Nintendo officially rates the N3DS XL as having 3.5 to 7 hours battery life...

Nintendo officially rates the N3DS XL as having 3.5 to 7 hours battery life, previous 3DS units score worse such as the launch 3DS being rated 3 to 5 hours(Even worse than 3 if 3DS and everything is maxed)

The Vita was also rated 3 to 5 hours.

Switch battery life is normal in the current handheld ecosystem rated at 2.5 to 6 hours.

The 2.5 meme comes from playing the most taxing game on max settings too, which is fucking stupid.

You don't play max settings unless you're by an outlet.

In reality the Switch battery life is very much in line with the 3DS while having significantly more power.


The Switch battery life is fine if you're not retarded.

Other urls found in this thread: amp battery portable!/pid81463e01213fb80ebd847d433fd12f2eb8389478/pn1

in BotW you can go from 2.5 to over 3 hours with brightness settings

If Switch was rated at 2.5 to 6 hours and 3ds xl is rated at 3.5 to 7 hours, then that's significantly worse, not in line. That's 66%

>over 3 hours with brightness settings
According to reviewers, it doesn't go much over 3 even at lowest brightness

I didn't say MUCH over 3

It's actually 2.5 to 6.5 hours

There's no tests on anything but max settings.

It could very well hit 4 hours.

Zelda is not the most taxing game. Turn on Wifi for online games like MK8 or Splatoon and what are we talking here? 2 hours?

It's comparable to launch 3DS, 3DS XL, N3DS, and Vita.

There are plenty of tests. WTF is max settings anyway?

2.5 had WiFi on, max speaker audio(headphones use less powr) and max backlight.

They didn't mention having WiFi off or volume.

Also as I said, headphones help battery life too.

Even the 3ds battery life has been considered shithouse(at well over 3.5-7 hours mind you), hence third party batteries for them with 3 times the life sell pretty fucking well.

Wifi on and wifi transmitting are completely different beasts. Wifi modules go into ultra low power mode if they are just beaconing to maintain a session. Power consumption ramps up 5-10x during actual data transmission sessions.

Only the N3DS XL has battery like that good.

Other 3DS models lag behind.

The Switch doesn't fully charge if playing while docked, so you have 20% less battery if you wanna take it out and go.

>The 2.5 meme comes from playing the most taxing game on max settings too, which is fucking stupid.

>Not wanting the best experience possible.
>I should have to be tethered to a wall socket because Nintendo is stupid.

OP! Get that big Nintencock out of your mouth!

While thats true, the third party batteries for the other models were still hugely popular.

Sup Forums exaggerating for shitposting purposes? Well I never!!

Go invent batteries out of pixie dust


Since when is this "bad battery life"?
Yeah if you play unreal engine 4 with max brightness, wifi on and always keep the GPU at 100% capacity, it will drop to 2.5 hours.

But in average playtime, the Switch holds up BETTER than most handhelds. These are all under same test conditions

Those numbers don't say it all though.
>Have both N3ds XL and Vita
>N3ds xl battery dies from 100% while powered off after like 4 days (dead dead, like have to reset your time)
>Vita battery lasts weeks in sleep mode.

Seriously my 3ds feels like its cheap.
>That paint chipping problem on the backplate
>Battery problems
>Buttons problems after a few months
I don't trust nintendo's hardware after that.

I always hear
Really they already release the most taxing game when the system comes out? The way I remember consoles games only got better and better aka their graphics and everything improved.


That was because devs had to learn architecture.

It's all ARM or x64 now, they're maxed early.

why can't the Switch just run on AA batteries and get 2 days of play time

Nobody has tested half brightness with wifi turned off yet

I bet it gets at least 3 and a quarter hours.

The worrisome thing is that battery packs don't charge it faster than it drains which is fucking insane

eh with the scaling of modern batteries?

