
more like terrible
wheres the fucking server

>played a bit a few days ago with a crowd of people from Sup Forums
>some motherfucker is running trough content with a fucking guidebook
>will not shut the fuck up about what he wants his endgame build to be
>5 minutes in

Holy shit I LOVE terraria. I'd host a server but it'd be really hard to manage, and the server would last like 3 seconds until someone comes in with a DCU and fucks everyone's dreams. Pass.

>host server all the time on /tg/
>pretty cool, all regulars
>constantly make fresh worlds, end game worlds, ect
>get bored and stop hosting
not even the updates could bring me back. 475 hours is enough.


I want a somewhat active thread like last time so we could at least get like 5 people playing.

When you beat the WoF with melee, what do you do when you get to hardmode? Straight to Ice Biome? Mine hardmode ores? I'm dying

grind wof or if you got a decent weapon from wof, use that
now go smash those fucking altars and start hunting for ores/new mobs

I never do melee as I always play magic. But i'd imagine you'd rush some yoyo glove gear after grinding EoW, Into rushing more yoyo related gear, as melee lacks a lot of range.

In all honesty I wouldn't mind hosting. I mean, what would we even do? New characters or just all our max gear guys running around doing dumb shit?


I recently just finished a modded playthrough of thorium and calamity. It was actually a ton of fun. I had never modded terraria before. Thorium was strong all the way through but Calamity is hard weak earlygame. But lategame and post-moonlord stuff is bomb.

delete this

I totally feel you man. Modded terraria is so completely strange. I always loved vanilla and felt modding was always going to be weird, but the way Thorium did it made it feel like it was vanilla terraria. I definitely prefer vanilla, but modding is fun.

For real though, I'm down to make a server if everyone's interested. It'd most likely be vanilla, or vanilla + thorium, simply because of the extra class.

moar mods
moar content

by the way, did anyone post that tmodloader fix?

Well, the more mods I add, the more complex it gets, and the less people want to join. If i'm to mod it, It'd be really only Thorium and new characters.

>Well, the more mods I add, the more complex it gets, and the less people want to join.
We had like 8 people playing at the start and ended with 6 (or 7?), I don't think the amount of players seems to be an issue.
Kind of funny actually, we made no arrangements, timezone agreements or even social links, yet we still managed to play together pretty well.
and I hunger for more

>by the way, did anyone post that tmodloader fix?
Sorry, I managed to fix the lag nearly entirely (thorium is still a pain with it adding nearly 4ms of delay all around), but my fix seems to kill the client after an hour or two of play.

Well, Shit. This just straight up looks like fun with that picture you have. Alrighty, i'm down to host. I'll do Calamity + Thorium again. Rally some anons

4 birbs
reportan in

it was 10 birb

What do Calamity and Thorium do? Add some weapons and some bosses?
Is it balanced?

Being honest i dont care what mods,i just want to fucking play terraria with some people.
just as long as it isnt tremor

From what me and my buddy played, Calamity is weirdly balanced until lategame. Calamity is definitely great lategame but has little enjoyable early-game content. Thorium I believe is perfect, but I feel lacks in end-game and only has 1 post-moonlord boss, opposed to Calamity's 6-8. I'm about to host the server, everybody ready up.

Alrighty, everyone. Join up! New Characters, Calamity + Thorium mod. Port: 7777


ill join in a moment senpai

A bit late, but for Melee:
>Grind corruption/hallow (don't bother with crimson) mimics for melee drops
>Grind the ice biome for an ice-cicle
>Get full titanium
>Create a wide arena with the nurse at the top so you can dive in for heals when you need to heal your broken anus from the Twins
Or just get a dart rifle and tear them apart.

daedalus stormbow is godtier for mech bosses btw.

Early hard-mode is the worst part of the game, to be honest. Range is the only real viable option for taking on any of the bosses (in expert, at least), and you have to grind a ton of souls of light and night to get your Dart Rifle or Daedalus Storm Bow. And on top of that, the new ores are too fucking rare.

Though the best part of the game is post-plantera, pre-pillars.

along with holy arrows of course

iirc, darts have a faster kill on Twins and Skeletron, but bow obviously ruins Destroyer.

Melee is just asking for trouble before you get your Terrablade. They all balance out endgame, though yo-yos still make Melee a bit stronger than the rest.


>bumping your server for attention with "BUMP" and stupid shit
nigga please

>implying its my own server
I just want to play with others.

how many are there
also its not helping





>no prefixes or spirit
I miss out on the best shit, fuck

Haven't played since Moon Lord, has there been an update warranting a server?

When will you be back server bro?

once we all get safes

I'm going to go to the gym, if I get back and there's no server i'll host one. However it will be hosted from Aus. But I have a 40mbps upload speed so we'll see how well it does.

I will be back on tomorrow at...4PM PST.

I've created another server called Sup Forums Backup, it's running Thorium and Calamity on expert mode to maintain synchronicity between the main server (Mez's server). IP is and port is 7777. I have to go take a quick shower and then i'll be on, but it is running right now.