Is pirating a victimless crime?

Is pirating a victimless crime?

Yes. Piracy is stealing.

That being said, I'm not foing to stop doing it. The industry can go fuck itself.

I hate that comic because it's so stupid. If you could duplicate bikes, why the fuck would anyone charge for them? You'd just keep making copies of these bikies for free. Fucking free bikes for everyone. That's some world changing shit right there. Does it even stop at bikes?

Yes. Im not going to buy it anyway so youre not gaining or losing either way. Stop being a cuck

If the guy can magically clone whatever he wants and can do it without consequence or risk, there's no reason for him NOT to do it.

Why the fuck would he pay for the bike when he can get a copy for free?

I can't tell if this is an arguement for or against piracy.

Computer. Steal me a tea. Earl grey. Hot.


You honestly think that these multi-billion dollar companies, backed up by more, larger billion-dollar companies in an enormous trillion-dollar conglomerate are going to give a single fuck if they lose a million here or there?

They couldn't give less of a rotten fuck about pirating. It's just an excuse to get the best and greatest DRM to justify continuing to charge $60 or more for games.

>Hehehehe, I know! If I lie to myself about not buying it I can claim I won't even have bought it!

yes because anyone who's going to pirate a game wouldn't be buying it if piracy was unavailable

Pirate did nothing wrong in that comic. If he has the power to copy anything he should be able to use it. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

Intellectual property is a meme

i really feel like that pirate is wasting his superpowers of cloning bikes

>conflating physical goods with digital
This maymay will literally NEVER get old.

>world's cheapest bike

i fucking hate pirates, YOU are the reason games don't get any better. I am literally shaking right now.

Why don't you have to pay every time to listen to a song? Should'nt the artists and producers make money every time you hear it? Honestly you're just stealing the music, it doesn't even belong to you.

Your ipod should be hooked up to your credit card so you get charged per song.

>79$ for a bike

it's almost certainly a shit bike

Never thought of it this way. If i see a table at ikea. And i make an exact copy of the table at home, and dont sell it. Just for my own use. Ikea cant give a shit about that table.

Really? You don't think it has anything to do with companies making billions in an industry by recycling code and lazily scripting events and copying elements from other games?

Why the fuck would I waste hundreds of dollars of my disposable income on a bunch of items I can get for FREE at no cost or risk?

Let the other millions of cucks willing to waste their money support the industry, so you don't have to. Pocket the cash and treat yourself to a fancy dinner and pretend you bought the game

>missing the point

Also nice autism

>If you could duplicate video games, why the fuck would anyone charge for them?

if i create a universe and then individuals in that universe attempt to also create

am i not entitled to wrath them?


Jesus pirated bread & fish.


does that mean jesus pirated the fish and bread he used to feed the hungry?


It is theft but if you do it I'm not going to go out of my way to criticize you. I'm guilty of a decent amount of it, especially when I was younger playing shit on GBA and DS emulators. Just don't give me some bullshit reasoning where you give yourself the moral or ethical high ground, especially if you are in a position where you can easily pay for your vidya.

He didn't make more fish and bread retard he just cut up the pieces and people were magically filled up by scraps of food.

I don't really care if it is or not, I'm still going to do it. If I can't play a game without paying for it (Bloodborne) I will, but apart from that I don't give a shit and will steal any game I can.

Was Jesus a criminal?

They do on spotify, your argument is null and void.

maybe he just compressed them into rars that would automatically unzip in the peoples'

What's with the moral superiority coming from piratefags?

He created them, you can't pirate your own product.

If I 3d print a bike, the bike shop didn't lose a sale because I wasn't going to buy their bike in the first place.

Anyone dumb enough to pay for video games, that are easily obtainable for free at no consequence, has brain problems.

His apostles filled (yes, FILLED) either fifteen handbaskets or seven larger baskets (that are large enough to fit a person inside) using the pieces. Considering that a barley loaf is this big, the loaves themselves wouldn't even fill one.

