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Yes nintendo, apologize

The cycle has been broken. SS is still bad.


No fuck that game

I always liked it, i don't know why people hate SS its because of the wagglan and they get tired after 1 hour of wagglan or something?


My one and only issue with it myself was the length. I loved the gameplay, but I needed to "prove myself" one time too many.

I genuinely believe this.

I don't think SS has any redeeming qualities.

>Traverse the same 3 areas the entire game
>"Flying" is just A-B traversal
>1-1 sword motion is bullshit, and doesn't work, frequently desynching.
>"You can't swing wildy to win"
I literally spazzed out my controller and beat ghiraheim every time and demise the same way. After watching my buddy try to be super precise.

fuck all locations, maximum backtracking, goddess tear collecting made exponentially worse, shitty bosses, and the shittest boss of all you have to fight five times throughout the game

>Tear collecting

Oh yes, i didn't liked that.

No, it's still trash.

You will be ashamed of your words and deeds.

>I don't think SS has any redeeming qualities.

Cutie Zelda.

Why? Is Breath of the Wild bad?

>Breast of the child

Only thing I don't really like about BotW is the soundtrack, which is surprisingly fucking bad by any video game standards.

>bet of the gimel

+The story is interesting at the very start and very end
+Rupees are actually useful
+Some actual original boss fights instead of three hit dead
+Ghirahim is pretty entertaining as a villain
+Can move around while aiming
+The sword really did what you want once you got the hang of it

-The story is completely uninteresting most of the game
-Some boss fights were just terrible
-Have to recenter all the time
-It feels more like you need to get used to the motion control flaws instead of it actually being 1:1
-Fi is just shit. She tells you that the direction you need to proceed is through this locked door, in the final fucking dungeon
-Text boxes are slow as balls even when holding down A and there is more useless shit being said than ever
-Demise had one too many encounters at the Sealed Grounds
-Most of the items were shit
-Had to stop and use an item wheel to change the weapon every time
-Too much filler like those stupid airlifting robot moments and under water Banjo Kazooie



the sealed grounds marshmallow toe fights were pretty tedious i guess. those fights were like 40 seconds of running, getting stepped on, whacking his head, then another 40 seconds of running and doing this 3 times.

way too much running and downtime.

rest of the game is 9/10 thouh

Really didn't need that "lol I have arms now" fight. It added nothing. Only needed the first and last one where he flies.

I'm still amazed some people say SS is good, i can't remember much about the game except for Groose, Girahim and all the 2D objects in the game masked with cellshading

Also, its another game that tries to be Ocarina of Time and fails at it

There's no cel-shading in SS.

I didn't know I'd miss dungeons like the ones in that game until I lost it with this new Zelda: Bad Breath.

I'm sorry, Skyward Sword. You had some problems, but I shouldn't have asked for a Zelda to stray so far from the formula.

Nope. Cycle continues and you can't stop it. I fucking loved Skyward Sword. Best dungeons of any 3D Zelda by far.

Breath of the Wild is probably the worst Nintendo game ever made and the worst "Zelda" game by a long shot.

There has been an extremely noticable downward trend ever since they wrapped up Skyward Sword.

We got Wind Waker HD, aka literally why when the original already had a timeless graphical style
We got A Link Between Worlds, aka basically remade AlttP with 3D graphics, but didn't actually make it a 3D zelda game so what was even the point
We got Twilight Princess HD, a bad game that still looks like garbage even with "hd" textures and already has a much better free "HD" texture mod for emulation on PC that adds graphical effects to boot, aka yet another "why waste time with this"
We got Triforce Heroes, which until Breath of the Wild, seemed to be the worst game ever designed by Nintendo and easily the worst Zelda game, yet even despite it's horrid design flaws at least there was the silly musical ball in the waiting lobby that reminded you of how great other games in the series have been with a great selection of some of the best songs in the franchise

Then we get Breath of the Wild - a game that may as well not even have music for what is there is elevator-music levels of ambient and forgettable, a game that shits on every other Zelda game by implying a green tunic green hat link is "old" or otherwise "bad"; by implying "getting hearts from bushes" was "for kids" and only [real mature gamers such as myself] would rather hunt and kill harmless wildlife for food or spend half an hour collecting fruit and mushrooms; by implying "good music" is some kind of meme and NATURE SOUNDS N SHIT is where the money is; by implying Dark Souls 2 was the best Soulsborne game; and generally being a fucking empty boring game to play cause the world is one huge dungeon and the shrines are the puzzle rooms of this dungeon.

There never was a cycle in the first place. Zelda games have just been getting worse and worse.

>Best dungeons of any 3D Zelda by far.
Absolutely not, even its predecessor did way better. I finally beat SS last month after years of having dropped it and then went to replay TP after ten years and it was way better in that regard. SS dungeons are weak and I can honestly only name Ancient Cistern as the one that stood out in any way. And with that said, SS had some kick ass bosses, not just Koloktos. Some shit ones too, but overall better than TP which was just basically just doing the boss's gimmick three times, then another gimmick another three times. But I just don't think the dungeons themselves were the high point.

