What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Seriously, how could they fuck up this bad?

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Who the fuck in this day and age even cares about the quality of a Double Dragon game let alone fucking buy it? Grow up, you've been long due.

For 8 dollars it's not bad I just wished it didn't suffer from shit like screen tearing.

I would have paid more if it used Super DD, DD2 on the PC Engine, or the GBA DD as a base instead though

>make a revival of Double Dragon
>make it be a glorified romhack of the inferior NES port

Just play Double Dragon Advance on emulator. It's the best game in the franchise.

It's amazing how hard you're trying but at the same time, not trying hard enough

Double Dragon iphone/android > Double Dragon Advance


>They will never make a game as good as Super Double Dragon

Hard to believe a series that peaked on the snes is still popular today.

>phone games

>Double Dragon II PC Engine
>Double Dragon Advance
>Double Dragon Zeebo
>Double Dragon Iphone/Android

The fighter on Neo Geo was solid as well

I had fun with my single playthrough. It is way too easy though and playing as the other characters isnt very compelling.


Play it with a controller than if it bothers you that much.
It's pretty much a prettier DDA with better graphics, way more characters and being able to play as every enemy

Playing this made me have a greater appreciation for the NES version of 2.

>The one level with the spinning wheels

>>The one level with the spinning wheels
Fucking this.

Wayforward needs to stop being disappointing with it's own IPs and go back to working miracles with old game series.

I didn't have a problem with that part. It's annoying playing with a friend though and trying to guide them through it.

This really does feel like a shitty romhack, though. The enemies are thrown at you with no rhyme or reason.

Like Centipede?

I guess. But DD have never gotten it's platforming stuff right. Like ever. Going though that made all the more apparent.

And yeah. They throw way too many people at to fight. They also feel like damage sponges. Maybe because the special moves were made easier to pull off?

Play this instead, just came out recently.

It needs a few bug fixes first though.

I did it easy but I hate those levels.

>double dragon
>ever being good
it's to beat em ups what sonic is to platformers. I mean jesus tittyfucking christ I've never experienced a series of games so poorly and inconsistently coded and horribly executed OUTSIDE of the sonic games. that is, until I had the misfortune of trying the double dragon games

Is this part of the series or just another fan game?

I think you're needed at one of the HZD or BotW threads

sorry my dude, but the truth hurts
the games suck and are a stain on beat em ups in general

Thanks for bumping the thread

Was this any good?

If you hate DD4 but hold DD 1, 2 , or 3 in high regard, you are the one who went wrong.

>Childhood is rescuing Marian
>Adutlhood is realizing Linda makes your dick harder.

Please, do enlighten me

>ever good

it's to arcade games what sonic is to platformers. I mean jesus tittyfucking christ I've never experienced a series of games so poorly and inconsistently coded and horribly executed OUTSIDE of the sonic games. that is, until I had the misfortune of trying the centipede games

kind of an official fan game if you will. its pretty good btw

>official fan game
Skeptical, but I'll look into it. I was a fan of the original on NES. From what I understand they just make highschool sports games now. Like dodgeball and volleyball.

Actually it's called mobile game since you can play it on a tablet, too.

It's an officially licensed game, so I wouldn't say it's a fan game.

Apparently it had a kickstarter a while ago and had a shitload of delays, but it finally released recently and it seems pretty good so far aside from initial release bugs.

>marian and lindas were ripped from the game
>the guy who ripped them never reuploaded them
>no glorious SFM porn of them

do it yourself then

This is the most recent official Kunio-kun game.

can't its a specific engine so its hard to rip them