For people who don't have a preorder, can't pick it up, want to change their color, or just want to have the excitement

For people who don't have a preorder, can't pick it up, want to change their color, or just want to have the excitement

>Stores known to be doing midnight releases
Best Buy
Comment more in thread

What color do you want?
What games are you getting with it?
What city are you in?
What are you bringing?
What time are you showing up?

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Going at 9:00AM to a GameStop in Lowell with a portable charger and food.

What kind of hellish 1984 part of the world is your pic from, OP? Wtf

That's just a picture of North Station dude
Boston is cloudy sometimes

>just called my local target
>it's first come first serve
>none of the units in store are available for preorderers
>opens at 8am
>they have 30-40 consoles in stock
I am so fucking lucky holy shit

What fucking penitentiary has a Best Buy?

I wonder how much scalpers are gonna be selling this for. I don't know what Nintendo is thinking with its 'limited availability is a driving sales force' mindset with the switch and their retro console, but I'm sure its been a godsend for people that just resell stuff.

How legal/illegal is scalping? I'm completely oblivious to the legality of reselling stuff.

Jesus Christ which Target

Soviet Bloc countries have Best Buys?

100% legal, just scummy

>Being American and not recognizing this structure

southern california my friend. I suppose it is the upside of living in this hellhole

target didn't take pre-orders so they should have a lot

It's actually a really good business strategy for certain brands

They did take preorders, they were just all online, and their distribution works differently.

how long til we now if its Maxwell or Pascal?

Tegra X1 is all but confirmed

>6 cameras on building wall
>hands in pocket day
>police light consoles

I see what you mean.

Is there any way I can find out if my Target is doing a midnight?

Yeah, call them.

call them and then talk to the electronics department. mine wasn't though. also ask how many units they have, mine was pretty open with the information

They aren't doing it :(

store by me is getting 60 but it is pretty close to NoA HQ so there could be a lot of autists

>What color do you want?
>What games are you getting with it?
Zelda Special Edition, Super Bomberman R, Fast RMX, Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
>What city are you in?
Spokane WA
>What are you bringing?
my wallet
>What time are you showing up?
6:00 to finalize my pre-order receipt, sorry
Saki_Amamiya is the user ID I got for Switch. Bummed he's obscure, but happy I got one of my favorite Nintendo characters as a name.

I wish you all luck.

better get in line at 4 am then

NO Target is doing a midnight release.

Got a grey one preordered at a best buy for pick up and a pro control. Imy out of town so I have to pick it up sometime in the afternoon if not saturday.

As for games I got them off amazon.

best fuckin bridge in bahstan

Getting neon then the inverse so I can make it either color

Gray and inverse because I hate living

There isn't a Best Buy there.

Thats the TD garden in boston not a best buy.

Who photoshopped this?

Going to a local Gamestop at 8 PM to finalize the purchase. It's a small town Gamestop, that doesn't even get stuffed for Black Friday, I should be fine.

Would prefer Neon, but I'll be happy with Gray.
Breath of the Wild. Possibly Shovel Knight Treasure Trove.
Baker LA
An iPod touch with some movies and the first 10 Kill la Kill episodes downloaded.
8:00 PM

Probably getting too hopeful, but since I have a birthday coming up, some pals are buying it for me. Not much to lose.

>preordered on Amazon
>package arrives Friday
>I just have to go to Best Buy to pick up BOTW

Feels good man

No it just depends on location and how much business the store dose. Like my local walmart is only going to have three to throw on the shelf but one 45min away (in a more prosperous area) is getting 10.

My bday is the tenth and I'll have enough Best Buy credit to buy it then. Will I be fucked pretty much?

I didn't pre-order a Wii U but managed to walk into a store and buy one within a week. You'll probably be fine.

Nobody bought a fucking Wii U ever my friend.

Some people did...

I dunno, Switch seems to have gotten more of a marketing push than Wii U, but it shouldn't be impossible to get.

Wii U was nowhere near as hyped or marketed like this.

How often do stores get new shipping?

I'm just gonna get to walmart 15 minutes before midnight like I have done for the past 15 years when something new is being released. I'll be one of the three people who bothered going to the location because it's so undesirable, and then when I'm driving home with my switch at 12:05 I'll look over at gamestop where there are still 200 people waiting in line.

can't there easily be 50 people waiting?

