Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

hello fellow human

It's because it has NO FUCKING GAMES

Hey guys, remember Leigh? She took a break from blowing me to tell me you're still dead. Gawktakublrgonoid


Already has 160 games announced for it. Neither the Xbone or PS4 had that many games announced at launch, user.

>Steve Gaynor

Hello, what amalgamation of nutrients have you ingested recently?

humans get all the consoles
>humans will never ever fly without big dumb metal machines


Humans must have really weird hands judging by that controller.

Can the sub-autistic neckbears on this board really not read the subtext of what he's trying to say?

It's a handheld for the general public and not gamers specifically.

>be me
>want to buy a nintendo switch
>fly over to planet earth
>cant order it online because i dont have access to human internet
>have to disguise myself as a human just so i can get into a video game store
>get the switch
>realize that my alien hands are too big for the controller

It had more games before release than the ps4 has.


>gamers are ded
rip gg

But seriously, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Are they trying to sound deep?

>That fag made gone home
>He also made Minerva's fucking Den

Im confused.

They mean it will appeal to everyone, like the Wii did

>That retarded excuse

Nintendrones on suicide watch.

>console that literally has no other function except to play games
>no web browser
>no Netflix type shit
>no MP3 player
But it's for humans not gamers? Who writes this shit?

>calling people who enjoy a pasttime subhuman scum


yeah, how dare "gamers" not want a shitty facebook/netflix machine.

It's okay, I speak paid reviewer.

It roughly translates to "This is a casual machine".

Did that help?


Not sure why people type such foolish articles to make themselves feel better. I could type "The PS4 is a system for the gender binary, not homosexual freaks" but that doesn't really account for anything.

this, the console is basically super anti-normie

they're basically going all in on the nostalgia funbucks


Which one is it, you fuckles?

>wanting a web browser in a console

you are literally 16 and want to bypass the internet filter your parents put on the home computer.