New Yandere Dev video he's partnered with tiny build

tfw Yandere Dev actualy did something right

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Hopefully tinyjew kills all of his dreams.

he's still bringing up twitch

I'm so over him.

who even cares about this shit anymore

Tiny build has a ton of work to do to fix Eva's code

>5000 aweek
5000 a weeek
>5000 a week
5000 a week


Oh hi there.

Sure am a big fan of you Mr Yanderepedo

It's almost as if Eva has something to hide.

Don't worry though. I'm sure the 13 year olds in your hugbox will ensure your legacy after you die a virgin.

Holy shit, I had forgotten about TARBOY.

So basically the first 10 posts in this thread detract from a prior asspimple on Sup Forums who panders to youtubers and 12 year olds while hiring people and shitting on them because he can't even program Java.

Could be worse ofc. I remember a thread on Sup Forums where he was shilling for coding help about 2 weeks ago but I forgot to screen cap it.

Your's sincerely

Anti-pedo Saria hero.


I have no clue what the fuck this game is and respect myself too much to look up what this game is. Explain?

It's hilarious how his fanbase is in damage control. Anyone who is upset that they have to pay for the game even though they were patrons are being called poor 12 year olds.

Pedodev steals unity skins and assets to develop a shitty hitman knock off which he then hires retards to develop while he gets $5000 from the youtube 12 year old followers he got by having faggots shill his video.

Also a mongaloid who constantly shilled himself on Sup Forums about 5 years ago on the daily and was one of the reasons streams on Sup Forums were banned despite the huge amount of charity streams we got back then.

I.E ultra cancer on par with pewdiepie and Markiplier posters.

Kill yourself faggot

It's a Yandere Simulator. Dev is incompetent but the concept is nice.

I think I like this answer the best and will mindlessly believe it and stick to it.


hoo boy, tinybuild finna cop flack for this both due to the content of the game and its creator

Please give me a tl;dr

Honestly respect tinybuild a ton. A very small company made a big name for themselves with some unique titles. But taking on something like this is totally something from left field. Im interested to see how they play things out.

Wait, Yandev is a pedophile on top of everything? He looks it in real life, but I guess that solidifies it.

>poor man's Hitman with the shittiest anime archetype as the main character
How the fuck do people like this gimmicky garbage?

I'm sure there's some poorly thought out food analogy that can be applied

Eva talking to Skullgirls developer, who gives him advice and everytime he tells him about an error on his code, Eva starts playing victim and being a dick.
>Mike z: You didn't correct the code you showed me yesterday, that's why it's failing
>Eva: I'm just trying to make a game people can enjoy
>Mike z: Ok, but you have to fix the code
>Eva: I can't believe my hero is doing this to me. I just wanted to make a game, why is my hero treating me like shit
>Mike z: I'm not, I'm just helping you to make the game correctly
>Eva: I just wanted advice, not my hero saying my work is trash
And so on...

>The hugbox comment section

So, who is Tinybuild and what have they done?

That's kind of how Eva operates anyway. Asks for criticism then gets offended and hurt when it is given

What happened to this game

Does anyone know how I can get the tags that Eva uses to his youtube videos? I ask for a specific and important reason that may or may not take a day or so to complete.

Ok, we all know how Eva is and how terrible the final game is probably going to be and such. But why does he portrays himself as a cute young boy with long straight hair when he looks like this.

So, he couldn't get a better VA?

This game is hella dope bros. I saw based Pewds play it and now I'm fucking stoked to play it!

>$5000 a week to cobble premade store assets together with horrible coding to make a game based on an unfunny normalfag meme

Want to upload a video about who is actually Yanderedev and tell the world about all Eva's bullshit? If that's the case, good luck, friend, I hope you succeed. Putting Yandere Simulator in the tags and putting the video in the "Games"
category might be enough to make it appear in the related videos section of a Yansim video. You can also post it here after you're done and I'm pretty sure a lot of pepple here might be willing to help you making it popular. Also, use an interesting thumbnail with Eva's face and the game tittle, that way more people will be interested.

>Yandere Dev actualy did something right

I've been calling him a lazy, self pitying, faggot for years now and I have yet to be proven wrong.

>I've been calling him a lazy, self pitying, faggot for years
You have been proven wrong, friend. He's not like that, actually, he's lazy, self pitying, a faggot, a pedophile and an ugly bastard.

You are insulting the guys who are part of your comment. Eva is worse.

