Why do you hate women in gaming?

Why do you hate women in gaming?

I don't, nor do I put them on some weird pedestal

i hate women that feel the need to belong in male spaces and the men who fawn over them and demand everyone be nice.

Because I hate women.

Okay thread's over, everyone go home.

I only hate people who lack genuine enjoyment for their hobbies.


Sounds like you just are full of hate buddy . Try love instead it's much more satisfying.

Anyone who hates an entire group is an idiot. Pity them, maybe, question their motives, sure, but actually hating a group of people is ridiculous.

That being said, I don't think most people that purport to "hate" women in gaming actually "hate" women in gaming, rather that they feel the need to alter it to suit their needs and fuck off to anyone else that doesn't like it.

To me this is the same as going to an MMA gym, wanting to take martial arts up as a hobby, then bitching and moaning that the "culture" of martial arts needs to change and everyone there should tailor it to you. It's an exercise in idiocy. Unfortunately we live in a society where questioning any group that claims minority status automatically means you want them gassed.

I am afraid of /r9k/.

what fresh hell did this fem-wojak meme come from

They've been around for a while. I would post more of them, but I lost the folder a while back.

These pictures freak me out for some reason. I always feel like the artist is a school shooting waiting to happen

Those girl wojack pics are the most autistic, creepy shit to ever involve that meme. Worse than the "let's scare normies away" Pepe images because so much more effort was put into them.

I want to feel a girl's boobs

>video games should be a safe space for us big boys
Fucking virgin

These images always make me incredibly uncomfortable. I don't know why.

Can someone explain the link between video game snobs and trump supporters? There's a noticeable overlap

fuck that goddamn doll fuck

I don't. No one does. (You)

I shudder

What the fuck crawled from her closet under the rug and left a slime trail? How horrifying.

What's that writing on the wall IN the closet?

do you know the story behind them?
did people just say "what if wojak was a girl" or something?

I don't I often htu after the game so we can game more later I like hearing their cute voices and laughs when we joke around

Poopoo peepee was one of the saddest defeats a board has gone through. Then salt was rubbed in the wounds by another board succeeding where they failed.

Take a wild guess

>We Are All Muslim
In the trash she goes

where did that post say "safe space"? try harder if you wanna troll faggot.

It's annoying because every time I run into a GIRL GAMER they're being surrounded by a group of like 3+ white knights who are pathetically desperate to impress the girl

It's sad really

They're fine us its usually the white knight faggots that are worse

Don't be jealous that she's better than you pleasetouchmyweinernow

They are often terrible and obnoxious players and i dont want to do anything with most of them

Pretty princess points. It's the flip side of that good boy points meme from r9k

I unironically like poopoo peepee. It's absurdism in its purest form. It's kinda of beautiful in it's own special way.

Then why does she have to make threads like this and just doesn't do awesome stuff?

Because women shit up absolutely everything they get involved in.

"It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of the fair sex; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. One would be more justified in calling them the unaesthetic sex than the beautiful. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing.

This makes them incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything, and the reason for it is, I fancy, as follows. A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence."

I don't like women in anything, whenever it's Vidya or Music or anything that's subjective.

They just aren't able to apreciate vidya and music as much as we do and that's why they focus on unimportant things like Political correctness and ruining the fanbase of something with their autistic cringy bullshit like anime version of Characters and covering shitty songs.

Those pretty princess points images are truly surreal. I wonder what the person who made these looks like, and how they live.

/r9k/ went through some weird stages after moot left

I don't hate women in gaming. In fact I appreciate seeing more of them at fighting game tournies now that are actually competing and not just spectating. It means they're actually starting to try and we can stop getting "Female does slightly above average so we're going to dedicate an entire article to her" articles going around. I'm glad Kayane called that shit out.

>that tf2 calendar


"Every one who can see through a sham must have found this to be the case. One need only watch the way they behave at a concert, the opera, or the play; the childish simplicity, for instance, with which they keep on chattering during the finest passages in the greatest masterpieces. If it is true that the Greeks forbade women to go to the play, they acted in a right way; for they would at any rate be able to hear something. In our day it would be more appropriate to substitute taceat mulier in theatro for taceat mulier in ecclesia; and this might perhaps be put up in big letters on the curtain.

Nothing different can be expected of women if it is borne in mind that the most eminent of the whole sex have never accomplished anything in the fine arts that is really great, genuine, and original, or given to the world any kind of work of permanent value. This is most striking in regard to painting, the technique of which is as much within their reach as within ours; this is why they pursue it so industriously. Still, they have not a single great painting to show, for the simple reason that they lack that objectivity of mind which is precisely what is so directly necessary in painting. They always stick to what is subjective."

All appreciation of the sparkles and glamour, no appreciation of the craft.

Because any of the ones you hear about are normie trash ruining companies and the games.

The respectable ones aren't talking about this shit.