4310 mAh 3.7V battery in the switch lasts 5 hours (2.5 during botw)
AA dry cell batteries have usually 2500 mAh 1.5V, so 2 of them in tandem wouldn't supply enough voltage, you'd need 3 of them in parallel at least (4.5V, 2500 mAh when connected in series)

that would give you 3 hours of switch on the menu or 1.5 hours playing zelda on THREE AA batteries you'd then need to replace
or in other words, holy fuck no

3 Amp ones do, but they're a tiny bit pricier.

That hasn't happened in decades

Even with the 360; the best looking games ran proportionally like garbage. There was no fancy optimizing going on. The only example I can think of is Uncharted 2 looking and running better than 1 and GoW 3 being a god damned technical miracle

*3 of them in series, not parallel, I mean

I'll have to pick one up. Also, what's your source?

The Switch drops 1 percent every 4 hours in sleep mode, user. 6% per day. That's over 2 weeks of idle time.

That's like PSP numbers

Well a video earlier in this thread tested battery's, the best they had was a 2.4A and they said it charged almost as fast as the outlet.

Many older or cheaper ones are only 1A, 3A ones should charge it as fast as the wall.

It has a 4310 mAH battery, of course it lasts a long time. The whole reason AAA games drain the battery in 3-4 hours is because they're literally AAA games. Gaming laptops last less long than the Switch, I really don't understand complaints about its battery life.

What would you get with four AAAs, 2 Cs, and 1 D-type battery? What would you need to reach the Gameboy's 20 hours?

just make better batteries baka amp battery portable

I recommend this battery in general, especially for a Switch.

I agree. You couldn't fit a bigger battery in their if you tried
Thanks, I'll look it up. Anker has a sweet one with huge mAh and 3A out. Gonna pick that up for sure

Top kek, that's exactly the one I was referring to in the post following yours. Excellent, definitely gonna buy that now

> What would you need to reach the Gameboy's 20 hours?
40 AA batteries ought to do it

Outsider here... never gonna buy this thing, last Ninty console was the cube when I was 10, never played zelda. Here's my two cents.
>playing the most taxing game
Assuming that game is zelda- isn't that the only remotely interesting launch game? The rest are indieshit. It would seem to be the perfect game to test battery with.

Also the device is way bulkier than the 3DS. I would want iPad-level battery life from it, not iPhone.

I know I'm going to sound like a retard, but I need someone to explain to me very simply the difference between a Watt, Volt, and Amp. I know Amp is current, like how much electricity can flow. And I know that W=V/A, but otherwise I feel like a retard deciphering energy conversations

You can't have a handheld last longer being as powerful as it is. Literally impossible, especially when complaining about bulk

If you want longer battery life you'd need
>Much less powerful hardware
So it would actually be worse than the Wii U and this couldn't be billed as a hybrid
>Make it fuck hueg
So it'd be too unwieldy as a handheld and the 720p screen would actually look bad
The way it is now I wish it had a 5.7 inch screen and slightly worse battery life due to needing a smaller battery

If the ambifacient lunar waneshaft that sidefumbling was effectively prevented, the main winding was of the normal lotus o-deltoid type placed in panendermic semiboloid slots of the stator, every seventh conductor being connected by a non-reversible tremie pipe to the differential girdlespring on the ‘up’ end of the grammeters. Moreover, whenever fluorescence score motion is required, it may also be employed in conjunction with a drawn reciprocation dingle arm to reduce sinusoidal depleneration.

Holy kek what does that bring the switch up the now? Like 600?

How about option c? Portable gaming is fucking stupid and the technology still isn't ready to offer a decent experience.

The PS4Pro + a TV is over $700.

I got my PS4 pro for $55 though

If portable gaming didn't make Nintendo 90% of their money you'd be right

The switch just needs a Pokemon to coincide with Pokemon go 2.0. it'll sell like fucking crazy

You're not quite right about watts actually: W=V*A.

A device's power requirements are most usefully measured in Watts, because it might use all sorts of multiple weird voltages internally.

Ignore conversion loss for the moment and assume that a device can handle being powered by a source of any voltage.

If a machine needs 20 watts of power, it could get it from a 10V source and there would be 2A of current flowing. Or it could get it from a 200V source and there would be 0.1A current flowing.

