Other urls found in this thread:

>I have no idea how stocks work

Im a broker, nintendo is going bankrupt before end of the year, mark my words

If I knew how to buy Nip stocks I'd be investing in them right now because if history is any judge that price is going to go back up after the Switch launch.

>1 month
how desperate have shitposters become

Yeah, that's how finance work retard. It will go up, down and then back up again.

Im a broker, nintendo is going to own 172% of the earth's total wealth before end of year, mark my words

It's fucking happening lads.

My dad works for Nintendo and he's absolutely bricking it right now

That stock line almost looks like...

bing bing 1-up! wahooo!

i am a hedge fund manager, nintendo will double by the end of the year

Just imagine Nintendo had to go to the bathroom last September and is still in here, trying to make a massive shit.

Also lunch break soon.

It's not rocket science, but you will need to meet a minimum amount to invest.

It's finally... Over....

>Stock people are so retarded they think Nintendo owns Pokemon GO .png

>nintendo makes a fraction of the Wii sales during the WiiU era
what does it mean?

>Nintendo's biggest revenue year was 1998
Was Pokemon really that fucking big?

>it's another "Sup Forums thinks they know business" episode

>posting stocks in JPY
oh wow user, stock dropped

>Was Pokemon really that fucking big?

>b-but it's just normal stock drops!!!

Tomorrow is LITERALLY suppose to be the biggest day for Nintendo in 5 years. The fact investors don't give a shit proves the Switch failed

This is it, Nintendo will be bankrupt before 2019 and Sony will end up buying all the Nintendo ips
Tfw we ended up in the best timeline

He's asking for a reason, you nigger.


>Stock dropped just $3
Is a three dollar drop in stocks really that bad?

Shut up undera-
>1999 was 18 years ago

Yes, yes it was that big.

>These fucking mental gymnastics

Sony can't afford Nintendo

Fuck off this is the beginning of the end, the N will soon be gone

How underage are you?

not just Pokemon but yes Pokemon was huge

It means they had less money in 1996, and survived fine, than they did in 2016.

It wasn't just big, it was a fucking storm that overtook the world, not just a nation.

That is a fuckin all-star list right there. What a year.

Not now, but soon

That list holy crap
Difficult to find a bad game

Sun and Moon is a blunder? ....

I'm getting tired of Sup Forums.

Never ever

People born in 1999 are allowed to post here now user.

I was 10 years old. I was a D&D nerd already and Played bg for the entirety of christmas holidays. Except when i visited my cousin, then it was 100% Zelda. Reached Fire temple with him, shit was dope as fuck

Nintendo has been "dying" for 20+ years now

>118 results

Jesus Christ that is legit autism, this is why we need eugenics.

I'm a wall street employee

Nintendo is finished

>1 day

god you NEETs are fucking stupid

Go to /biz/ and learn some shit

When you only own 1 console what can you expect? Gotta do something during the droughts of games.

it's shit

Found the drone

>People buy and sell imaginary money based on how much they think that company is actually worth at the time

Nintendo is signing over rights to sony as we speak, pic related its me

My dad works at Nintendo. You can't fool me.

cool story bro, lets see how many shares you are shorting

why get that when you can get a pc


I'm a broker
pls gib mone

It was a fucking cultural phenomenon the likes we haven't seen since.

I feel sorry for kids today desu.

The same biz that unironically told people to 'invest' all their money by betting Hillary would win the election? K

When we're all dead

Why get a pc when you can get an Xbox One?

a what?

>Sup Forums tries to talk stalks
i've never seen anything more autistic to fight about on this site in a long while until now



it was EVERYWHERE. even fucking places like burger king set up days each week for kids to come in and trade cards. everyone had their hands in the pie, I don't think there's been anything to that extent since.


>calling others autistic

brb going to throw away my phone
is this what i get for phone posting?


>tfw I lost my gold Pokemon cards

God I miss collecting those.

You couldn't go anywhere without Pokemon something or other being mentioned or merchandised at you.

This is why I laugh when kids act like having 4-5 good games in a year is some BEST YEAR EVER for gaming. They don't know the feeling of having great to masterpiece level games releasing multiple times a MONTH

Nice autocorrect bro

Been playing too much animal crossing huh buddy

it gets memed around but 1998 was arguably the best year ever for gaming with the amount of classics released. only 2004 comes close.

>down 1%

Celery is God tier.

you mean 2007


>year ends with sonic adventure
Can we blame Sega for the current state of the industry?

nope. 2007 is when it started going to shit.

fine i won't mobile post again. I just wanted to use this site while I was on the crapper. fml

2008 was downhill. 2007 was great.

I don't know if you are young like 18 or something so you weren't there, but let me explain as someone who was there. There have been no video games in the past 20 years to hit the reach and impact of the first Pokemon games. These games were so highly distributed and marketed, literally ANY product which could be sold to children in any capacity attached themselves to it.

I still have my charizard

Not really, its more of the branding aspect of it. Pokemon is essentially Nintendo, and if a mobile game takes over the whole world in unprecedented hype, that sure as hell is worth some value.

Thw thing with markets is that the expectation of Switch sales effect on Ninty financials have already been taken into account in its current pricing, way back when Switch was announced and additional details revealed. Most likely the recent drop on the stock is due to the low reviews the console has been getting.

Once the Switch drops tomorrow dont expect any significant movement in the price, but once the final reviews start rolling in and after a few months of sales data is revealed only then will there be significant movement in the price.

time to invest the stock market
nintendo with its drops and rises can net some easy money

im form nintendo, nintendo is finished guy

Can you post 1 year, 5 years or Max so we have a better idea of the overall stock value?

nintendo is bouncing back. You are a retard if you don't jump on this train,

>Mom goes bankrupt, don't live with her
>Go visit her after a couple weeks after she declared back in 2001.
>My sega, my N64, all pokemon cards/collectibles, and EVERYTHING else I own, including my fucking clothes is GONE
>What wasn't sold or pawned she gave away to Chinese kids
To this day she wonders why I never leave a single thing with her. Every Christmas after that and birthday I took every gift back to my Father's ASAP. Once I even used my birthday monday to take a cab there when I knew she was at work to go take stuff back.
Cherish it man

My girlfriend made me watch Pitch Perfect

Nintendo is LITERALLY the next SEGA

Mr. Dow Jones here, Nintendo will quadruple their stock value in FY18.

Didn't Sega's president take out 50 million dollarydoos to keep sega from going bankrupt after the Dreamcast failed? And then died?

literal autism


not defending nintendo, but stocks always go down right before a big launch. that's just the play-it-safe investors pulling out just incase the switch bombs. they'll immediately buy back in if the switch looks decent and the price will skyrocket.

or it will continue to plummet.


Maybe legally, but I forbid any 90s shitter to post on my board.

What the actual fuck am I reading?

See 2012 and 2014 are the only years that Nintendo has not made a profit. Even then, the total income and loss during the Wii U era comes out to a net 2 billion yen loss, which the Switch launch will more than likely make up.

sega didn't have 9 billion usd in cash and no debt