Garbage fire games

When was the last time videogames, like, taught you a lesson about, like, garbage fires?

I'm working on a dog walking game right now. Maybe I'll work in some garbage fires.

Why is this

White males

I Don't Know I Can't Remember The Last Thing That Video Games Have Taught Me, Why Do You Ask?

Well, My Good sir, You See That there Is A Reason For This... We need Gender Identity EverYwhere.


Unattributed Anonymous Quote Is Very Inspiring.


tThis is exactly why trump got elected, whites are sick of this radical leftist hippie bullshit and finally wanted to push back. not that the radical right is better but there needs to be a balance in the middle.

Anti-white, anti-straight sentiment has really gone way way too far and it needs to be stopped. It's almost as poisonous a way of thinking as Islam.

>game developers should be aware that fiction exist in a larger social context
>this is bad
Go back to playing your bing bing wahoos and leave game development the adults.

more cancer from GDC

That power point is irresponsibly capitalized

Isn't GDC where Ninja Theory and Tameem made their huge utlra homophobic presentation on DMC Dante being a faggot and DmC Donte not being a faggot?

It must be true because political is in a different color.

Why is that entire quote in title case?

who's this semen squeezer?



This is usual college brainwashing. Most students just ignore it.

imagine if Sup Forums had rules like this

what do they mean by politics being a garbage fire, just because things arent going their way?

How Do People Even Accidentally Type This Fucking Retarded? It's Such A Fucking Chore To Hit Shift Every Fucking Word That It Has To Be Intentional. Do These Retards Think Their Sentences Look Better If They Capitalize Every Word? For What Purpose?

its almost like one is a website and the other is a real life event

The protagonist of Horizon before she got SJW'd up.

Teachers, apparently

but could you imagine?

so are they finally admitting they're the fascist or at least use fascist tactics or are they still going with the whole trump is a fascist thing?

>Capitalizing Every Word

Say that to my face fucker, not online.

These are all totally fair rules for a real life event.

>That before and after

>When was the last time videogames, like, taught you a lesson about, like, garbage fires?

I played Binary Domain and it really made me question things

Possible spoilers for the plot ahead

If we ever get to a level in science where we can create human beings that, while still requiring DNA from a source and a gestation period, are smarter, stronger and more resilient than regular humans because of perfect birth conditions, will humanity embrace or shun that possibility?

Are humans born of non-biological mothers still considered completely human or something completely different?

Would we accept a new drastic step in evolution even if we had to give up being the most advanced beings in the planet?

And, politically speaking, what would this mean to the concept of nation? Would that bring us closer as a human race or would the concepts still be treated with bureaucracy?

I feel like, despite the cheesy action tone of the game, it brought up some good thinking points

define "offensive behavior"
in relation to race, color, gender, age, body size or religion.

fuck off you cunt nigger underaged fat mudslime faggot

Fuck you nigger
Fuck you blackie
Fuck you woman
Fuck you child
>Body size
Fuck you fattie
Fuck you muzzie

>imagine if Sup Forums had rules like this
>implying the people on this board follow the rules

Fuck you tea monkey

syrup monkey actually

where are the goobergators when you need them?

ah my mistake you fucking leaf

This could be useful for those stuck developing games under the pink haired san francisco totalitarians!

>well adjusted adults need these rules to be explicitly defined to them
wew lad

How about instead of putting politics in games, we put good game play in games.