Living alone on a cozy jungle planet, enjoying the simple life as a farmer

>Living alone on a cozy jungle planet, enjoying the simple life as a farmer.

>All of a sudden, a spaceship full of assholes lands on your planet and they start exploring your house and eating your wheat grains




ever wonder what yoshi's farts smell like?

What's the deal with this wheat farmer meme?


>trying to make wheatposting the new baneposting

It will fail. Go back to Sup Forums.

is this Dead Space 4?

Why did the crew land on a foreign planet with no environmental protection?

From the trailer, they found a Weyland Yutani dog tag in the alien ship, so I guess we can assume they knew the atmosphere was safe?

Because they, like every single other "astronaut, scientific team" in cinema are fucking retarded. This movie is repeating the plot of basically every single Alien movie and this is not videogames.

>big cgi xeno in well lit centre view
Just looks wrong mang

>very fucking expensive colony expedition where the crew is expected to fuck and reproduce as the core principle
>sends 2 fags because MUH TOLERANCE LOL

Film is already shit. Will not be giving my shekels.

>Company sends a crew of couples to colonize a new planet by breeding there.

>Theres gay couple

How the fuck are faggots supposed to breed?
Fuck Ridley Scott and fuck this movie


You are my absolute nigger. I love you.

We should have lots of anal sex and go to space.


Since Ridley is a fucking retard and wont even bother to explain where the fields of wheat came from

sex is just a social invention\
educate yourself shitlord

>colony ship needs couples to reproduce
>sends couple that cannot reproduce
It is shit writing for the sake of minority pandering. You can inject queers in almost any story with no real requirement to explain their presence. Having a gay couple on a ship with only about a dozen people who were hand picked because of the need of the crew to reproduce is flying face first into a stream of illogical piss.

A heterosexual relationship is already irrelevant to produce offspring.
And this is far in the future.

Isn't that the point of the movies?
To find out about the origin of our wheat?

>we're gonna reboot one of the most intense, serious science-fiction horror films of all time
>we need a cast of down to the earth blue collar spacers like in the original
>I've got just the man...

I thought the point of those movies is to desecrate the corpse of this franchise further.
Fincher fucking killed the series, and now Ridley came back to piss on it a bit more.

Did the engineers create our wheat?

I'm honestly glad they at least have been trying somewhat new shit rather than what we got with 3 and Resurrection and AVP.

Maybe they should have tried hiring fucking writer that isnt a incompetent hack?
Suck fuck Prometheus.

The "alien" films don't exist on their universe, and thus they have not been properly warned of the dangers of idiots in space

Do you war protective gear when working with potential deadly but unknown virus?
Ir do you just assume that you are immune?

Even if the alien planet had 1 to 1 identical atmosphere with ours you wouldnt find me breathing it unless i was dying due to lack of oxygen in my suit.
Its just a sign that once again the entire crew will be just dumb cannon fodder for the alien and as smart as some generic no budget slasher teenagers.

>where did all the wheat come from!?!!?!?
>no one seems equally bewildered by the same trees or grass

Pretty obvious they're going to find the remains of Noomi Rapace and the original David's head on that planet. They probably planted the wheat or some shit while trying to study the engineer ship.