>tries to be Ocarina of Time
That would require somehow deleting all previous 3D Zelda games from existence and history so the new one would actually be the first 3D Zelda game people play. Also make it so that the people playing it will have memories of it as if they had played it in their childhood. Because that's what makes OoT so great in people's minds. Pure unadultered nostalgia, and I say this as someone who loves the game.

It was good and revolutionary 20 years ago, and you can't do that again because the context will never happen again.

new pasta?

sorry you're shitty game

>Zelda games have just been getting worse and worse
Wouldn't that support the existence of a cycle?

Looks like it.

Skyward Sword is my all-time favorite Zelda game. I have a hard time understanding the hate. Gameplay and dungeons are amazing.

Wii was such a shitty system

Man, it's a 7/10, but favorite Zelda?

I can't take you seriously if you are actually defending the dungeons in TP. They were samey and boring. And the item from each one essentially becomes useless outside of their respective dungeons. Worst dungeons in main Zelda games.


And thus, the Zelda cycle continues. This once again proves that the Zelda franchise was never good.

Sorry :(

Or that it's always good. Didn't think of that huh?

If you want to copy and paste it sure, i don't mind.

Breath of the Wild is a very shallow game. Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.

>And the item from each one essentially becomes useless outside of their respective dungeons.
Gust bellows, whip, digging mitts, all useless. The spinner and the statue rod were useless, but that's about it. I'd say if I'm being generous, they both had equally useless items outside the dungeons.

You're 2 days early to start the Cycle. Come back later.

it's always good, not great. like megaman.

never, SS was shite

Also, SS dungeons were samey. I felt like there were two fire dungeons and two sand dungeons. The mines and the sandship both using that time crystal gimmick, too.

Oh hey it's that Peta faggot. How triggered are you that you can kill wolves in the wild and they drop meat?

All the Skyward Sword dungeon items are useful for attaining items in the overworld out of their dungeons. And sometimes they can be upgraded and used for a new purpose later in the game like the digging mitts.

>tp dungeons

seriously? I liked how they were more open and varied. can't remember a single one in lttp.

>you have to be a part of peta to think the food system in breath of the wild is retarded

This. Total slog of a game with some of the worst dungeons and bosses in the series.

Even the items I consider to be the most "useless" in TP like the spinner and the rod still yield you more items in the overworld than a lot of the SS items. Items don't get really get upgraded in TP, but they gain another purpose sometimes, like how the iron boots are for magnetizing to walls in Goron mines, walking underwater in Lakebed temple, and stopping yourself from getting pushed off platforms in City in the Sky.

Absolutely this. One of the few instances where cut content would have been welcome in a Zelda game.

I get the impression the zelda fanbase doesn't really even like the games as much as they claim they do.

In all honesty, most fans of the series only truly love one or two entries. For me it's Wind Waker and A Link to the Past. I enjoyed a lot of the others of course but those are the only two that I can replay anytime.

He's responding to me and I do still like SS, I just think that the dungeons were the absolute weakest part of the game. I don't even hate a Zelda game that I've played. To me, being a weak Zelda game still means it's a good game.

ALttP: 9/10
OoT: 9/10
MM: 8/10
TP: 8/10
LA: 8/10
SS: 7/10

I never completed LoZ or Wind Waker so won't rate those.

I really liked the motion controls. I've never had the same feel of control in any game I've ever played. I feel like there's a lot that could have been improved, but the motion control was something I always wanted out of a Zelda game. Felt amazing swinging that sword around.

If they put the controls in a better Zelda game, I would probably like it more. Nothing else about SS impressed me much. The gameplay just feels too good though. I wish they didn't abandon it.

Also, fuck Twilight Princess for pretending that the motion controls actually meant anything in game during their advertising campaign.

You know, I actually agree with what you've said in your posts, but I still don't think those facts make it the best Zelda game. I at times loved the motion controls, bat at times wish it was a different type of combat.

funny how your post actually more logically applies to BotW than SS.

i guess that's what you get for not trying.

You dont have to prove yourself multiple times in this game, every dungeon is relevant to the story.

what's your ideal zelda?

I've always wanted a fully open Hyrule Field ever since the genre started to get popular beyond GTA. Zelda has always been open world in a sense, and it only made sense it adopted the style. But I still wanted all that and lots of great dungeons. BOTW probably lacks in that department, but I'll probably still enjoy it.

How do I play this on Dolphin without a Wiimote?

Skyward sword was a failed tech demo for motion controls - the movement, puzzles and combat were all gimmicky trash. Even after adding the "motion plus" feature the controllers were inaccurate, unreliable and needed constant re-calibration.