Drive by the gamestop and taunt them with your switch box.

Nigger mode, fill it with a few jars of Ragu sauce, sell it to someone in line & take off.

user I waited in line for the Wii years ago and there weren't that many people. Same target too.

I tried doing this for Pokemon X/Y and got some old lady who had no idea what any of us were asking her about. She ended up telling the crowd to come back in the morning. While everybody was busy getting pissed at her I ran out and snagged a copy at the gamestop across the parking lot.

Be careful with Wal Marts.

>nd then when I'm driving home with my switch at 12:05 I'll look over at gamestop where there are still 200 people waiting in line.

Half of which are wearing deodorant and even less have bathed.

I honestly dont know what this picture is pointing out

Part of a bridge.

Meh, I've done the same thing for all major console releases for longer than I can remember.

cool. my local target is same story, so I plan on heading over before work. fingers crossed

Depends where you live really

Is that the TD Garden?

I mean, there COULD; but they could also spontaneously sell out all two hundred WiiUs they have in stock because of the New Zelda. I don't think the demand for a video game console is as severe as you think.

So I pre-ordered my switch from Gamestop, what's the right way of doing things and still being the first in line?

Will they be closing and re-opening at midnight or will they just not close till everyone has their switches?

If they do stay open do I just go in at around 11:30 and just stand about?

Finalize your receipt at 6, then show up at around 11:30 and you should be fine.

>Finalize your receipt at 6
as in finish paying for the switch?

>What color do you want?
>What games are you getting with it?
Zelda, Bomberman, and Fast RMX
>What city are you in?
Beltsville, MD
>What are you bringing?
Phone, wallet, portable power bank, lawn chair
>What time are you showing up?
I'm fucking scared, so I'll scout the area around 6 to see what's up

Did yours ship? I've been waiting all day for the shipping notification and still fucking nothing at 11:34 PM. I wouldn't be so impatient if it wasn't for the fact I have a road trip this weekend and it's the literal perfect time to have a Switch

Im going to go sit outside the local gamestop at 4pm to try and get one

wish me luck ladz

>What color do you want?
doesn't matter
>What games are you getting with it?
zelda, snipper clippers, arms when it's released
>What city are you in?
Bel Air, MD
>What are you bringing?
3ds for the street pass, phone, wallet
>What time are you showing up?

now you have to hook up

There's a big difference between gen 1 and gen 2 maxwell, which the switch will have.

I can pre-order in full, and I'm on Gamestop's waiting list and have been since the 1st week, but haven't gotten any calls yet obviously. Since I can pay in full, and I'm also picking up BOTW Zelda amiibo, if I go tomorrow at 4-6 pm and explain I was on the list, do you think I'd be able to secure one and take it home before midnight even if I haven't been able to pre-order? The guys seem to recognize me there as a returning buyer so I wonder if that'd increase my chances. I can't wait at midnight so I'm worried I'll miss out.

>didn't have the cash for one
>tell myself I don't want one
>tax return shows up

Shit senpai, I need one. Anyone without a preorder having luck finding one? Looks like best buy is the place to go from what I'm reading.

Didn't they say it was going to be a underpower Nvdia shied since it was only know as the NX?

>People are this excited for a console with no games at launch
>And no 3rd party support

Breaking street date is bad.

At least they have Indies, just like PC

Damn. Do you think they'd hold one past midnight instead if I paid it off in full right there?

Got neon
Zelda and Bomb Man
Waterloo, ON
My pre-order receipt

>hellish 1984 part of the world
>new york

makes sense.

That pic is so fucking shopped it isn't even funny

Maybe if you were pointing out the Golden Gate, or the Brooklyn bridge, or even some of the bridges in LA, which are invariably in movies all the time, but some shit bridge in a bullshit town like Boston?

Fuck right off

Sold my Amazon pre-order for $393
>What color do you want?
Doesn't matter, I'm gonna get random skin then wait for a custom SNES/Famicom skin
>What games are you getting with it?
Nothing, I just collect
>What city are you in?
>What are you bringing?
My black ass
>What time are you showing up?
After work, around 8:30

im not going to listen to NPR, just give a summary.

it's 100% Maxwell, there was a leak in February. pic related.

Shield TV is also gen2 Maxwell, GPU codes are GM20B in the TV vs GM20X in the Switch

it's a 256-core 2nd gen Maxwell