I want this degenerate shit OUT of my Zelda NOW

I want this degenerate shit OUT of my Zelda NOW

I want to fuck Link

I hope that you can play the whole game dressed like that once you get the costume.

>not wanting to get your enemies drunk, dress as a woman, sit in their laps and slay them when their guards are down
get a load of this fag

I hope you can get fucked in that costume

God damn, I need to find that outfit.

>not realizing it was made as a joke
didn't realize tumblr was raiding this board

Wait, is that a male gerudo on the right, or is it just a muscular chick?

It's like you don't even know Zelda.

It's shit like this that just makes me laugh in people's faces when they complain and cry "SEXISM" about female main characters having skimpy clothing. They'd have no fucking issue with this right here.

Not that I'm saying this is bad. Fuck it, slut it up for both sides, and everyone can shut the hell up with complaining about the fictional characters showing skin.

I know Ganon is the only known male member of the tribe. That's why I'm asking. That character's chest-to-hip ratio is highly masculine

>male gerudo

No, that's not ganondorf.

>not wanting to be a fucktoy to a bunch of amazonian women
Do you hate happiness?

haha, yeah a joke
speaking of which, can someone post some more pics of Link wearing that outfit? You know, for laughs. haha

There's only 'one' Male in 100 Years that's born to the Gerudo. That 'one Male fucks every female to keep the Tribe alive.

Can we make Zelda wear that outfit?

Next Zelda game will have Linkle as the protagonist.

Why does this game remind me of Fable so much?


I can't wait for the hentai to come out

Because a galaxy far far away is actually hell.

I want people who voted for Trump out of my Sup Forums NOW


Gerudo in BotW are very amazon-like.

So, huh, ganon actually tapped all the gerudo?

Have you never heard of the old norse legend where Thor had to dress like a woman to get his hammer back from a giant? Sometimes you have to suck shit up and dress as a woman to get something done.

>FF7R won't have a cross dressing scene
SJWS are ruining games!
>Zelda will have cross dressing scene
SJWS are ruining games!

It's almost like you're all idiots or something

Go back to Tumblr faggot.

>implying there exists a level of purity greater than this

>He wants roughly 50% of Sup Forums out

Just another day of shitposting. He does it for free.

shitposting is its own reward user

I want people that didn't vote for Trump to eat shit NOW

sounds hot

>Imagining 50% of neo-Sup Forums voting for HIllary
Almost palpable.

Vape yourself to cancer CIS scum

Sounds great.


Is there fishing in this game? They added it back into Majora's mask. Please tell me there's fishing.

>not liking traps

I know where will this thread be going to

Quality over quantity, faggot.

>Those triangular mesomorph frames on the NuGerudo.
Disgusting. A little muscle tone on women is hot, but this is grotesque. I've waited for HD Gerudo for almost 20 years and this is what I get.

Can't wait for them doujins.

Link is cute! CUTE!

'You know' what?

Can anyone confirm if this is a thing?

Is Link the cutest name of all masculine names?

Probably 20% voted Hillary, 50% Trump, and 30% voted third party or not at all

There's like 8 color variations for it so I assume it's not just a temporary thing.

So my question is, how long do Gerudo live for?

Because if it's only once every 100 years that a male is born, how do they maintain their society during a birth rate of precisely 0?

That's a strange way of spelling Timothy user

>they actually gave him feminine hips too

wew lad

stop acting like an SJW

nope you get it permanently, heat resistance and sex appeal

They fuck hylian men, ow do you not know this by now?

Those are really nice sub pixels

More like 5% voted hillary, 30% voted Trump and the other 65% aren't even fucking American.

I want to _____ Link

Those huge visible pixels. That scratch.
>So this is the power of the Switch!

Make her a single mom.

>Ganondorf is just the Elliot Rodger of Hyrule

None of you have yet to answer why you have rely on false flagging and deceit.

You guys are out of your minds.

50% aren't even old enough to vote.
40% are Trump supporters who didn't actually bother to vote.
10% actually voted for Trump.
0% voted for Hillary.

Why are the eyes so blurry?

dem hips

>It's not ok to sexualize girls
>But this is somehow ok

Fuck everything. Just... fuck everything.

but then you'd be the ony one left

>can use womens' clothes
>can use womens' clothes

Oh yes. This why Im even buying the game.

Now we know why they gave those hips.

>tfw I am the 0%
Why would I vote for the big orange retard? To make liberals mad?

I knew when he's revealed

The difference is that Link is a cute twink that makes faggots here get a mega erection.

actually they seem to breed fine with Hylians and males of other species.

>implying you can't make a twink in skyrim


If you took the 2 seconds it takes to look up an overview of the politicians policies you'd see that if their statements are truthful Hillary is a complete career politician nutjob ready to sell out the US with the most insane socialist non sense and that Trump wants to make America great again, even if he's retarded about climate.


>Link is more feminine than Zelda
Where did everything go so right?

It's exactly because I took the (much more than) two seconds to become informed that I know your whole post is bullshit.

BotW clearly has a section encouraging you, or perhaps forcing you, to wear women's clothing in order to advance. Skyrim allows you to wear women's clothing, but it's not a gameplay mechanic or part of any quest line. Also the dialogue here is pretty uh, racy for a kids game. Nothing explicit obviously, but Nintendo know exactly what they're doing.

you'd riot if this wasn't in ff7 i bet


>supported Trumby more than Hilari
>didn't give enough of a fuck to vote
You got me

Put my dick inside of

>tan skin
>red hair

>yfw the only male Gerudo of BoTW's time period is some cross-dressing tranny that's ashamed of their true sexuality and couldn't become rightful King thanks to Gandondorf jeopardizing the Gerudo race and their cultural traditions as a whole for thousands of years

>a man disguising himself as a woman is too sexual for the children
Kill yourself.

have a kickass adventure with

It's not the premise, it's how they're handling it. Obvious, obvious fetish bait.

have an increasingly deep friendship that eventually becomes romantic, only for neither of us to realize it before it's too late as we die side by side in battle with


>tfw i have wide hips like him

>mfw this is an alt costume in smash switch

That sounds pretty romantic user.

Where does the line stop though?

Which outfits are fetish baits and which aren't?

When Minda mounts you in wolf form and tell you that you'll be her good boy, was that the same?

It's a minuscule part of a much larger game and the only people focused on it are faggots who want it and fanboys who cry.

>Obvious, obvious fetish bait.

I'm not convinced. You should post more pics to prove it.

Yeah Trump's doing an awesome job so far, only 3/4 of the world wants to nuke us right now, but hey as long as Russia likes us it's cool

Okay. It's not just Link, either. The whole game is apparently like this. Full Fire Emblem tier waifu/otaku pandering.

This is the beginning of a strong argument. Post more, we must be sure beyond any reasonable doubt.

2 of them is dead! DEAD!

>there will never EVER be a DLC where you time travel back and save them