"intellectual" "property" is the biggest meme ever.
It's literally some fucknut begging the government to tell other people what they can do with their own property.
>be chemist
>use your own connections to buy materials to produce your own drugs
>oh wait you can't use your own money to buy your own material to make your own pills and sell your own property because some jew had that idea first
Imagine if people couldn't sell burgers because someone mcDonalds was selling burgers before them.
Copyright is a fucking racket.

They bought them to support the creators. Why does that bother you?

He just cut them like this to get infinite food

As long as he's not reselling the product I see nothing wrong with this. The burger people will end up deciding whether or not they enjoyed the burger and may or may not go back to buy's up to the cook to make sure the burger is cooked well enough to make customers come back and if he doesn't do a good job then they should be fired.

>giving your jewbucks to money sucking corporations


Piracy is definitely stealing.

That's why i do it.

Because i like to have things for free.

Try and stop me. Oh wait, you can't.

If piracy is theft then seeders are the biggest victim of it, since publishers get one game stolen (copied) and seeders get millions stolen (copied) each year.

If piracy isn't theft then shut up.

Either way I will do whatever is easiest for me.

Because he's autistic, and >muh big corporations.

But there's no need for them to buy another one because they are full.

no but I'm fucking broke and wouldn't be able to play anyway so the best you're going to get from me is another mouth saying how good their game is.

I rarely even play new games now that when I do I just go ahead and buy it. If I played every new release though I would just pirate everything.

If you are not seen as potencial client (read poor) then it's ok. But only if you don't use online services.

You can visibly see the largest slice expand at the bottom as it's sliding upwards.

Yeah your thread will stop all those third worlders from buying the counterfeit copy from Pedro at $1 instead of $20 at the mall.

>big companies
>not caring about millions of dollars

"user, we're looking at the chart, and there seems to be millions of dollars missing?"

"Don't worry about it!, who cares about a million here or there?"

"You're fired, see you in court."

Well it certainly isn't stealing even by the definition

Why do people have this weird fucking idea that piracy is stealing?
If you get caught for piracy you don't get charged for theft. You're making an illegal copy of a product that you do not own the right to make. It's copyright infringement.
It would be like saying that knockoff Gucci bags where stolen.

Because the CIA will want to experiment on him. If he just duplicated money and bought the bike he'd be a lot safer.

Except in that example, money, power constraints, and scarcity wasn't a thing anymore thanks to matter replicators and easily obtainable fuel/power sources.

If you're Australian, sure
Takes months for us to get movies/games already released

Have you not seen how Microsoft just tanks EU fines?

can't force somebody to buy your product if they don't want to

Because it's cheaper than accommodating their rules. A decision made from a cost/benefit analysis.

It's not just "whoops! dunno where that money went! Awe shucks! Oh well!"

Can't legally obtain someone elses product without their permission either

But it's not cheaper. It, in fact, costs nothing (besides potential profit) to not actively pursue a monopoly.

Wrong. Authorities can seize your property without your permission.

It's like littering. Everyone has littered at some point, and the impact of any one event is very small. But if everyone just threw their shit everywhere every time, you would end up with India.

The only argument that makes sense is "I couldn't have bought it and am unlikely to be able to buy it in the near future". This doesn't justify getting it for free but, if true, it would seem to imply that there is no net loss.

But I would like to point you to Diablo 3. It had unbeatable DRM and sold a gazillion copies. I suspect the vast majority of us are middle class westerners who could absolutely buy the game if they wanted to.

thats not true

chinese walls, etc

I’m dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly stupid.

>he sat back down, his philosophy teacher stunned

it's a catch 22!

Sure you can. Taxes, seizure, forfeiture of property.

Indeed. Survival of the fittest. Everyone would pirate if they could, but they can't, so they have to pay the dumb dumb tax.

