Any opinions on this fellow?

Any opinions on this fellow?

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This nigga be stealing yo girl. Watch out

Mulatto as fuck

need pics of boipussy first

could have been canadian.

Old beefaroni hair havin' ass.

Shut up Woolie

I feel like they wanted him to be American first but didn't want to draw any sort of parallels to race relations in the US to avoid looking like a bunch of BLM cucks (Blizzard generally doesn't take hard line political stances, messes with business) so they went with Brazil instead. Which would be okay if he spoke any Portuguese or had an accent like other characters do.

Extreamly boring to play as.

>no one has made healing fun yet.

it's amazing really.
you can say "oh but it's fun to play these healers" but it's not fun to actually heal.

I mean really, why is there no mini game for healing out there. Or like some sort of skill related to it?

it's always this passive thing or just a button you press down. Ana is KIND of involved, but her heal feels boring and unsatisfying

Personally I think the problem is that there is no good feedback with healing. Feed back in shooter games is usually a dead enemy with a death sound some blood and an animation. all that crap.
With ana you get a heal particle and a sound effect saying "good job you hit em"

you need more.

but yeah lucio is alright.

This guy's got some of the best lines



>run around the zone hoping your team will do something
>occasionally annoy the enemey team with your baps

He's bretty cool
It's nice to play support AND have fun

Somehow manages to be both fun and boring at the same time.

Its a strange feeling.

Good voice lines.
Lots of fun to play as once you get good at wallriding.
Primary fire is retarded, but alt fire is great.

sounds like you just have a short attention span and that you need bells and whistles to make yourself feel good

The most fun support class. The pushback is gimmicky but fun.

Lucio is only fun on KOTL maps and environmental hazard maps, and yes i know there's overlap between the two but 2CP has pitfalls

Real OG nigga who is out to do nothing but good.

Also he's best healer and fun as fuck to play, especially for stomping Widow shitters who can't aim

>that you need bells and whistles to make yourself feel good
>you need fun things to have a fun time

i'm sorry but yes?
No I don't enjoy pressing buttons to see a number go up user. I want sustenance.
I want to do something instead of just hitting that same button.

>That's how you get tinnitus!
>You gotta believe!

even enemy lucios are fun to play against

It's frustrating that most of what you do is just be near your team. You have a gun but it doesn't really do anything unless you have a ledge you can shove them off, and a good third of the roster can ignore you when you do that. Playing any other character after playing him feels extremely slow and boring, but playing as him makes me feel like I have no ability to affect change on the match.

You're playing him wrong. Lucio works best as a secondary healer to Ana or Mercy. I use him a bit like a vertical Tracer: jump in from above, boop to disrupt the enemy team, then run the fuck out while your team deals with the scattered enemy team. Heal, rinse, repeat.

His hair reminds me more of that one picture where that scat fetishist filled condoms with shit

Every time I see Lucio's hair up close all I can see are those turd condoms

>entire team has full health
>Lucio still has heals on and not speed
Fun fact: Combat speed (and amped speed too) is a rarely used skill that has a lot of use.
Also I play on console so I deal with a lot of stupid shit players do

>that scoped zoom of lucio incoming with the beat drop

Gets me every time.


Jet Set Negro is my main

>STILL no Lucio music video

the guy is fucking made for this shit come ON blizzard

I even heard rumours the devs hired a house EDM band to make a tie-in album

Shit, i remember that. Someone post it.

Rank the following healers


his speed boost is one of the most valuable abilities in the game, sadly people under masters dont seem to realize this.

positioning is so vital in team fights and speed boost gives that advantage

>tfw spend an entire match riding the well


hey i know him, thats lucio!

>but playing as him makes me feel like I have no ability to affect change on the match.
Well, it just means that you Lucio does not fit your style, just play something else and have fun.



1. Ana
Who gives a fuck? Everyone else

But then I'm slow and can't ride walls and that's even less fun. I want to shoot people while also playing Jet Set Radio and have it feel like my shots matter.

stop fucking moving



mercy is actually pretty fun to fly around with.

getting headshots with discords as zenyatta is bliss tho. feel like a typewriter of death.

You have to choose either one or git gud enough to be able to do both.

I can't make the shots do more damage by being better at the game, aiming isn't a problem on the move. Half the roster has hitboxes that fill my entire screen, how can you miss? When I'm hitting multiple entire volleys of headshots and non-tank classes don't die, that's not fun at all.

Bland reboot looking nigga, so bland he gets no fanart.

Boop individual enemies into your team so they can delete them.

In terms of usefulness

Reverse it for in terms of fun

I try to play him but fucking sucks when everyone is trying to have their own little 1v3 people duels in the middle of bumfuck nowhere so his benefits compared to his play style killed it for me.

It also killed my placement ranked matches, have to climb out of 780

Lets drop the beat! > Oh let's break it down!

He got lost on his way to battleborn and ended up in overwatch.


>climb out of 780
You dont climb out of that.
You drop the game and never return


Holy shit, how?

>is Brazilian
>has Portuguese name
>doesn't have a Brazilian accent or speak a single word of Portuguese
Seu buceta

Plan is to go phar, should be good to at least get out of the fucking pit.


You should stream, your games sound like they would be fun as fuck to watch.

