Vidya bootleg thread

hard mode: no pikachu
extreme mode: no pokémon go

Other urls found in this thread:



>Funny Dino


That was official.



I can't do extreme mode right now but i'll leave a tip.

Aliexpress is a goldmine for bootlegs.





I fucking wish


Ebin tumblr meme bro



>The Josh Nichols approved gaming system

tumblr redesigns mario.jpg

Anyone got that pope bootleg toy?

that's an Australian art project.

that word almost looks like Sup Forums

Not brown enough, no vitiligo, and no blushed nose.

It's spherical, and it's fucking beautiful.

Honestly this one always sparks my curiosity as to what the fuck this is

Come up with a cooler tag line then this I dare you.

Some Russian novel.
Oh yeah it's real

Not a bootleg, it's an actual book.

If I remember correctly someone said it's an erotic novel about a businessman who meets a woman who looks like meowth that has a fetish for pikachu and they have hot pokemon yiff sessions.




If you didn't have one of these bad boys then you should be ashamed.


>It's him!

Why the fuck is that so funny

>that kart game
>that shmup game with the giant alien on the upper part of the screen
It was pretty great.

>that fucking10000x speed tetris

Does that actually play gamecube games?

I would love to have one for the novelty.


That meowth looks kinda...


Who didn't have one of those?

Your forgetting about the part about the part about Vladimir Putin being sexually attracted to Donkey from Shrek and the Chinese wizards disguised as photoshop designers.

it's a fake meme.

Some kind user should story time that.


That's real...I got one from Avon when I was 6 back in '94. Along with sonic.

Oh so it's just a shitty product then? alright.

