Hollow Knight

Poor old Stagbro.

Also, are Essence Trees that you've discovered the ones that show up on your map, or are there just not a lot of them overall?

Seriously how do I open this gate? It'd make the Flower quest so much easier

>Poor old Stagbro.
That reminds me, is there anything to do at the stag nest? The only thing of note there is the broken egg, which suggests that the stag helping you isn't the last of his kind.

I don't think you can.
Also, protip: kill all the enemies along the path you want to take, and don't rest at a bench before doing the flower quest. Then you'll only have the tiny, weakling enemies hanging around, and the quest is a cakewalk.

how do i get this fucker?

You need to use super dash and double jump.

There's just a Soul or Mask fragment, and it's a convenient way to get back to the Howling Cliffs. If you talk to the Stag a couple of times, he'll say that he feels a warm presence in the nest and his name changes from "The last Stag" to "The Old Stag"

What is max HP and charm notches?

Damn, this game is full of charming moments, the hunter got me good after finishing the journal

9 hp 10 notch


God damn I'm only at 7 HP with 0 mask pieces I have no fucking idea where I'm going to find those

not him but holy shit
>tfw only at 7 now and don't even know where I'd find eight more

New game discussion, user. Read the rules.

The Crossroads just got infected. Is it stuck like this for the rest of the game?

Don't respond to newfag shitposters.

>Hunter gives you a complete journal that you have to decipher
>When you've learned to read it the Hunter is excited that the journal is complete

I call shenanigans.

inside the hive?

So who are the niggers of Hollownest?

The spiders in deepnest?

Please respond to my question. ;_;

Ignore scum.

I've been burned on 2D indies in the past. Is there any depth to this game? Worth the $15?

Has anybody figured out how to get the happy couple achievement? It looks to be related to the Nailsmith, judging by its icon.

Was there anything in there besides the badge? I accidentally went the right way and it kicked me out after I picked it up.

Nevermind, i found it. Thanks

There was an arcane egg

There's a king's idol too, but I don't think you need it considering.

This game is worth $40 at least. It's absolutely massive. It's one of the most comprehensive metroidvanias ever made.

Can someone create a speed route through the game? Or a list of the items absolutely core to progression.

>Just lost 5000 in the Crystal Burrow
How do I farm?

Well, the game mentioned something about charms that work better with each other early on. Does anyone know anything about that?

IMO you never really need to farm; just do a bunch of other sections until you've got your cash back. Or sell items to the historian if you've got any.

I did it guys, after like 100 attempts

I'm hitting this thing with my Dream Nail and nothing is happening

>Also, protip: kill all the enemies along the path you want to take
This worked great

You need more essence and awaken the dream nail

Tips for Crystal Burrow? If I have to make this fucking run back one more fucking time I swear


LF hot tips on which charms are where
also hot tips on third arena battle im trash; i can only get like 6 minutes in

Rancid egg? What are they even used for?

>just got to the Teacher
Of fucking course I pick this one as the first of the three major bosses to go after.

shit i cant find more key and i want to go to the pleasure house, what do i do? (also used the ones i got from the vendor).

How do I open these doors?

The charm between the two blue ones is in the abyss. Get 14 blue health (you should be able to do it with just charms) and bring it to the butterfly door.

No, an arcane egg, which you can sell to the relic guy. Rancid eggs are used by the lady in Dirtmouth graveyard

>the three major bosses
You gon' be disappointed.

From the other side. You have to come in from Kingdom's Edge.

For anybody that's having trouble with Lost Kin use the Defender's Crest it will kill those flying enemies as soon as they touch the gas allowing you to easily heal when he's knocked out or whatever

You have to find another entrance higher up in Kingdom's Edge

Am I stuck here? I don't have a high-jump or double jump or whatever to reach that wall to cling on, and there's no other way to get back to the surface. I figured I was at this area too early since the big tics take 5 hits to kill, but I didn't expect to get trapped.

what's that?

>You gon' be disappointed.
I found this funny more than disappointing. A bunch of dead guys get menacing map markers, but none of the real bosses do.

Goddommit someone answer me

You're gonna have to pogo off a buggo.