The same reason every ugly YouTube animator, especially female, makes cute/attractive avatars of themselves.

>the big guy on the left is a tranny now

>Imgine how he looks now

oh my fuckin god dude SHE LOOKS 60

I know they do that, but at least they share some features, it's like drawing an attractive and non-fat version of themselves. But Xephonman's avatar is too from what he actually is.

That programmer that tinybuild lent him is probably going to kill themselves trying to fix the clusterfuck code that Eva created the game will probably need to be completely rebuilt cause the whole game is pretty much one big update function

*Too far.

Shit senpai, post pics.

i bet if he sells stolen assets his publisher will drop him real fast

Who tf. is tiny build, Todd Howard?

bet all he did was shave and call it a day

here goes nothing


A small little company who made games like "No time to explain" and co-created "Speedrunners". They're a pretty respectable company. They always assist GDQ's and such.

Pretty good

No....there is nothing good about that.

shaved and started to wear a push up bra


I expected worse.
At least there's an attempt to actual look female unlike most trannies.

Looks like a woman.

In terms of passing as a fat woman yeah it's pretty good.

It's not an attractive woman though.

>Two rivals is too much content to give away for free
This guy is full shit.


not that hard when you already have the boobs

once you get fat enough, you become androgynously fat. like, people that fat look the same no matter which gender they are. so all this ugly fat guy had to do was get ride of his stubble and wear some makeup and he was good to go.

>Never describe your partner as "big but sexy". That means you have an issue with their weight. Just "sexy" is the correct answer.

Holy shit that's disgusting

He clearly suffers from delusions of paranoia.


fun fact "she" went Dick's Last Resort a restaurant and where you get insulted and the guy held back on "her" becuase she was trans

At least he looks like a chick unlike so many others you see

too bad it's not the most attractive """female"""

>he had those "unsolicited" pictures on his computer for months before "deleting" them

maybe he should finish the first before starting the 2nd?
Character names are horrible pseudo japanese
most of them still use a shit placeholder asset instead of something self build
"""""alpha""""" build is still full of stolen assets instead of real placeholders
its illegal to ask money for stolen assets.

>that face
>that voice
He's literally a serial killer, isn't he?

is this that game where SJWs made him edit out panties in the weapon menu or something

I want to die.

Fuck off Eva. Stop linking your own content.

desu better off a tranny

not even eva my friendo

No. Eva is the guy who got his game banned on twitch because he refused to get it graded properly and made drama about it.

TLDR he made a hitman rip off that was literally outdone in 5 minutes by a gook dev because Eva forces memes into his game and not actual gameplay.

Wait. I thought ugly people want their self inserts to look ugly aswell. Am i missing something?

Only shitty youtubers will play this.

Remember when Eva cheated to get max level in Persona 4, and then lost to the disco eyeball anyways?

Thank goodness Kiwi Farms is back so I can laugh at him more.


everyone except AI-chan then

I thought it was a woman in the first pic tbqh.

id accept a bj from that

this smug faggot makes me sick

i hate the way he talks and his obsessive neurotic attitude. fucking hate this guy

But how can you create games if you suck at them this bad?

nah dude they should be tortured to death on live tv

you can't

Sauce for this? I didn't keep up on Evan at all.

Actually, fuck it. Is there some massive list with everything Evan did? I wanna read this shit.

>that cluttered HUD
is that what the latest build look like or is that what what he thinks a professional game looks like?

>tiny build

The fuck is tiny build


>Talks slow as fuck
>Turn video speed up to 1.25
>Sounds like he's talking normally now
Why the fuck does he talk so slow?

>Listen to Pizza Party Podcast
>Loved his stories and knowledge on animations
>Gets a mental illness
>Brings it on the podcast
>"Don't worry, I won't bring up or talk about my tranny-ism."
>Does it almost every Podcast
Why is this mental illness become more and more popular as of the past years?

Listen, cooper, did I ever tell you about the fast man's burden? Out in the streets and three-lane structure of the multiplayer maps, you're going to be surrounded by lesser men, or the slow as I like to call them. They're scum, no better than any of the other fatasses here. Back in the race war of 2152, the blacks were the fastest people alive. So we created these suits, these augments, to elevate ourselves above them in speed and capacity. Now we're the fast ones Cooper, and we have to carry the entire slower class if we must. Because we're fast.

They always had it, but it's now accepted nowadays for no reason

just looks like a fat chick at this point. good for him