Old Bioware Thread

travel with me back to a time before pajeet and the cunt conglomerate destroyed everything good in a once mythic developer

>good stories
>attractive women
>wondrous world building
>zero political agenda

when I was younger I imagined all the good games Bioware was going to make and I looked forward to the future but now its all psychic punching and ogre tier Starbucks barista looking bitches
lets just talk about the good old days

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I kinda want to go back and do a play-through of 1 & 2 again.

Great stuff. Light Side or Dark Side?

light side for 1 and dark side for 2

it all had so much potential

out of everything it could've been, why this

What pisses me off most is that it isn't considered cannon Star Wars lore. WHY?


>there will never be another one of these games again

because shekels and also cause TOR was shit

People love to rail on them but I'm more astounded at the fact that they seem to learn absolutely nothing with each game and just progressively get worse. It's quite a feat. I want to know how long they can keep this up before EA takes them out to pasture.


Thank God CDProjekt Red exists. Witcher 2 + 3 proved that they are the new Old Bioware

Fuck I miss KoTOR

Their games sell crazily well, Bioware isn't going anywhere user. They are a cash cow for EA.

White tears

It hurts...

Can anybody explain why a new IP that was generally well received, had a great atmosphere, and TONS of potential for future installments was allowed to fade away so easily? Fuck Bioware for becoming what it is now....

It still boggles my mind how this got a seal of approval.

Do you really trust Disney to tell you what is canon? Fuck them! Episode 7 is fan fiction. Everything else is Canon.

wow, i'm so glad i never bought this piece of shit

The only thing that could make this more silly is if a bunch of guys in bath robes were hitting each other with lazer swords.




Only good thing bioware ever made was shadows of amn

Bastila is a cunt and Carth is a fag, definitely precursors to modern bioware characters

All the characters in kotor 1 are cunts and fags except the droids and maybe canderous

would you rather it turned into ?

>zero political agenda
the whole thing had an anti-traditionalist, anti-conservative agenda with how both the jedi ad sith are idiots clinging to an ancient doctrine despite all its flaws and fallacies

Actually there is quite a bit of political propaganda in KOTOR, you were probably too young to notice.

>No it doesn't count because it's not an agenda I'm upset by.

It's literally has the same feminazi shit we have today, you just had options to not click them.
Shallow morality as well, typical liberalism.

Dude, I love that shit but you need to learn to let go. This is some monkey paw shit you're asking for.

Because Disney doesn't want to pay royalties to anyone but will happily rip off everything so they own it all and sell slightly different toys.

>dat atmosphere
>dat questing
>dat building a lightsaber
>dat fucking twist ending
>dat ultra bro Trask risking his dick for you after knowing you for maybe 30 minutes
>dat bastila ass when i was 9

They don't make em like they used to boys

Bioware was never good.

Foreshadowing of what was to be.

ok ok i get it but at least it wasn't as over the top as Cisquisition

That's true and I don't see why people praise Disney when they use not-characters from the old EU. It's pathetic and a way of showing they can't come up with new shit


whats sad is that they ripped HK-47 and the Hammerhead cruiser from this for Rogue One

One of the best written characters in video games, coming through.

>going to Dantooine for the first time
>meeting ultra bro Canderous
>slaughtering the sand people
>first lightsaber duel with dark jedi
>killing Calo Nord
>avenging trask by killing Darth Bandon
>opening that fucking box
>fucking swoop racing

god so many memories

I like how in the second game you play as TM3 in the tutorial and there's a tutorial-only astromech droid that has the same colors as Trask Ulgo.

And then he dies.