In practice it is not that simple because of so many factors. Voltage conversion means inefficiency and heat, higher amperage means you need thicker cables, higher voltages go over further distances way more efficiently than lower ones... etc etc. But I hope the above helps a bit- if a device needs W watts and you're powering it with V volts, W/V=A amps will be flowing.

Nintendo could probably squeeze another 1000mAh in looking at the teardown.

Nearly a 25% boost in battery.

3.125 hours to 7.5 ain't too bad.

That would increase cost and weight a bit though.

I mean look at Macbooks, they're like 75% battery internally and packed tight.

I took physics in college. I just forgot since I eventually dropped stem, so I'm not a total retard

Laughed though

Except it is good enough. Just because you can't get 8 hours of gaming in a single charge doesn't make portables worthless. Laptops and cell phones barely get that kind of SOT, and they're monumentally important for any kind of task in the modern world. The fact that the Switch can perform very close to XB1 levels as a handheld system is extremely impressive, which proves that battery life is the major gateway, consistent with every single other major technology in development.

Okay, in that case I would have to conclude that they device they wanted to make cannot physically exist with current battery tech. Given that, it would seem to be better to scrap the idea and make a traditional mains-powered console.

Mobile games have made a shitload of money as well. It doesn't make them any less stupid.

It's $32 and charged the Switch up to 4 times.

It's very fairly priced and good quality.

Good for charging whatever else too, I mean shit phones die quick as dirt these days.

Trading in your PS4 doesn't count.

Yes thanks that's very helpful. Exactly what I wanted to read

Was thinking about using the aforementioned Anker battery to potentially charge my upcoming X1 carbon over USB C

The Switch does not perform anywhere close to XB1 levels. In fact in portable mode it performs just 10% of the XB1.

What? Where in the world would they pull the space from? The battery already takes up what looks to be 40% of the entire inside, and the console's internals need that space to perform as well as it does. If you mean they could remove cooling, then the Switch would just be a goddamn Galaxy Note 7.

>Switch battery life is normal in the current handheld ecosystem

Just because you can hold something in your hands doesn't make it a handheld.

He said ----->over

How can you play away from an outlet for more than two hours

How could you possibly believe that

You think that the Xbox one could play Zelda at 4k 60 fps?

the battery is so good you can charge laptops with it.


What did he mean by this

No, that's fucking retarded. Consoles like the Xbone and PS4 offer absolutely nothing and only have a larger install base than the Wii U because of marketing, and it's still shrinking fast compared to previous generations.
Gimped PCs are a shrinking market, user. And Nintendo would get absolutely fucking slaughtered trying to compete as the 3rd wheel in that shrinking market. Portability is a legitimate pro, no matter the battery limitations.
2.5 hours at max performance is not amazing, but it is very much serviceable, and I'm really peeved that people are acting like it's shit.


The Switch is 157Gflops in portable mode. The XB1 is 1430 Gflops. This is basic math.

>In fact in portable mode it performs just 10% of the XB1.

It's even with the WiiU in portable mode, which is 25% of the Xbones powers.

It's about 500gflops docked, About 40% of Xbones power.

>The Switch is 157Gflops in portable mode.

>b-but that doesn't count

Really man?

>516 ARMv8 Cores (512 CUDA Cores + 4 ARMv8 maybe?) Not sure what does it means,
>They'are talking about 386 CUDA Cores or maybe 512 Cores CUDA Cores in the comments section.
>Handheld mode
>Cpu Core 0 314mhz
>Cpu Core 1 726mhz
>Cpu Core 2 726mhz
>Cpu Core 3 314mhz
>GPU 275mhz
>GFLOPS Benchmark : 375 gflops FP32
>Docked mode
>Cpu all cores are 2143mhz
>GPU is 1005mhz
>GFLOPS Benchmark : 875.77 gflops FP32
>EDIT : Dahuman translated this on Neogaf .
>Other than the useless bullshit about poorly treated and pissed off ex-employee that didn't have to sign a NDA and bleh bleh.
>In standby mode, the thing runs at 314MHz CPU clock speed and 275MHz GPU clock speed. Keep in mind that that's standby mode speed, not operational.
>When doing a benchmark called Julia running at 480x360, the FPS is 267FPS, whereas the PSVita benched at 82FPS. The combined CPU and GPU power is at about 375.06 GFLOPS.
>After docking(I assume that's what the person is trying to say with the follow up information,) the CPU is running at 2.1GHz with the GPU maxing out at 1005 MHz. The benchmark ran at 806FPS @ 875.66GFLOPS CPU and GPU >combined whereas the X1 ran at 1060FPS, PS4 at 1349 FPS, and the PS4Pro at 2983FPS..

