Why on earth aren't the xbox/ps2/wii able to be on /vr/ yet?

Why on earth aren't the xbox/ps2/wii able to be on /vr/ yet?

Anyways, random question, how would I hook up my OG Xbox to a VGA CRT display?

I need an expensive scaler right? And at that point I should also buy component cables for it right?



>Why on earth aren't the xbox/ps2/wii able to be on /vr/ yet?

There is an entrenched group of butthurt retards who hate 3D over there that don't want the best generation of video games to be discussed on their board.

A real shame. 6th gen really is /vr/ material at this point.

Also just by a Component to VGA converter I guess.

Ya but will a passive converter just work, or would I need a more expensive active adapter/scaler?

>Why on earth aren't the xbox/ps2/wii able to be on /vr/ yet?

There is an entrenched group of butthurt retards who hate 3D over there that don't want the best generation of video games to be discussed on their board.

A real shame. 6th gen really is /vr/ material at this point.

Also just by a Component to VGA converter I guess.

>mfw I got a component cable for my OG Xbox a few months ago and I can actually play a few of my games in fucking 1080i, on an original 2001 Xbox, and a large amount of games work in 720p

PS4 and Xbone BTFO'd by a fucking console from 2001 holy shit.


What the fuck did Sup Forums do to my post?

I accidentally hit submit but cancelled straight away so I could finish typing it out. Why the fuck did both versions ended up getting posted?

It's practically impossible to cancel a post once you hit submit

You mean the gamecube right?

Weird, I don't even get a (You) from the early beta post.

>Why on earth aren't the xbox/ps2/wii able to be on /vr/ yet?
Because they aren't retro.

But Wii is a later gen than those two.

Doesn't the Xbox have an optional vga cable? I remember that I was originally going to get it but opted for svideo instead so I could run it though my capture card.

>Why on earth aren't the xbox/ps2/wii able to be on /vr/ yet?
It will probably get changed eventually but there's a post from a mod awhile back and Moot didn't allow 6th gen excluding dreamcast specifically because of sony fanboys.

Don't have the screenshot saved.

The last PS2 game came out less than 5 years ago. And most of the famous games look "modern" even by contemporary standards. Give it a while.

6th gen shouldn't be on /vr/ because it's still talked about on Sup Forums to a good extent.

The Dreamcast is a perfect exception because it never got enough love on Sup Forums to be discussed and when it did it would just die with exceptions here and there (like 9th of Sept) and every thread about "Which was the best 6th gen console" would also devolve into PS2 is da best, and everyone from each side shitposting all forgetting the Dreamcast even existed, with most of the time, it not being in the OP's picture.

Besides, 6th gen stuff would just fill the board up too much, everything before 6th gen is too old for a majority of Sup Forums. If you start bringing in 6th gen as being /vr/ materials, we'll start seeing TONS of threads on /vr/ that aren't actually adding anything that you wouldn't see off Sup Forums. There would be shitposter levels of discussion and it wouldn't improve the board at all.

Even adding the PS2 to /vr/ discussion is too much.

It was 5th gen, not 6th.

>Why on earth aren't the xbox/ps2/wii able to be on /vr/ yet?
The Wii is 7th Gen and the XBox does HD resolutions. Neither are "retro" The PS2 and GameCube aren't "retro" either.

Fun fact: The DreamCast is allowed on /vr/ despite 6th Gen being banned. Not only that hypocritical, the DreamCast isn't that old either.

>we'll start seeing TONS of threads on /vr/ that aren't actually adding anything that you wouldn't see off Sup Forums.

Nope, I am pretty sure I and many others would move to /vr/ permanently if 6th gen was discussable here. Sup Forums would lose a lot of it's 6th gen discussion.

6th gen being on Sup Forums only is the only thing keeping me here really.

That's a shitty criteria. There's still NES games coming out.

In truth: I think it is at least partially because the 5th gen is still quite close to the 7th in terms of both graphics and gameplay, while everything before that is definitely cruder. Take a 5th gen game, improve the models and for the most part you'll have a fully functional modern game. PS2 games are still 'modern' because progress has slowed down a lot.

So you'd move to /vr/ to discuss 6th gen games, creating threads to discuss 6th gen games, and thus not add any actual discussion that wouldn't already see off Sup Forums?

So, in other words we'll start seeing TONS of threads on /vr/ that aren't actually adding anything that you wouldn't see off Sup Forums.

You can discuss 6th gen here easily, there's no point moving it to /vr/ to do that at a slower rate.

Sup Forums is filled with newfag casuals and the board is flooded with threads discussing the latest trash release. Half of Sup Forums wasn't even old enough to speak when the 6th gen was in it's heydey and they consider 6th gen games ancient now.

It's sad, I rec good games from 6th gen for people to play when they ask and they reply calling me grandpa and that they weren't asking for old shit. I am sick of newfaggots invading 6th gen threads.