Sup Forums right now

>Sup Forums right now

Japanese bird stirring up trouble

>hey user whats your tattoo mean?

You really shouldn't draw on yourself with sharpies

>it means that im a huge fucking faggot thanks for asking

>that hair

Diamond is Unbreakable reference?

i hate americans so fucking much

me right now :^)


>i actually wanted this shit tattooed on my back like 10+ years ago
dodged a bullet there


Guys, I have a huge boner for the Zelda series but I've always HATED how the full crest looks.

what an unoriginal and meaningless tattoo
i hope this guy dies in a car fire

if that's real that's a waste. Back is prime real-estate in tattoo terms

>thinking any tattoo has meaning
When I was a teenager I wanted a tattoo so bad. Then in college I realized I had yet to see a tattoo that actually looked good. Tattoos are the biggest meme.

This is actually me and my fiancee

Jesus fucking christ that's horrendous. I would never, under any circumstances, get a gaming tattoo.

You know that's really fucked up that "gamers" actually have tattoos like this.

You don't see movie buffs getting Star Wars tattoos, or trekkies getting tattoos of Admiral Ackbar.

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the marines, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like videogames will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.

Please post more horrible tattoos.


Excellent pasta

fellow jarhead here, that's corny as fuck, breh.

Weak bait. Although I actually do have a star wars tattoo as well

yare yare...


It's almost like a new Zelda game is being released.

this is a top tier post

>It's ok to shill like a faggot fanboy.
>It's ok when it's from Nintendo

u are very brave and strong

I've filtered any key words relating to Zelda BotW and have 11 - 16 threads hidden at all times.
Can someone tell me what the greater majority is? Is it love or hate.

definitely love

literally everyone since zelda manage to make the greatest game of history

I'm such a real gamer though jokes aside, I got it as an alternative to a regular heart

Right now Sup Forums is on the brink of removing their Triforce tattoos with the nearest cheesegrater

Not great but at least it only looks like a generic tattoo to people who aren't familiar with the series.

Is it hybridized with the fucking Mexican flag?

Yeah. People just think I'm a dyke thug when they see it. I have another tattoo but it's QotSA

Italian, same colours though


on a shoulder.

should I

are you blonde?

If you like the game, sure.

You have to go back anyway.

Nope, mostly nigress. I have reddish hair.

That's too bad.

wow what a faggot

that's far worse than a heart, holy fuck

okay, that's cool.

I like the tattoo.

tattoos can be meaningful but most teenagers are stupid and get garbage tattoos and mostly cheap stuff

Why do normalfags pretend tattoos have some semblance of meaning? Why do they pretend that they didn't get it for anything other than vanity's sake?

wew this one made me mad quick.

My other one is this


Get out was a decent movie that actually wasn't le black power rasis nonsense I expected it to be

>on Sup Forums

They want to think they understand themselves more than other people around them but they're shallow as puddles and have no real meaning in their lives beyond work > eat > sleep > """go out""" on friday and repeat for the weekend.

Though you could argue that I'm not a girl or even human for that matter. Just a spooky weeb.

>or even human

"Black people are subhuman"
t. Anyone that's not black

I'm black. I think we are subhuman.

Somehow I already hate you.


I'm gone. Have fun (or not, however you are), user

underrated reaction image

That's because I'm black.

T B H chinese characters look cool as a tattoo and are pretty acceptable compared to other shit

What happens when the game is ded in 2 years?

Star wars doesnt count, that was a pop culture milestone

People don't get Green Mile tattoos

Or saving private ryan

not me man I had to cancel my preorder because my sister emotionally blackmailed me into buying her husband one. calls 2 days before its released. ablohoohoo my kids need winter jackets and I cant afford them AGAIN and my credit card is maxed now and we cant afford food. Ok go ahead and get them and let me know how much. called back 3 hours later $370. Fuck I wasnt even going to get the pro controller you selfish cunt. I was even planning on giving them mine after I played zelda and mario because I dont see myself being interested in anything else it had to offer. I'm going to send it to them anyway just to make them feel like turbo whitetrash.

the bants are out of hand tonight.


Same shit happens to literally every other big franchise
Dark souls
Metal gear solid
Fuck off

>having any tattoo
you're a degenerate
>having a gaming tattoo
you've managed to be a degenerate while also being a permavirgin, congratulations!

yare yare daze

>tattoos can be meaningful

No they can't.

No they don't. It makes you look like Philistine and a retard.

Imagine if Asians tattooed English words they don't understand on themselves. Would look pretty fucking stupid, right? Same thing when cumskins tattoo Chinese/Japanese characters.

It's a symbol from a toy company

Oh geeze.... Stop. I cant handle the cringe right now.

implying anyone under 40 doesnt know what a triforce is.

Thank you for your service


normie: whats it mean?
hipsters: its a combination of all the things we love as geeks.
normie: thats gay.

nerd: why did you get a tattoo like that?
hipster: its a combination of all the things we love.
nerd: thats gay.

physical embodiment of why everyone hates hipsters.

Please tell me that both of you are sterile.

kek @ ur posts I get it ;)


Like why you wanna do that? It's fucking stupid don't you see it?

>Imagine if Asians tattooed English words they don't understand on themselves.
They uh.. they do that.

they wear shits like that. they dont permanently alter thier bodies. well I'm sure one or two do.

i hope you enjoy 'faggot' being branded on you cause that's what they actually mean when those guys give you tattoos, I actually have a friend that runs a tattoo parlor and he does that shit.


So you're into masonry?

I got a rad tattoo from one of the best open world games ever created

Pic related

And after BotW coming out i'm going to get another one

here's mine

post tits

How can people be this out of touch

>Top is like a window
>bottom says nah fuck that and has shit flowing out of it in a way that doesn't make sense
Shit tattoo.

>tacky skyrim tattoo

Surprised you didn't get the arrow in the knee one instead.


Your welcome, now suck my fucking cock slutbag.

how can people be this out of time

>getting tattoos or piercings

I haven't seen that posted in years.

Thank you, I'll be getting the arrow in the knee one soon enough.

this is what happens when you dont follow doctors orders.

if I ever wanted to get an anime/vidya tattoo I'd get something small or subtle like the Mark of Torment or the brand of sacrifice

but nah vidya tattoos are dumb as shit

I would like a small tattoo at one point though