Was it really too linear or is that just a meme?
Was it really too linear or is that just a meme?
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It was unbelievably, stupidly linear.
It was indeed incredibly linear, but I think if they shortened the game it wouldn't have been as big of an issue as it was.
I still loved it
its a good game.
It was linear for most of the entire game.
Personally still my favorite in the series. The sequels were far-less linear for those that cared.
Linear as fuck, but that wasn't the issue.
Problem was that 30 hours into the game it still felt like a tutorial with classes and formations still locked. That and it constantly broke apart your party so you could never have a real fucking game plan on how to level.
It really is that linear, but that's not a problem.
I'd much prefer a focused, linear game that knows what it wants to be over a shitty open world nothingfest.
Very linear for first 25 hours but it does open up eventually.
Most of the maps are linear, and ocassionally they'd branch out. I remember really enjoying a few areas. That was really only a bad thing when compared to previous Final Fantasy games, which is a valid complain. The rest of the game is really good, though. Stellar music, graphics and battle mechanics. A shame so many people look away because of the map design alone.
It was, but I am ok with it because it had a story to tell and and it did it at a good pace in part thanks to the linearity.
The way the story is they're all on the run and having them able to run around a big open world dicking around for hours on end would have been kinda dumb from a narrative standpoint.
The game opens up later and I was completely alright with that, I just wish the big ass area you got was a bit more varied.