So my PC is collecting dust after completing Dark Souls 3, playing emulators and shit...

So my PC is collecting dust after completing Dark Souls 3, playing emulators and shit. Could you guys recommend me an actual PC game that is actually fun, isn't indy trash and makes worthy use of my gtx 970? No generic FPS shooters please.

EVE online, Grand Theft Auto V, Assetto Corsa, idk I'm just listing off icons on my desktop

I pirated a copy of GTAV but for some reason it always crashes on the first mission with the Jew Car Dealer. Also already played it one ps3, but
thanks for the suggestions

Total War: Warhammer
Wargame: Red Dragon

Get sum strategy in ur life, nerd.

Battlefield 1 isn't exactly a generic shooter

F2P games like War Thunder or World of tanks/warships?

What you can't even bother to find yourself a game to LIKE? LOL omfgg

No, because finding good games for pc is getting hard as fuck. DS3 was the last good game I actually enjoyed on my pc, after Metal Gear Rising. Not even trolling.

a new monitor


makes those older shooters really come to life

>its hard as fuck to either google something or just fucking browse Sup Forums or some other video game forum

>completed playing emulators

Holy shit user. You've beaten almost every game ever made. How does it feel?


DOOM 2016: The original FPS that put FPSs on the map. Reimagined for the modern era.
Overwatch: Blizzard's latest waifu simulator, now with custom browsers
Mad Max: Possible the prettiest open world game
Arkham Knight: Not even my 1070 can run this game at 144 FPS/1080p. Your 970 is going to put in some work. This game sucks though. Get it only for Catwoman and Harley Quinn and the pretty rain/weather/lighting effects.
Fallout 4: Needs an ENB to look truly next-gen but it's very pretty when you find the perfect one.
Skyrim Special Edition: Same as Fallout 4 but it runs better than old Skyrim with the new engine, also more advanced special effects.

i know that feel my dude. but maybe one day you'll be open to playing older games that don't utilize modern hardware.

i've been having a blast with deus ex recently. i might try gothic 2 after that. i've also been enjoying recent-ish strategy games that aren't too demanding like EU4.

the comma is there for a reason, my dear friendo.

I mean how would you find a game for any other system if its too hard to find a game for PC in the plethora of games for PC?

Finally someone shares the feel. You know, sometimes I believe I got trolled into a really bad meme by buying my PC. I mean, most games are multiplatform and only a few games are actually better in PC than in consoles. I actually bought my PC to play current gen. games at 1080p 60 fps or more, not emulators and shit.

I am just a dude trying to find a game who makes my $1000 investment actually worth it, but jeez you can bet it's hard finding that game. After DS3 nothing seems as fun and worth it anymore, that's why I am asking the Sup Forums sages.

>Could you guys recommend me an actual PC game that is actually fun

if you cant find one yourself. maybe video games arent for you

>First person shooter shooters

STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl

>FPS shooters

KYS you're self.

Thanks for the bumps

A high profile modern game worth a damn?

fuck me

>gtx 970
lol nice joke
those 2 cant go together

Maybe you should give an idea of what games you like. I really like Titanfall 2 and Doom 4, but you would probably write it off as 'generic fps' and then, for all I fucking know, you will tell me that your favorite is a dumb shit like Arkham Asylum or God Eater Burst.

Holy fucking kek. And PCFaggots still claim they are the hurr durr master race. Nice having those fancy 4kmonitors and expensive gpus without nothing to play huh? 20 replies and still not a single good game, you are all fucking pathetic waste of oxygen.

Honestly just off yourselves. You are the laughing stock of the whole vidya industry PCnerds hahahaha

Yes & PS4 has such good games outside of BB, oh wait

Most people who praise PC gaming use it as their main platform, not as a replacement for PS4/Xbox. There really isn't all that much if you don't want VR, and don't like more obscure titles like Stalker (which is a great series IMO). Theres a bunch of trashy survival games on steam (don't recommend) and modding skyrim/fallout if you enjoy getting lost in large worlds, but mainly it's just consoles without making any concessions.
The main reasons I enjoyed having a PC for gaming over the past 10 years has been
-Silky smooth mouse controls
-Framerate over everything
-Ultrawide resolution (SO cash)

Witcher 3 is good and it will use your hardware.

Why are you people even here if you don't like or know anything about video games

Well I really enjoyed Dark Souls 3, Witcher 3 and also Metal Gear Rising. Maybe we can start from there, I will list more games if I remember.

This is OP, this is why he made the thread, it's pure cancerous falseflagging.
Just kill yourself

Yakuza 0, nioh, Gravity Rush 2


Warhammer. Best PC exclusive in years.

>and makes worthy use of my gtx 970?
I dunno, literally anything? Just using windows probably fills that piece of shit's vram.

GTA5 on PC is amazing.

I played it for 1.5 years on XB1 since my copy was free, then played it on my PC and I'll never touch the console version again, even with modders/cheaters being an issue.

Underrail is an indie game, but an actually masterful one, if you can appreciate something like classic fallout

STALKER obviously

best pc game ever made.

Even if your post doesn't contributes anything, it is a free bump so thank you friendo.

Nioh is like a must have game, I feel bad for people who cannot play Dark Ninja Gaiden Souls

So is Bloodborne but you know that

Persona 5 is probably going to be a 10/10

Final Fantasy 15 is actually pretty amazing, plus it's getting a lot of patches to complete the unfinished main quest

>can only remember 3 games he likes
I guess I will throw you a bone. You really ought to play some classic PC games too, but I understand wanting to enjoy your 970 for now.

I like both Dark Souls and MGR. Each of these will have something in common with DS. Didn't like Witcher, though I only played the first one. The fighting and traveling around was too boring.

Try these out:

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen - 3rd person action game with RPG-like character growth and bizarre story

Divinity: Original Sin - a traditional WRPG, cool story, probably the best graphics in this style, up to 4 players co op

Miasmata - stumble around underfamiliar wilderness while suffering from a horrible disease. Craft and trip on the drugs you make to try to cure yourself while also trying to survive.

I've been really bored of gaming that I need to look for obscure good korean movies to pass time in my shitty existence of a life.

The only game that I kind of want to buy is Elite Dangerous just because I really enjoy space - But actually space games are few and far between, and Star Citizen is just gonna be in early access for a few more years before there's actual content to play with.

I forgot to add that I cannot afford it, because I'm a broke ass white boy with so much privilege that my car is broken down, cannot even get it repaired and I got laid of because of it

love life, man, loooooooveeeee iiiit

Thats a lot of strain for a gtx970

How did you spend a grand on a 970 build? Is your pc like 3 years old already?

Anno 2070 although you won't need a 970 for that

>witcher 3
Even calling it bad would be an insult to bad games everywhere.

Top tier components and GPU in the 2015-2016 range before the new range of gpus came. Speccy related.

And since that speccy I added a 120GB Samsung 850 EVO SSD. I wish I went for the 250GB instead, the extra space it's worth it guys.

GOTY and not good? Get lost faggot