>Jumping around payload as enemy team keeps trying to kill me
>Hit me!Hit me! Hit me!

Nig youre in hell.
What the fuck are you gonna do, vlimb to 1k?
You're still so deep in the shitters that it doesn't matter

7 lost matches, one tied. I don't know how placement matches work but holy fuck did I got placed with shitty players. First time though I had to deal with 14 year olds reeing.

Reminded me too much of my nephew.

needs a slight healing buff or increase of his healing aoe

Don't fucking tell me this.... If they are bad, im sure phar can carry a bad team?

Fuck no.

You're too far gone.

I'm sorry.

I was thinking of it, just for the massive salt it has produced so far.

Thats not how the game works user.

In terms of what I like to play


In terms of what I think might be the most beneficial, Lucio or Ana, followed by Zen and Mercy

fun as all fuck to run around harassing the enemy team and being hard to hit as well as making a difference for your team winning when we should not have
t. dspstanky wannabe

how difficult is it to carry a bad team in this game?

>tfw haven't played the new update to see what the Mercy buff is like in action

Ana is fun but faggot DPS keep complain they can't face roll over defenseless support and tank and won't stop complaining until tanks and supports can only tickle you with a feather duster

Pharah does have a good carrying capacity, but you have to be really good to carry a team as a pharah. It's a lot harder to carry in overwatch than it is in TF2.

>last in usefulness

>useful at all


Highly depends on the other team, against a shitty/unorganized team it's possible to carry, against even a somewhat organized team it can be difficult because they can just counter you. Depends on the degree of bad of your team as well.

That is one dedicated healslut.

Most fun:

Ana and Zen

Most useful:

Ana and Lucio

Mercy is only fun for dmg boostin bastions or flying with pharahs

near impossible.

>same hours as rein
Please be my healslut so we can steam roll scrubs. Most matches are a win with butt fuck retarded randoms, anytime i get a mercy or ana on me and its just an outright blowout.

I just like playing Mercy, not in it for that stupid healslut shit. She's pretty much the medic from TF2 and I have over 1000 hours in medic alone.


Ranked on how much fun I have with them

Maybe in fucking High skilled tournaments yeah.
But everyone who isnt top 500 gets shuffled under this

I already have a friend I play with who's much better than me at the game.

she is a lot more boring than medic because you don't have to surf or dodge with movement skill much, just guardian angel


But Lucio is extremely important especially in modes like Koth and offense, his speed boost can make a huge difference when it comes to pushes and just overall fighting.

I disagree, I like the aspect of being able to be very mobile, I've been in many situations where I'm darting back and forth between people barely staying alive and keeping the team alive. I've had some really intense games as Mercy, I've had some intense games as vaccinator medic, but usually only when me and my pocket are highly outnumbered.

But does have a big hammer between his knees and 78 hours of rein?
In all seriousness, most of my friends are tanks or DPS players, i need more healers. Whenever me and my one healer friend get together we dominate. rein + ana are a good combo, mercy isnt bad either but has a more limited kit

Why do you play this game?
Why do you do it?
Why boot up?
Why keep playing?

Why, Mr. user? WHY DO YOU PERSIST?

ana is best because shes overpowered. solid damage output, can heal a single character faster than any other, put any enemy to sleep for a bit, and a nonsense grenade that heals you and anyone else. even post nerf she's still the best

zen is second, because hes almost impossible to play well for a player who's just joined OW. healing is meh, but when you can take down a tank in three or four shots with a discord orb, that is unbelievable power.

mercy is third. shes great at healing, and resurrection is incredibly powerful. but the damage buff is almost un noticeable, and she can only do one thing at a time. granted, shes good at both of those things (healing or shooting) but she needs time to switch off between

lucio is the worst. he's the most fun to play, his wall run is unparalleled with any character's movement. healing a group within range is pretty good, and his ult can change the tide of a game in seconds. but hes the worst because his shitty little fart gun that shoots slow projectiles in a burst for meaningless damage is absolutely a dealbreaker. he might as well not even have a gun at all

Honestly I don't really play much Overwatch these days as is, too busy with class most of the time. Hell just barely managed to do my placements before the season ended because my friend wasn't as busy with work. My friend typically plays Pharah and he does a damn good job at it, also a good Zarya.

Might be better to solo as soldier with his toolkit.

Hes good user.
Not at normal player levels.
I'm not saying hes bad user.

the only character that is half good at carrying is roadhog. even then you're still going to need some backup famalam. you got a healer friend who can get into the shit rank with you?

I just rewatched the trilogy yesterday and Weaving is by far the best part of those films

Even in normal quickplay I'd argue he's still very useful, able to put out decent AoE healing and assist with damage.


No one that would be interested in buying this game and im not going to spend money to buy them the game.

I wanna fuck this kawai nigga

I tried to main Lucio, but every time I suck complete ass as him, so I'm forced to go Mercy to feel like I'm actually useful.

What are some tips to get good with him? I try using speed boost to help my team push or escape, but I feel like no matter how hard I try, they always die too often.

He's okay, visually and character. I personally can't play him or any supports well yet, still lower than level 10 but I usually play anyway, nobody else really does and it'll probably be good to know how to play a support character.


Can't tell if he's a manlet or not.