>It's okay to steal from them since they're a big company

>Diablo 3 launch

When you combat piracy so much you make your game a giant pile of shit

>it costs them nothing for them to not go for potential profit

Yes It is.

I never played any Diablo game myself, can't comment. I just know that the DRM worked; it sold shittons.

The primary victim of piracy isn't the developer of the game you're pirating. Its the developers who create Free software that doesn't attract the user base that it should.

If even a small fraction of the users who pirate Windows switched to Linux, or who pirate games played Xonotic, the actually Free options would gain more attention, developers, and higher quality.

Yes it is.

Let's say he was selling an INFINITE burger, that you could eat for as long as you want, it would never run out, and it would never go bad. Like a game, since burgers, by their nature, are a temporary object. If you want another burger, you'd have to buy one, unlike a game, where if you buy or pirate a game, you have that game.

If they already got an INFINITE burger for free, why should the guy selling these magical burgers trust them to buy another burger, or even pay for the burger they got? They are not obligated to pay for it, it's totally up to their whim. They're enjoying this burger that took years of research and arcane rituals to produce, for absolutely free, with no money whatsoever going to the wizard that created them.

>Pocket the cash and treat yourself to a fancy dinner and pretend you bought the game

>Not pirating the dinner too.

>with no money whatsoever going to the wizard that created them.
And if they paid for the burgers with every bite instead, the wizard still wouldn't see a penny.
Really, it never ceases to amaze me how clueless moralfags are to the real-world.

As in any industry, you vote with your wallet. Plenty of games are flawed to an extent that I cannot endorse the developer's/publisher's decisions. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy the game, but purchase from a fairly disappointed customer registers the same as a purchase from a perfectly satisfied one in the ledgers. Consumer reviews mean jack shit if a game's still turning a satisfactory profit. So, I pirate* games that I think are potentially fun, but headed in the wrong direction.

*I don't actually pirate, I purchase from shady key resellers (pretty much the same in effect though, except I get patches)

And what if I play xonotic and run gentoo but still pirate? Pretty sure most people who play xonotic are in that position for instance.

Then you're better than most and are at least somewhat attempting to be consistent ethically.
If you want a future where the community is king and companies can't fuck you over you should be using Free Software as much as you can.

How is stealing a victimless crime?

Victims of piracy include developers and publishers, but also every PC gamer since we have to suffer with half-assed ports of console games a year after release thanks to filthy pirates scaring publishers away from the platform.

The industry WILL crash again but not because of pirates, but because of lazy ass devs who don't put up any effort and publishers who trim games to their liking.

but user, the games i want arent free. they can be, but not legally.



No it won't
It literally can't at this point. Saying the games industry will crash is like saying the film industry or the car industry will crash.

Their economy should've crashed by now then.

>digital goods are the same as physical goods
Any argument that depends on this false premise is not even worth reading.

Victim-less? Yes
Crime? No

next question.

Literally the only difference between a digital game and a physical game is the 20 cents of plastic and glass. They both still cost millions of dollars to produce.

They could be free legally if you were to contribute to the groups making free games, either by actually helping their development, or just playing them to build the community.

For instance if some of the kids pirating Skyrim and complaining about how the company is fucking over the community contributed to OpenMW it could be in much better shape.

Victim-less? No.
Crime? Yes.

next question.

Dinner's can't be pirated because stealing is a risk and has real life consequences. Everyone would pirate their dinner and if they could. Pirating however, is easy and has no risks whatsoever.

No, the difference is that one of them is pre-scarcity and the other is post-scarcity. Goods that can be infinitely duplicated do not follow the same rules and conventions as goods that cannot.

How long do you think those brain less idiots can guzzle down shitty games?

Pewdiepie as already had enough and if that isn't enough influence to the retarded crowd future shit games, repetitive shit will eventually turn them away.

How many ubisoft open worlds does it take to realise they're all the same?

How many EA games does it take to realise that half of the game is missing just to be sold as DLC?

Really gets your noggins joggin