Remember all 2 games for the N64 that used the shitty d-pad side of the controller? That was every game for the Wii and skyward sword is going to be just as irrelevant when they re-make it in HD for the switch.

The story was so promising and I loved the art style but Nintendo's thirst to be the industry's beta testers doomed another franchise. Starfox and Kirby got the same treatment on the WiiU and the switch will probably do the same to others.

Pretty sure he's talking about the late game shit like the godawful tadtone collecting. That absolutely should have been left on the cutting room floor.

I actually really enjoyed the motion controls. It was the repetition that made me never want to go through it again. Too many silent realm segments and too many Demise fights. Too much late game padding when the story should have been wrapping up.

>Ideal Zelda

Unfortunately it's too far gone at this point. If I started rattling off things, they'd just be basic development aspects and technical stuff, which is evident to how pathetic EAD/EPD is.

What defines Zelda? Shitty combat, shitty puzzles, shitty dungeons? Just make the staples better, or stop making them. It's worth noting the series does not do Gameplay, Graphics or Story (I.E. the 3 major aspects besides programming) well at all. There is nothing redeeming about the Combat, enemies and bossed are not satisfying to kill. The Graphics have always been a let down, and now they're just blatantly lying about them now, and the Story is the same thing every time, not that it would change anything if they wrote a new plot because Nintendo doesn't employ proper writers, but at least it might add an air of mystery.

You may as well ask "What is your ideal game", and there are a dozen different and better examples in the genre than Legend of Zelda.

I blame Iwata.

Twilight Princess was the failed tech demo for motion controls.

Skyward Sword's combat was perfect and basically an entire Zelda game based on the lightsaber duel of Starwars Arcade which is probably one of the most iconic and oft revisited and requested concepts from that game.

It wasn't finnicky at all. It worked absolutely fine. 9 directional attacks and enemies blocking directionally added much needed challenge and flavor to the combat while still being virtually unique since no other game has been doing directional combat like this.

Way better than breath of the wild's shit gameplay which doesn't even complex faux-directional attacks like OoT did.

Stop trying to force the Zelda cycle to happen. The new game hasn't even officially come out yet.

If it will happen, it will happen naturally, slowly and over the course of a couple months.

Skyward Sword is going to remain pretty divisive due to the motion controls and lack of really memorable moments for a lot of people. I'd say Wind Waker is the one that was most vindicated by history.

>It wasn't finnicky at all.


>surely this random video represents everyone's experience!


stopped it right then and there.

Yea i dunnk what the fags problem was . Never had the motion controls fail on me like this.

>I've adjusted my sensor bar

Giant retard alert, SS doesn't use the sensor bar at any point.



her in game model looks like shit which is fucked up because TP zelda was nearly perfect

You need to hit a switch for a 3rd eye, nice bait though.

Bet you anything he threw his wiimote against the wall one too many times cause he didnt wear the wrist strap, on top of skipping the calibration at startup.

You don't need the wrist strap for SS, you only need to use the remote gently. I didn't need it. But you're probably right, he fucked it up. I bet he threw it at the wall out of frustration and hurt the controller because he sucks at Zelda too. For example even though his motion controls suck there, he is actually doing the puzzle wrong anyway. That puzzle has three eyes you need to get dizzy by standing on top of a block, the third eye is still closed.





Real talk: was I supposed to not have figured out the twist that the old lady was Impa? I figured it out as soon as the Door of Time appeared.

its hard to think of nice things to say about this game, but I'll try
>environments are sometimes really nice looking
>the new plant race is cute
>groose and his theme are good

that's about it.Gameplay wise there is nothing redeemable about it even TP at least had Arbiter Grounds. I was actually expecting SS to be better just because visually it looked better and I thought it would at least have more enjoyable parts than TP, but nope I expected shit and I got even worse shit somehow.

I didn't know until right when it was revealed. Maybe I'm just retarded though.

Her long strand of hair is a big tip off, as well as her never revealing her name.

I was still too retarded, I made no connection. I was too busy focusing on her connection to Groose as her robe and his hair looked similar.

why that picture?

No, it's shit.

There hasn't been a good Zelda game since TP you stupid fucking autists.

Why? BotW being shit doesn't automatically make SS good, you know.


What shit taste

>What shit taste
>coming from someone who things TP is shit

Doesn't make much sense, but whatever.

TP was shit you homo

TP wasn't as bad as SS, but it was still pretty damn bad

No, SS is still the worst Zelda game I've ever played.

Eh, Twilight Princess has plenty of defenders and I'm one of them. It was a traditional Zelda game with a good supporting cast and a dark fantasy look and feel. Some parts were a slog but overall I was satisfied at the end. With Skyward Sword I was just glad to be done and over with it.

After 15 hours of BotW
SS is the better game


>Worst dungeons in main Zelda games

I see you've never played Wind Waker.