A funny picture that somebody drew.

Any tips for False Knight 2.0? I had a much easier time with Lost Kin and Soul Tyrant.

There's no lady there for me. Unless you mean the person that cleanses regrets but they don't ask for them.


Only the ones you've discovered show up on your map.

Be patient, don't jump around except to dodge shockwaves. Dash under him when he jumps, cross over to other side of the arena.

They're the ones which rooms you've discovered but haven't yet dream nail'd
>Unless you mean the person that cleanses regrets but they don't ask for them.
That's the one. Pretty sure she asks for a snack or something when you ask her to cleanse your regrets.

Did you do the flower quest?

Did you do the flower delivery?

yes, also got the Hive one that's kinda obscure

Always dash towards him when he jumps. Hit his rocks back at him when he's throwing his tantrum between phases.

I figured that was it, but I killed the only bugs in the area and there's no way to force them to respawn. So far there's always been a way out of bad situations, so I really don't think the game expects me to kill myself to reset things.

Cheers, dude.
Assuming one comes from the Charm fetishist, I should only have one left. Anyone else have any hot tips ?

Where do you go after fighting Hornet? I'm completely lost here. I finally got the map for the greenpath but everywhere I go is a dead end.

Oh shit, the rocks can hurt him? That's really good to know, thanks friends.

I believe it's possible to walljump up the left wall, but it will probably take quite a few tries.

Right + Down

I thought that text meant that some stags weren't growing up for some reason
That's sadder when I think about it, but then I think of what stags not growing up would mean.


Dreading finding all of these sumbitches now.

You mean Fog Canyon? Seemed like a dead end last time I went in - it looked like I needed a bigger dash or something to get through some parts so I never bothered.

You do but you'll be using it as essentially a shortcut/segueway thing right now.

Yeah, cues on enemies that can be hurt on their own projectiles are pretty scarce. I didn't figure out I could rebound the green spikes form that enemy in the jungle until I had passed by them 3 times.

So what are the requirements for each ending?

It is definitely the Traitor Mantises.

ill try and post the items i got in order just finished my run not long ago

give me a sec

Man I didn't even think about using the Dream Nail on NPCs until recently I feel like I've missed out on a lot of lore

Anything with a shield before I have shadow dash

were there any extra npcs or dialogue? They mentioned in a kickstarter update that steel soul mode might have those

>Scree scree scree scree
Oh. God why.

There's only two and the second one just requires you to have the void soul.

>Rare metal for round 2 arena
>No rare metal
Oh, ok

It's not essential, really. You could take the route from the crossroads to the fungal wastes instead.

Yeah, you did. Some corpses can also be Dream Nail'd

i didn't see any new npcs along my route the elder just made sad noises when i walked away from him w/o talking

>Doing Arenas when it's a known issue that Trials 1 and 2 don't give their rewards under certain conditions and it persists so you can't get it on that save

>he doesn't know what's coming to him now

That's not the context of essential that I was using. I had meant that he would be using it that way for now, so for now, it can essentially be considered a shortcut-type thing.


I'd say there are 3, with another variation you can get on each of them.
Bad: Don't fight Hornet a second time, she doesn't show up to Hollow Knight fight, you get sealed away alone.

Worse?: Hornet shows up, but you still just kill the Hollow Knight normally. You both get sealed inside, and Hornet's mask is shown on the new seal.

Good?: Fight the radiance, Hornet lives, the radiance and its infection are apparently destroyed for good.

Other variation: Mushroom dude flying away in the sky above Dirtmouth, "to be continued".

>touched the spikes right at the end of flower quest
Does anyone know if quitting to the menu respawns enemies?

>known issue
I'm playing the game, not reading up on it

where do i fight the radiance?

Well yeah, since you spawn rested at a bench.

Dream nail the old Hollow Knight.

wait this was the second time I killed him, i-is there more?

Also how do I save my friend?

I fought her twice and I was sealed up alone

Mantises are the weebs.

Spiders are the niggers.

Traitor mantises are the edgelords.

Bees are the bystanders who don't want anything to do with this.

When Hornet ties up the Hollow Knight, hit him with the soul nail to trigger the fight with the Radiance.