Nier Automata

>Buy the game for toobs
>Keep playing for 9S

wtf am I gay now??

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a little miffed that the melody of WA wasn't kept in WW.

9s sucks to play as.

I heard it in the backgrounds of some themes, but I can't remember which.

It makes sense for 2B and 9S to get together. They went throught a lot in the game, after all that shit it is only natural they would want to bathe and maybe start a serious relationship leading into ****.

You know how some of the songs from the previous game were remixed as DLC in Drakengard 3 do you think the same thing will happen in Automata's DLC with songs from Drakengard 3 and 1?

Maybe you're murdersexual.

I stayed for A2, post [E]nd of YoRHa slice of life spin off game with the 3 of them goofing around when?

2BE loves 9S and 9S loves 2BE

This. Basically just mash square or hack... But he was such a great character, that I didn't mind too much.

Banjo 2E

I doubt 2B and 9S would have any time to tag along with A2, they would be too busy living their life together as a married couple.

>All these people that didn't bother setting up a hacking chip customization for 9S

having massive emp explosions and setting things on fire really gives the hacking a bit of pizzaz

>wtf am I gay now??

No, you just understand the feelings of a man driven to burn it all down for love and justice.

Somewhat off topic but who is your favourite disciple?


remixed final song would make me go over the moon

Not him, but Cent was best disciple hands down, and Two was best girl.


I stayed with A2 too. Wish the pods had A4's data, so they can bring her back to A2. ;_;

A typical wife taking care of her husband.
How cute.

This was my reaction as well during Ending E's Square Enix part.

English Dub Cent because I find it entertaining to think he's Dio from VLR.
Otherwise Dito.

>Two was best girl
Damn straight

Octa > Decadus > One > (power gap) > Cent > (twelve consecutive power gaps) > Dito.

Is there anywhere you can get the DLC soundtrack from Drakengard 3? Like to download?

Yeah, Dito is probably my favourite. Lots of wit and just generally bat shit insane.

So is it a good game by character action standards?

Cent > Octa > Dito > Decadus
Zero > Three > One > Two > Four > Five

It's a good game by ARPG standards.

>English Dub Cent because I find it entertaining to think he's Dio from VLR.
He's also Weiss.

Part of me wishes they didn't use Sound of the End so much for actual final boss fights. But it's an awesome song so I don't care as much as I would otherwise.

>buy the game for toobs
Kill yourself, degenerate assposter.

I know but his voice is pretty similiar to Dio's.

>No harem end where 9S walks off into the sunset with toobs, 21O, devola and popola

>tfw you're in love with a psychotic scanner class android

Same voice actor.

about as good as sengoku basara

Good as KH2?

Things would be a bit awkward between 9S and A2 wouldn't they?

It's basically refined MGR combat.

Again, I know they'te all Liam.
It's just that I can't not think of Dio while listening to Cent.

I just want to say that I love the love between Nier and Kaine, they're one of my gaming OTPs. Like, Kaine has been bullied and suffered for all of her life due to her conditions, to the point where she's really insecure so she adopts her grandma's tough demeanor to scare people off and dresses in an extremely revealing way to highlight her feminine features so people would be more likely to see her as a woman. And Nier just accepts everything about her at face value. He sees and accepts her as a warrior, he sees and accepts her as a woman, he sees and accepts her for who she is.

While many skip over Ending C, I watched it and started to cry when Nier kissed Kaine. I immediately reloaded as soon as I got back to the title screen because I felt that the moment was earned by the game, in the subtle ways their relationship was built throughout, and immediately completed Ending D. I cried harder, not only because Nier was completely gone but because Kaine trying to remember him was the most vulnerable I had seen her all game, showing how he entered her heart.

It's mostly why I prefer Papa Nier to Brother Nier, because Papa Nier is much more mature and has a sense of worldliness that gives their love a deeper meaning than Brother Nier, who might just be feeling the rush of first love. Papa Nier knows what love is, he was married once, which gives his love for Kaine greater weight.

9S had pure android sex with Toobie after ending B.

Why is can't the western release date come early?

I just can't wait to see the players unexpected reactions to a Yoko Taro game.

>tfw there's no Machine Dragon boss fight
That would've been perfect here.

More like when they woke up after Ending E.

I fucking hate ending C and D

Game should've ended at ending A and B

>Remote controlling cavalry bots
>Remote controlling goliath class bots
>Remote controlling those flying worm bots


Doesn't the giant EMP machine in the ocean semi count as a dragon? It was drawn as a dragon in the puppet show interlude.



Do the robots have bits for sexing? Adam and Eve don't but they talk about how the other machines will bang each other to try to be more like humans.

someone said this as well about Shadowlord

where are you getting this?

Either way you're giving him more money which is a good thing.

