MLG to some extent is pretty cool but it shouldn't be controlled exclusively by a company that is notorious for not giving a fuck.

gwent is absolute shit and will not do well. shadow weeb verse has a better chance than this.

The quality of their games aside, Blizzard is still a smart company. They know perfectly how to leverage their formerly earned reputation to make games that are deeply flawed but still look nice and have huge appeal (with the exception of HotS maybe and losing the moba genre after being the birthplace of DotA is just a huge embarrassment, but that's digressing a bit).

I sadly agree. But I have my eye on those gypsies.

hearthstone perfected the tcg genre



I don't think adapt will get used much

>An entire card effect that won't see much play

it'll get used a lot in cheese decks and experimental decks
and also arena
but I highly doubt that top tier decks will use them much


>Playing against the same 3 decks for 90% of your matches for 3 months, rinse, repeat
If this is perfect, I am glad to be free kf card games.

>fighting game

I just did

>"Ha! Caught one!"

>>Overwatch spear-headed the creation of the "3-D MOBA-like" Hero Shooter genre that previously only existed in the games Team Fortress 1 and 2, Paladins, Battleborn, Gigantic, and whatever that one with "real graphics" is, plus probably one or two others I'm forgetting came into being right around the same time

At the very least S4 league came out years ago user and I'm sure there were others before that, it wasn't a spearhead, it was a popularization/casualization