Daily reminder that this game is going to flop harder than No Man's Sky

Daily reminder that this game is going to flop harder than No Man's Sky.

Probably not

4U maybe

i don't think so tim

Definitely not going to flop unless its buggy as fuck. If they deliver the game at the state they've been advertising it, it'll be a cute game that's way too easy, people will politely say its OK and everyone will forget about it in a few months.

I just got my River City Ransom Kickstarter game and its exactly as advertised, but the movelists are so vague and bugged and the story progression is very unclear.

But god damn the fighting is spot on what I wanted.

I want this game to do well but it looks pretty mediocre from the gameplay we've seen. At the very least the music will be great with David Wise and Grant Kirkhope working on it.

>harder than No Man's Sky
That's not difficult considering NMS was an economic success (read, the only part of a game's results that matter.)
I'm going to enjoy it irrelevant of what others thing tho.

Why is it so hyped? I thought 3d platformers died with the n64.


it looks okay.

Yeah, I dont get it either. They should have made a racing game or something, would have been more modern and cooler too.

It might not sell as well as modern shooters and all that other crap, they are only targeting the old gamers that grew up with platform games.

People keep thinking about how much fun they had playing Banjo and are thinking its going to translate into a new experience molded to be exactly the same.

They don't realize how incredibly fucking easy and eventually boring its going to be.

I didn't get in on the Kickstarter, but if you were someone who did and believes you wasted your money, look around the threads for me around the beginning of April. Once you get your key I'm willing to buy it. I save money (getting in at backer price) and you get your refund, we both win.

Banjo Kazooie nostalgia. They're targeting an older crowd.

Developers who made acclaimed 3d platformers from that era have come together again to make one on modern systems. A lot of people really miss these types of games.

How can it flop when it was funded by fans?

Are you trying to kill me

Nah. It probably won't be a masterpiece but I'm still getting it.

At first I was hyped as fuck.
The hope stood high until they released the casino gameplay video.
All hopes vanished in a single moment.
Dull, boring areas, bad scale, empty enviroments, bad level design.
just kill me.

All kids want to do is shoot things

Literally no one gives a fuck or has even heard about YL outside of people who want more 3D platformers

NMS had mainstream attention, literally everyone I knew who even remotely played games was talking about it when it came out.

So no it won't flop. It might turn out to be a bad game but there's no way it would turn into another NMS

It probably won't relight the Banjo-spark but it looks nice from what we've seen. Gameplay-wise it just needs more enemies and activity, which modders can handle.

Wake me when it's outright missing everything it advertised and looks like an aborted fetus like NMS.

Eh watch some of the new gameplay footage from other areas it looks decent. Capital Cashino unless they drastically changed does look like shit though

No Man's Sky had an incredibly universal appeal (no pun) and was an easy sell.
This is playing off of nostalgic feelings and has no issue with selling itself as such. A smaller audience will mean a smaller flop, but also could mean a likelier flop as the audience has preconceived ideas about how the game SHOULD be.

What will be interesting is seeing how many people actually enjoyed that old style of game design vs. how many people realise they just wanted to go back in time before they hated their lives so much and lived every day passively suicidal searching for any shred of childlike hope, joy or wonderment that was drained or beaten or stolen from them by, at best, the march of time. If not some actual horrific events in their life.

For what it's worth I think it looks good, though it isn't my style of game and I've no special interest in it.

it's impossible since it is not as hyped as no man's sky

So make a platformer that's actually challenging. Don't make one for babbys, make one for mature adults.

>How can it flop when it was funded by fans?


No man's sky didn't flop thought.

Challenging platformers aren't fun.

Go play parkour minecraft servers or whatever you like, just because it's challenging doesn't make it slightly interesting or enjoyable

Surfing in CS wasn't even popular because of platforming, it was the "go fast" appeal that sold Sonic games for decades

I just want a game that feels like donkey kong 64 without the collecting maybe.

The worlds in Yooka Laylee look barren in comparison to DK64, I will still pick it up though.

Nobody want's to go on a boring long collectathon anymore user, everyone wants to do cool new things like build cars and race them!

>Challenging platformers aren't fun
Says you, fucker.
DKC2 gets pretty rough, especially the secret world, yet it's one of the best platformers.

How many times are you going to post this thread? There's been multiple tech demos and the sandbox demo and people love it, the full game will be just that but more polished

No Man's Sky was probably a financial success even if it sucked dick so I wouldn't call it a flop.

Why is no one talking about the SFX, just listening 10 minutes of gameplay was making me want to kill my self (more than the usual).

>Challenging platformers aren't fun
That's called an opinion user, you're entitled to it, but don't confuse it with fact.

well, it is a KickStarter project.

Shitty jump maps aren't what I mean by challenging. Make the mechanics more complicated. Think Mirror's Edge without red walls and going even further with the movement controls.

But B&K and BT are actually fun, and this is a lot of the same developers. I have high hopes.

Big difference though is even if it does, user...It'll at least have delivered what it promised at a basic level.

>it was the "go fast" appeal that sold Sonic games for decades

I hope it does
It'll mean the fandom wont be awful and cringy

>flop harder than No Man's Sky.

Define "flop". You can't mean monetarily as even after all the refunds No Man's Sky made an insane amount of sales. Yooka Laylee would love that kind of "flop".

The game will be fine, a nod to nostalgia for Banjo Kazooie. Nothing more, nothing less.

probly still made them money

I'm really hyped for it, hope it doesn't, so far seems really good.

the footage shown looked pretty bad. for some reason there's no "notes" replacement, so levels look empty as fuck and overly large.

it'll probably sell better than expected but be a disappointment to old fans

Actually there is a note replacement, the feather pens which you use to buy moves.

Only problem is the levels are still so fuck huge they aren't placed very densely.

>Never show any footage of the WiiU version because it never existed
>Hey guys sorry we aren't going to continue making it on the WiiU
>Make sure to buy it on the Nintendo™™™™™ Switch™™™™™™™™™™
I'm the biggest Banjo Kazooie fag on the planet and I'm giving this a pirate at best. Everything seems frontloaded into the nice grass world, with everything after being big empty tracks of nothing.


>Challenging platformers aren't fun.
Probably because you're fucking terrible at them.

Mario games always felt great to utilize physics and accomplish levels in. Gimmicks and other correctly-implemented features certainly help to boost excitement, but don't always blame your own shortcomings on the games.

they've specifically said they've removed assets from the demo worlds to hide things they don't want people to see early.

and the wii u was a dogshit console, they didn't show any footage because they couldn't get it to run to standard,


>NMS had mainstream attention, literally everyone I knew who even remotely played games was talking about it when it came out.
Seriously how did that happen? It was so weird since seeing some people who weren't even into games really be hyped for that shit and obviously disappointed and upset about it after. I mostly found it weird since it seemed like such a obviously bad game to me that I just ignored it completely

*blocks your path*




I doubt it. Theyre giving everything they said they would. Just what theyre giving isnt what people want or need.

yookah-laylee is literally just banjo-kazooie, but the worlds are 6x bigger and they changed the characters for licensing reasons.

that stupid bee antagonist has grown on me like crazy and the game hasn't even come out yet, his animations have great personality.

the only true flaw of these games is that they increased the world size by 5-6x, but only increased the collectables and enemies by about 2x. you're getting the emptiness effect of tooie but expanded, and with less enemies to make the lack of collectibles less noticeable.