>I just can't wait to see the players unexpected reactions to a Yoko Taro gam

I've started watching the past broadcasts of streams after playing the whole game.

Basically it comes down to

>Hype during Route C's opening credits
>Hype during the schump part of the sea battle
>Cry during 2B's death
>Mesmerized by A2's ass.
>Hype during Ending E

This game looks interesting to me but I have never played a game in the series. It seems like there is a lot going on in this universe.

Would it be a mistake to jump in now? Or do I need to experience the other games first?

>The elevator to mars stays in the background the entire game
>You can see it in cutscenes and shit

No, it's better than the garbage that's KH2

You don't need to play the other games to understand this but there's a bunch of poignant moments in sidequests and near the end of the game that ride on you knowing what happened in Nier.

A2 seemed very understanding of 9S' actions, I guess she knows what it's like to be in his position.

The first Nier is set over 6000 years before Automata. The things you'll miss will be a couple winks to the first game that'll give you the fuzzies when you see them.

Where can I buy the OST?

Well she WAS in his position a long time ago. So yeah, she definitely understands.

She does know how it feels to lose someone special.

You could buy it off Amazon Japan.
It's also coming with the collector's edition in the US and EU.

So what exactly was her deal with A4? Never saw the stageplay.

I can't wait for a FLAC rip of the ost. I can almost feel my ears tingling at the thought.

How do you get the elevator? Giving that machine lots of money for his science exploits?

They can all just have a make-up threesome, it'll be fine.

Hope someone dumps a FLAC rip in an Automata thread when it arrives.

you need to give him 200k. After that he'll sell you meteorites and the alien mask.

Cool. I didn't end up giving him much money but I'll try it again.

So what do you think Taro's reaction will be to commercial success of Automata?


when they wake up and remember all the shit they gone through with and for each other there will be no way around passionate robosex.

with A2 watching afar

I hope he makes a video where he's completely modest about it, saying to look forward to the high school rom-com DLC happening in a couple months.


A2 will be cool with 9S, she's been in his position and she knows what he's going through. 9S on the other hand is going to need a time out and a snuggle with 2B for a few weeks.

Mass produce Emil heads for sale.

Hide in the closet.


I want to say thanks, Sup Forums, for introducing NieR to me. I remember seeing the game's cover pop up in a few threads that seemed comfy, and I must admit I got Ending D spoiled for me... But that's what made me want to play it. The idea of the game deleting your save to advance the plot seemed incredible. After NieR, I was so infatuated with the series that I had already ordered DoD1 and DoD3, and halfway through DoD3 I was so in love with it that I bought a scalped SE of it. These games just scratch an indescribable itch, and everyone who has been in the threads for the past 3 years have been absolutely wonderful to talk to. These threads are the only reason I come here any more, and I have been so happy and comfy in the N:A threads now that the shitposters are gone.

Drinking. Even more, I mean.

no problem play it standalone you will miss out some cameos and mentions but they explain everything you need from history in logs through the game.

Is Taro a big drinker?

Yes, it helps him come up with ideas.

I dunno bout you but I want to take 22b for a messy ride

>Do the robots have bits for sexing?

No. We know they have a way they fuck, but it's not by the traditional method of penis in vag, because androids don't have either.

Yoko Taro is pretty much an idiot savant. It's why his games are so endearing, even if they have some weird design decisions at points.

Post every leitmotif in Automata you can think of

I'm not sure if anybody else picked up on this or if I'm just gay
I hear some notes of growing wings in some of the open world music, I can't find a link to the open world music in Automata, hopefully I'm not alone on this

Obviously the remixes,



2B has a mouth and that's enough for me.

Sometimes Sup Forums isn't a faggot. This place has pointed me towards some of my favourite times, and Nier was one of them for me too (though this was only about six months after it launched).


>I want to say thanks, Sup Forums, for introducing NieR to me

You're welcome man, hope you enjoy it.

Seeing Nier discussed on Sup Forums was a pretty nice surprise. Always a good thing when Sup Forums has good taste.

Yeah, I never would've found out about Nier if it wasn't for a vidya music thread with Bound by Gods being posted.

Yeah, I heard Wretched Automatons in the factory music.

>congratulated him on twitter when it was getting 39/40s all over
>he thanked me
I'm so happy this game exists, I really REALLY hope Zelda doesn't kill its spotlight

Even someone who was streaming the fucking leaked Zelda was more interested in playing NieR, he just had too many viewers to quit.

I think in some of these cases it's less being remixes and more sequences of instrumentation that Okabe/Monaca like the sound of.

You think Taro would've ever do a collection Bundle with Drakengard, Drakengard 3 and Nier? Would kill for it desu senpai.

>ending not to be
they had to do it
also did anyone rip the ost yet?

In preperation for Automata I'm emulating Drakengard 1.

What am I in for?