When was the last time a female streamer played Civ 4 ?


story? it's a self caricature

But women were among the production staff of my favorite series.

that pic already reminds me of why I hate women in vidya again

Its because an entire thread collaborates on what to put into these images so thats how they end up so fucking absurd and autistically detailed to the point of disturbing.

And I think its a female who draws them not sure though

Krautchan, or 8ch@n forgot which one.

>watching people play videogames

You are LITERALLY more of a casual faggot than any girl gamer. Even the "I LURV ZELDA xD" ones.

Because the other men orbit around them

>hitachi magic wand
>fucked up blinds
>non-diet soft drink

how the fuck did you nail a type so perfectly?

what the fuck am i looking at.
this place was a fucking mistake

I really just hate OP.

These women arent disturbing, they're art, faggot.

>Woman joins WoW guild the other week
>She's not great but we can carry her
>Healslut of course
>Think maybe she won't be too bad
>Gets sat out for mythic last night
>She's now on the verge of leaving

Fuck women.

Are you a fucking moron ?

That was my point you fucking retarded faggot fuck.

>this place

back to le reddit m8,

mind your fedora on the doorway


>be nice
>no one is nice to you
Sounds really great.

Fuck that.

I'm 100% convinced that in 50 years or so, someone influential in the art world will dig up this shit up and proclaim it as some kind of brilliant, raw, satirical outsider art fueled by self loathing and social isolation. They will be collected and attributed posthumously to Anonymous as un underground post-art movement or something.

I've been here since last week, longer than you cuckboi

Where are the pepes when we need them?

That's a nice image.

No it wasn't. You presented streaming Civ 4 as if it's some kind of badge of honor and hardcoreness, the implication being that girls don't play complicated games like Civ.

You could have easily made that point without bringing Twitch faggotry into the equation, but you didn't, because you're a cancerous LP faggot who feels the need to watch people play games instead of playing them yourself.

>reddit spacing

>Winnipeg Jets
He's suffered enough

it is as repulsive as all the other pepe and wojack images

that's wrong though, all women drink diet

I had to bro, it wouldnt let me post as it detected my post as spam. Telling people to go back to le Reddit is obviously being filtered here somehow.

>not liking peepee poopoo and other absurd pieces of art

normalfag or shit taste, probably both,

Nice try barney fag. Tell that disgusting zoophile weeaboo subhuman Sunny Sundown along with the rest of them to fucking kill themselves!

Post more

God I fucking hate how women are so obsessed with those cringey little "inspirations" lines of text. Had to drop a decent girl because she had a "all good things are wild and free" freaking tatooed to her arm and I can't stand the general inability to use reason. Also she was a vegan, but not one of those vegans that aren't serious about it, and dreamed of a latino lover.

But it has no effort whatsoever.
You see absurdism, I just see the manchild's equal to opening a can for 10 minutes and dripping your period over it as an exhibition.

>male spaces
>free of women and their periods

some give me a quick rundown on this /r9k/ meme

There not artful at all though. You can clearly tell they're done by slobs with the motivation to appeal to a group of people.

>having to drop a woman because of some dumb tattoo
>not because she was literally planning on cucking you
you're the reason the white race is becoming extinct

where is this ayy from?

Pretty much this
>Girl comes on
>"lol im a GIRL! did you notice I'm a GIRL??"
>Someone tells her to rightfully fuck off
>Desperate fags defend her because she's a girl

I have no problem with women but this shit drives me up the walls.

Who /mgtow/ here?

streamers sure as shit don't

they are the most unhealthy people on the planet last time i checked

>and dreamed of a latino lover.

I guess she enjoys being beaten.

You're right the cuck part was the deal breaker, plus she was almost 30 and clearly desperate.

The more of these images I see the more i feel like something is rotting up my insides.

what about
>Girl comes on
>"hey guys"
>people tell you to fuck off for being weird

I don't. Why would I?

I feel fine.

pic related

>axiom verge
wait, what are you implying?

we all have shit we're willing to look past and shit we're not willing to look past. Sometimes the baggage that comes with a relationship is just too fucking much

it's ancient.
it takes the female feel and extends it to their room, because who they are is defined by the world around them.
Then of course it amplifies some aspects

>GOTY Nominees:
>Life is Strange
>Her Story
>Axiom Verge

Huh, she's got some ok taste.

I fucking love PPP. Please post some more. Oh, and I feel like I've seen that black thing on the bed somewhere before.

>I wonder if she ever beat portal
>no lol that game sucks ass I'm going to smash this stupid gun
That would be all it would take to win my heart

I feel happy. HAPPY

Tf2 didn't invent pinup art user.

The only thing correct in that image is Axiom Verge

What the fuck.... are real women seriously like this? WHAT THE FUCK

why do all fem wojaks have beary pink

>male spaces
>males have called dibs on engaging in virtual scenarios for enjoyment
>this rightfully means women should not be allowed
