Battlestation thread


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I like video games!

retro game basement

he photoshopped his vita's to look like monitors





What jobs do you all have and how much do you make? I'm so fucking salty about how comfy your houses look ;-;

Those are Playstation TV's right?

Dope shit my man.
Why 2 VR devices though?

Also is that a wallpaper from the game or is that some kinda loading screen? Looks pretty nice, but I'll be getting zelda instead for now I think.

Rate me.

It's their parents houses user...

yes, i got them cheap and somehow got the only two on the planet without serious issues.

That ps4 standing up would be really annoying in my peripheral vision while playing. Other than that, sick setup

is that a SNES mouse from mario paint?

all you have is For Honor, Crusader Kings, and King Arthur's Gold installed/10

Actually, I play mostly Pokemon games.


What a pleb

nice redditstation

Eerie as fuck

Don't be that way, gimme a smooch.

What is the belt for?

Ah, I see. Who is the saint in ? Looks like Francis but I'm not sure.

where's your kid?

Yeah, Francis.

I can't tell what's in his hand, but St. Francis usually holds a bird.

in bed.

Just a bunch of rosaries and scapulars I have.

Why would anyone use studio monitors for a surround sound set up? That seems like a really weird way to spend money on speakers (regardless of however good they may be).

>can afford multiple screens and large widescreens
>dont put them in actual reasonable spots
>crane your fucking neck city
>bezels that dont even fit

its like more money makes you retarded


i wanna call you a fag for your entry level anime tastes but I'm a sucker for godzilla

What kind of fucked up aspect ratio is that?

I don't know if it'll change your opinion but I could only find posters of the real popular anime I liked. Lain is my favorite anime of all time though.

its the "i pretend i need to see 200 lines of code at once for convenience, but clearly dont because if i cared that much for convenience id have the screens next to eachother"

What? Center main monitor. Side monitor for random shit

>bezels that don't even fit

...what? What does this mean?

cleanly together. what else could someone possibly mean

Replace that HE-500 cable. Not because cables change the sound, but because that fucking cable rustling was louder than any music I listen to.

Entry level or not, Akira is one of the best.

Lain's amazing.

This slow nigga didn't hear they invented colors in 1950

>bezels cleanly fitting together

...what? What are you saying?

I didn't instantly fall in love with it but like a week after I finished it I just kept realizing more and more how much I loved it.

user, generally that means that person isn't using that 2nd monitor for just luxury but work. There's work that functions better with weirdly placed monitor setups like a horizontal and a vertical next to each other.


>he doesn't use razer simulated surround

>mafia 3


Waiting for deliveries is a pain.

Good night Sup Forums.

>Spent thousands of dollars on figures
>Place them under a purple light so you can't appreciate them

And this is how you waste money

>Place them under a purple light so you can't appreciate them
I can change it to whatever color I want. I just happen to leave it at purple because it contrasts well with the warm light coming from my lamps and looks comfy as an ambient light. If I actually want to look at them or show them to other people I just change it to white.

fuck me how much did that tablet cost you
your anime is shithouse but i gotta know

what do you use the vertical monitor for?

>HAF 932 without the side fan
For what purpose?

How are the JoJoniums? I was thinking about buying them, but ended up going for the regular manga instead. Also, what are you using that Cintiq for?

web browsing and forums usually are nice on the long screen. Honestly I'd probably rather have it horizontal, but my desk isn't that wide and another horizontal monitor next to my ultrawide would just be too much neck movement to use it comfortably

>no dolby atmos


Nice, how much did it cost?



I have a third monitor I don't really use and would like to do the vertical meme - What are the best stands for doing so?

Do the LEDs bother you when you're playing? It seems to me the glare would bother me from the corner of my eyes. How about the bed, does the shelf help cover it up?

convenient tp roll

>All reddit anime
>art tablet faggot

my camera is bad i am sorry

A little late, but 2,000 dollars. Spending 100 dollars more on a Touch is worth it.

High quality stuff, but they do take up a lot of room so make sure you have space. I use the Cintiq for art.


Why are sissy white bois allowed?

The glare isn't there at all from where I play and watch the TV. It's only visible in the pictures because of the angle, but from straight on there's no issue. Also, the shelf does cover the LEDs when I'm lying down, but I usually turn everything off to sleep anyway.

>I use the Cintiq for art.
That much I know user. Do you work on general 2D illustration or 3D? I've been considering getting one, but I'm not sure how much better it is than an Intuos Pro for like 90% ZBrush and some Photoshop.

Why wouldn't I be?

very aesthetic.



never seen this one. really nice though.

pleasant +1 for bulbsaur

modern 1/2

retro 2/2

make that 3/3

Where my /doubleverticalmonitor/ niggas?

i have only specs of my russhit PC

>1080pX60herz + 980ti
Knowing the fact that 980ti is very pricey in russia, ты нe oчeнь yмeн, нe тaк ли?

>asura's wrath
good shit, user

Not at home, so can't take a pic, but here is a Speccy at least. Bought used parts and assembled it after selling my i5 one

>iobit on desktop
I smell viruses

>tfw fellow rusfags

>less than 500$
sorry that was not my main monitor

How dare you speak to me

I love you, user.

>backlit mousepad

Thank you for the laugh you fucking dork.

>reformatting in dollars
>knowing of russian wages
>knowing that in russia they are pricier than in US

Its two variants, ure either pretending to be a retard, or you are a retard, which one is it?

Anyway 500$ is not that much
looking for a new pc with gtx1080ti

Sure, it is up to you in the end. Good luck being a tool tho.

I don't like you, go away

is that PSO on the gamecube?

>russian calling someone else retarded
Oh my keks

I don't wanna! Why not get to know me instead so you like me more?

I need your papes, senpai.

what are you talking about?


I like this a lot, I really really do.