Sengoku Basara

Will we ever see another Sengoku Basara game? did you play the last game? will we get to see Kasuga's ass in 1080p some day?






All I want is a port of sumeragi to PC. Don't bother with a dub, just translate the menu for all I care, and port it.

That would be nice but capcom seems to hate money nowadays.


Seriously why Crapcom doesn't port the rest of the series? I mean the last game we got was vanilla 3

Didn't Yukimura-den just come out last year?

>If you're referring to 3, then yes.
>We won't but Japs will

I want my Dante Masamune DLC costume.

I been importing the games from japan and I dont speak moon rune at all but I still manage to have fun with them.
Did it? last one I played was Basara4

i always wanted to play these games, but they were never translated... shame, they look fun


Yukimura-den just came out last August. and the games are 1080p already on the PS4 versions.

>Yukimura-den just came out last August.
How many playable characters?



so which is the best one? gameplay wise
doubt i would understand the story

I imported it, don't need to read moonrune to understand a thing.
Content wise it's amazing the gameplay isn't that good.


I would be happy with poorly translated digital only releases.
3 was so fucking fun.

time to import again.
>gameplay isn't that good.
That's what I love about Basara the most user but I guess we all have different tastes.

i hate these games but this character design is in the highest echelon of fapping material desu


>you will never be Uesugi Kenshin and plow that every night in Bishamonten's name.

Are we hear just to suffer?

>i hate these games
Why you say that? SB combat is actually different from the other musous, it's not a mashing fest

I just played many games that had better gameplay.
Just because it's a musou doesn't mean it has to play worse than any beat em all

This. People dry hump the ever loving fuck out of Dynasty Warriors when Sengoku Basara trumps the gameplay in every conceivable way.

they're good as far as musou games go, i just don't like the monotonous nature of that kind of game though, and i'm very 50/50 on the character designs. Masamune is a sick character though, wouldn't mind him in MvCi or something

This world is too cruel user.
But you do agree that the game play is better than any dynasty warriors/samurai or any other musou made by koei right?

>hate the bastardization of a lot of the historical figures
>love the waifus and gameplay

6kat is retarded but I love it so mucn

this chick's my favorite character to play as

post yours, anons!

is the combat similar to dmc/ng?

>mfw going from Samurai Heroes to Sumeragi

I fucking love these games.

Magoichi , Oichi and Kasuga for the girls and for the guys I really like Masamune and Yukimura.

Oh yea, it's a lot better than the trash from Omega Force.
I still prefer Kingdom under fire and Ninety nine nights over Sengoku basara though.
That said Basara has local co-op and is awesome just for that


My fucking nigga , I fucking love NNN and Kingdom under fire also.

I want them to make another one of those Kamen Rider musou games including all the Ex Aid niggas and localize it but it will never ever happen :'C

Hopefully they'll actually release KuF 2 this year this time



A new Battride is possible but a localization is not gonna happen.


eh, i'd probably import it anyways

loli needs to come back




>loved playing as her in SB1 and 2
>she'll never come back since most of the fans only want fujobait characters

It's not fair

so when will omega force start ripping off basaras combat so their games will actually be fun to play

I have hope she'll come back someday.

Because nobody wants it outside of fujos.

Fucking Nintendo made her zero suit even sluttier

>"I-I can't hold it in any longer!"


An English Asian version is possible

Bandai has been doing a lot of those lately.