
Am i the only one that can see how ugly this game is, both the models and the animations. It looks like a fan game made in unity.

Really bad start a revival

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Nah you're just salty because the game is not an exclusive.

Also why do they keep making him stick his tongue out in everything he does, his spin, his dance, the fucking game cover

This has been the criticism from fans since day 1.

They made tawna look like a turkish man

They don't really have much hardware to work with. What were you expecting?


All i've been seeing is blind dick sucking, acting like its great and perfect

I was expecting it to be as technically good looking as the ratchet ps4 game which looks great
I was also expecting it to keep the art style of the original which it doesn't, you can tell its made by the skylanders team

Environments look good. Gameplay looks good. The character models have too much detail in areas where it isn't needed or appropriate.

It's the hard shadows. Cartoony games shouldn't even have super dark shadows on the models to begin with.

Is this some false flagging bait thread? This game is literally DOUBT: The Remake, on top of debate whether it's exclusive to PS4 or not. Try coming here more than once a month, you will see plenty of photoshopped images attempting to unfuck the color palettes.

Its not just the shadows its everything, the models, the textures the color choice and, the lighting

The environments look like cheap crap. Crash on ps1 had the best most detailed graphics of the ps1, they were going for a sort of colorful cartoony realism. The new game just looks cheap

Characters seem of model
and the animations are amature

>Environments look good
Not really. The lighting is really screwy in areas that were dark in the original, not to mention the design of the scenes themselves.

The tongue at least has a precedent from the original concept art.

I hate when people bring up the original concept art as if being like that is good. The crash we grew up with on the ps1 didn't look or act like that, we got jason rubins interpretation of that art work, that's the real crash

But yeah you are right they got it from that, they did say they looked at the original art work

That sucks. I hope they fix her face because everything else looks good. I love Crash's model and animation. Very faithful and animated. I'm not too bummed over the enviornments. From Activision's perspective, the last few Crash games for the last decade have failed and it's been a decayed franchise. Plus, this is 3 games in a collection that's remade. I'm not expecting AAA graphics, we're lucky to get this at all if it wasn't for Sony pushing it.

>I love Crash's model and animation. Very faithful and animated
Fuck you man, you low iq no eye for detail nigger!!!

Seriously though i dont see anything good coming from this, its just too bad to get the franchise going again

>Inb4 the old man in Slippery Climb

inb4 le poochie

I agree. I understand why they are going for the concept look, but something about it is still off. PS1 wasn't as goofy looking.

>Wondered what you are talking about. google it

Why would they do that. Does it even make sense? I don't think its ever implied that cortex is keeping human prisoners

>its just too bad to get the franchise going again
>This is apparently worse then stuff like Crash of the Titans or Mind Over Mutant which isn't true at all.

Not him but come on. This is the closest Crash is going to get to the originals in quality (since this is the originals in quality with new stuff). A proper Crash 4 be better compared to everything that came after if this leads to it.

The one on the right is literally in Crash 1.

You mean the animation or that his model looks like that?

Why can't Crash look like this?

I think the crash 2 render is the best

I meant literally the concept sketch and his face

By literally I meant conveying a really silly looking Crash with his tongue out instead of the ingame moody looking Crash

In game crash wasnt moody he had sort of a blank simpleton stare most the time
but could have a cool smile or be a bit silly

Seriously though, I liked the Crash games but never really liked the Crash himself.
To me he's just a Sonic wannabe character (animal humanoid with shoes) without any remarkable quality and Loonie Tunes's Taz-Mania movements... but he's wacky, dude!

Overall I wish if the industry would copy Looney Tunes and Tom & Jerry instead of Pixar trash. Jesus christ just looking through Google images is already putting a grin on me.

Hes not though
The only "wacky" sort of thing he does is his victory dance

Hes a cool simpleton


Why does this world try to ruin things that i love

The Skylanders model both the game and the cartoon looked better. The way N-Sane Crash's fur sticks out reminds me of that godawful Conker remake. Plus it looks like they made his lips into pink fur. Everything in here just reminds me of one of those hyperrealistic graphics Unreal Engine fangames.

any proofs of pc release anons?

You're most likely autist, OP.

>he's just a Sonic wannabe character (animal humanoid with shoes)

Only autistic Sonic fanboys say this I swear. No, your walking 90's Sunny D commercial did not invent being an anthropomorphic animal with shoes, and no it is not a crime to appreciate characters that aren't Sonic.

Normally I don't respond to bait, but that's for everyone out here who still says that.

>without any remarkable traits

Crash (and Crash characters) follow one of the greatest and most rare writing tropes in gaming or any other medium for that matter. Every character is bipolar and it creates really satisfying interactions between them.

Crash has a super basic and visually apparent personality; he's really, really wild and unhinged. His dual personality however is being calm, sluggish and reasonable. As far as I know every other character follows this formula in some way but Crash just happens to be the least easy to pinpoint.

I think it's great honestly.

That's like your opinion, man.