Skyward Sword is the BEST Zelda game ever made

I've been seeing a lot of you talking about how, "BotW is easily the best Zelda" and shit like that.


While all of you have been falling for the open world meme, this fucking game right here. This game is the real GOAT it is gaming at its most purest artform. Let me guide you people to understand this beautiful work of art:

>The spectacular linearity
You'll probably memetext the above line to shit but it still doesn't change how right it is. There are a fantastic amount of dungeons and the world that is given is relatively small. But this smallness makes it so much more meaningful when you go back to these portions to discover bigger part of what you've missed the first time around. It is a gaming experience like none other, especially for a Zelda title.

>The fantastic cast of characters
Every character in Skyloft felt real with huge story arcs that got you invested. When someone was feeling sad, you felt sad, when they felt joy, you felt joy (don't lie, you definitely did). The connection between the player and the townsfolk is something that not even the most legendary programmer can simulate.

>Fine-Tuned Controls
The controls being shat on is a complete and utter fucking lie. It was all done as a hit-piece, want to know why? During this time period Nintendo was beginning to lose some of their grace to the gaming crowd and journalists wanted to take full advantage of this. Why? Because then they could fill their pockets more from their sponsors, aka Nintendo's competitors. And so the "Skyward Sword has broken controls" hit pieces came out, and none of these """"gamers"""" questioned them because at this point the journalists hadn't shown their true colors for the scum they are all now. The controls for this game are stellar, they were and still are the zenith of motion controls (a shame because this could've legitimately evolved into something godly). Speaking of Godly: The. Fucking. Combat.

>Immersive Combat
Nothing can be the true immersion of Skyward Sword's immaculate combat system. Literally put your skills to the utmost test and fight against some of the world of Zelda's most fearsome beast. All of which varied, not some reskins and one "le cool lion centaur from der old gaemz" Every enemy was memorable and truly gave the game the worthy title of "Ocarina of Time has met its match"

>Purest Form of Literature Tier Story
Perfect, nothing needs to be added

>The Soundtrack
Nigga please

>A Character to Define a Generation: Fi
100% based. Fantastic storyline that built the great lore of Zelda that BotW is more than likely now gonna shit on.

But I guess all of you dumb cunts will ignore true brilliance for some lazy, trash-ass-looking, meme shaded, Skyrim clone that looks like was made by the retards at Ubisoft. Enjoy your "open world" that will all end in about 12 minutes, I'll enjoy a game that has paved the way for true modernity within the gaming platform. The opening sequence alone is proof of this, and I think I'm gonna go play it right now.

Why are Zeldorks so fucking autistic?

>Trying to artificially force the zelda cycle

>"The Zelda cycle isn't real guys, it's just something a bored journalist invented"

Kill yourself

SS is good. The motion controls are good. Sure the puzzles are weak, but its combat is among the best in the series.

Unfortunately most SS fans are cycle-nerds who just started liking it recently. Try liking SS from when it came out to now like I did.

Skyward Sword was shit when it first came out, and is still shit to this day. Along with TP being inoffensive; but wholly mediocre. The Zelda cycle is bullshit; bad games are bad.

I love this webm/video because it's so fucking misleading.

>use incredibly exagerated movements
>get lucky and don't get a desync
>a snapshot where it all functions perfectly

It's the epitome of Nintendo apologists.

The problem is you freak the fuck out like a little bitch when you're fighting enemies, then you blame the game. You're the kind of person who panic rolls in Dark Souls and then goes "WOW" like DSP when you die. The motion controls work perfectly.

More like you can't handle the truth that you fell for the media's blatant lie to smear this masterpiece.

SS is good, TP is good, Zelda cycle is real, try again

The only cool thing that happened in Skyward Sword was the final stab on Demise, which was more like an "oh neat" moment straight outta anime.

And your taste is shit

I played the game after 3 years when it came out.

There were only about 5 times in total (over about the 15-20hrs I put in) where I had a desync (which was fixed in 1 minute each) or the controls just outright didn't work when I did them. Which probably happened less than a dozen times.

Did the game need 1:1 control? No. Would it have been better with regular button combat? Maybe. Was it still fun, and easily able to beat the game with? Yes.

SS is a great game, in all respects. And every faggot that likes it now or hated it back then is just a whining bitch.

TP is fucking boring, fuck off furry

It's the best 3D game. OoT is boring, nerd. Bet you like WW too.

SS is great. TP is amazing. Only retards suffer from the Zelda cycle.

Learn what furry means then get back to me.

my shit opinion on 3d zelda:
OOT > BOTW > TP > SS > WW > MM

>straight outta anime
Not surprising that the weeb is the one with shit taste

>Only retards suffer from the Zelda cycle.
That's the problem. When people say it "doesn't exist" they're just projecting, because they personally don't do it.

I think it's pretty obvious a lot of people suffer from this weird condition where they reflexively dislike new things and then when the dust settles they're more willing to admit they like it.

The Zelda Cycle isn't real in so much people don't suddenly change their opinions on past Zeldas when a new one comes out.

The phenomena that the cycle addresses however is very much real. The reasons for this though is because the quality of the Zelda series as a whole has been steadily declining for years and since they take so long doing them by the time the next one comes out there are people that were younger when the previous Zelda came out and are nostalgic about it.

Let me correct that for you user:

SS>=OOT>MM>WW>power gap>TP>Skyrim>shit>BOTW

>it isn't real, but the phenomena being described by the Zelda cycle is real
Why will you people go to any lengths to not admit the Zelda cycle is real? It's real. Just admit that a lot of people suffer from cognitive dissonance.

Seriously, you fucks need to wait until BotW comes out officially before you roll out the Zelda Cycle meme.

I respectfully disagree. I thought it was okay, maybe even good. Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past are my favorites.

It's only mega autists who make it real, OP is just a falseflagger.
I played SS up to the final dungeon and to this day I haven't finished it, and I probably never will. It symbolizes exactly what's wrong with the developers pandering to autists who want the formula followed to a T, leaving innovation behind and not growing along with their fanbase.
I wish Aonuma would fuck off to another series already.

Objectibve true

>Masterpiece GOAT 10/10 tier:
BotW, OoT, MM

>Meh tier, shame for the Zelda series:

>Irremediable shit tier, it never happened

>It's only mega autists who make it real
What do you mean by this? Are you saying it's autistic to notice this pattern?