No it's about 393gflops docked.

Trading in a Wii U will get you a Switch for 30 bucks you dumb piece of shit.

WiiU was 362gflops and could only run MK8 at 720/60

30 extra gflops doesn't let you go from 720p to 1080p.

Too bad the memory bandwidth is fucked beyond belief and can't even properly output 900p Zelda

How many flips are there to a flop?

That has absolutely fuckall to do with memory bandwith, it's because 1080p is literally double the pixels pushed from 720p and 900p is right between them. Switch is outputing 1.5x the pixels of the Wii U version with better draw distance and framerate stability.

No, 900p Zelda on the switch runs at the same exact spec and performance and 720p Wii U. Same framedrops as well

But the wifi wasn't used.

The controller connection dropping out is the biggest problem. If it was just a prerelease software issue, they would have said so by now. Antennagate is going to kill this thing.

Significantly worse if you conveniently ignore the comparable output of the Switch.

Why has battery life gone to shit? I remember the GBA SP and DS lasting more than the better part of a day.

Why would anyone trade in a console for the exact same thing?

most phones can't even last 6 hours of just screen on time, let alone 6 hours of intense gameplay maxing out the chip. Only the pixel XL, S7E, and moto Z play would come close and those all cost more than the switch AND have lesser graphically performing chips

It had everything to do with memory bandwidth. The performance of your frame buffer size is directly impacted by your memory bandwidth. This is likely the reason Zelda is 900p along with the fact that the engine is likely a forwarded render.

Memory bandwidth has also been the limiting factor for the Shield as well especially with forward renderers.

FYI MK8 using deferred rendering with non-dynamic lighting so pushing the resolution up isn't going to require a linear increase in shader performance.

>2 hours battery

No one wants to play a game for 1 hour then have to charge it again.

Battery tech is stagnating, Lithium Ion is almost maxed out.

Improved Lithium Sulfur may be available to consumer electronics within 10 years, twice the capacity.

They just have to figure out how to make it last more charges, every other bug is worked out.

those leaks are from the July devkits which hold different chips, at the very least it looks like Switch will be as powerful as 2017 revision Shield TV


You don't need to charge after an hour

Considering what the Switch is outputting compared to the fucking 3DS I'm not too horribly concerned, especially since it charges by USB and I'm surrounded by that shit if I'm leaving the house, whether just charging it in my car while I'm driving places or wherever.

Let me tell you what's fucking disgraceful is the goddamn Dualshock 4. If that thing had a screen like the Wii U/Switch I'd forgive its battery life but it's a normal fucking controller with a quarter of what the PS3 controller lasted.

Shit lasts me less than 3 hours in a charge

What test conditions?
I'm pretty sure the GBA SP lasted longer than that.

no retard just do mesh analysis and solve the system of equations either using determinants or cramers rule to get the currents Ia Ib Ic symbolically in terms of the resistors. It's not even AC and it's only resistors, christ.

>The Switch is 157Gflops in portable mode
That would mean MK8 would only be able to do 720p at 30fps, but it does 720p60 (1080p60 docked) fine. Same deal with Fast RMX being 720x640 60 on wii u and somehow proper 720p60 (1080p60 docked) on switch.

>believing this bullshit


Undocked = 154 GFLOPS
Boosted = 192 GFLOPS
Docked = 384 GFLOPS
Intel HD Graphics 4000 = 332.8 GFLOPS

So this is the power of the Switch