So you're cruising around the Aurora wreck and this guy comes and slaps your Seamoth's ass.

What do Sup Forums? He's 55m and 100 tonnes.

Other urls found in this thread:


Make him eat some nice .75 calibre explosive bolt r- oh wait...
Fire some gauss beams right into his eyes blinding hi- fuck can't do that.
Deploy some hellfire torpedoes blasting him to chunks- shit
>Use a fucking (((stasis rifle))) and basically shoo the monster away because the developers are fucking bleeding heart faggots over some dead kids


the developers are sjw anti-gun faggots

shoot him with torpedos or stun with stasis rifle then knife him with heat knife


People are still asshurt about that?

Get to work I guess.

>Devs are fags that dont have any firearms or alternatives like lasers, harpoons or torpedoes
>Has knives despite all the poor children brutally stabbed by muslims and mexicans.

Huh, that double standard really gets those gears grinding.

Hide in 3m rectum and plant 2sqm of c4 giving my blast radius an area of at least 50m. Run 100m away and salvage remaining 20 tonnes of squidbilly for ceviche party in my honor.

>keeping yourself from enjoying things because you are too immature to separate games from the politics of their creators

i feel bad for you t b h

Can they at least add a harpoon gun or something?

The main developer went on a huge anti-gun ownership rant about how evil guns are as the main reason he won't add anything remotely a gun to Subnautica.

the creators are too immature to separate their business from their politics. rely gets the gears grinding

Nope. Anything that can remotely kill hostile wildlife without it being super fucking tedious is a big no-no with these cucks. That's why there aren't any explosive torpedoes, ocean mines, lasers/plasma beams or dumbfire missiles. You know because I'm fucking sure not adding any of these will gain the respect of those Sandy Hook dead kids. TLD, a game made by Leafs somehow is less cucked because it llts you fight back imo.

>wahhh why doesn't your game have black trans female?
>our game, we do what we want

majority of Sup Forums
>wahhh why doesn't your game have guns and weapons
>our game, we do what we want

Most of you faggots are the same. When Horizon had a white fucking female you all threw a bitch fit. It's incredible how you two are alike.

>apples and oranges

Tell me what is wrong with the developers having their own reasons for not having guns in their own damn game.

Wait until release before playing it, probably. What I did play was pretty great, though.

Because in a future setting there are many alternatives to go beyond a gun. Yet these devs are collosal faggots and use pussy shit like a stasis rifle and knock out torpedoes. Fucking embarrassing.

Reminds me of this.

Funny thing, I think they based the Ghost Leviathan model off of that thing. They actually made a 3D model but its not painted and needs to be rigged up.

having guns would remove some of the horror element of the game, you would feel too powerful and not threatened. already its kind of ruined. it was way scarier back before you could just beat everything to death with the exosuit.

Even bullshit political reasons aside, it's an indie dev team whose political views direct where their game is going.

Bitch all you want about lack of guns or ways to handle enemies, the point of the game is to explore the ocean solving some lame ass scooby doo mystery crime and feel helpless in the deep blue. The ai programming is so trivial that you literally just dodge left or right with the exception of big fuckers like leviathan.

It wasn't meant to be a futuristic space underwater shooter.

haha that's not real right?



Apparently this guy had one hiding in his tank and never found out about it. Fish would randomly go missing until one day he found the problem.

>thinking anything from the deep sea isn't real
There are reasons why it remains completely unexplored.

My first seamoth was destroyed by that faggot. Had to swim back to base.

On the whole gun thing, I think you're all being fags about it. I agree with
at the end of the day it's the choice of the developer. I mean he's being a fag about it too. From a gameplay perspective it makes the predators an actual threat since you can't just shoot the shit outta them.

All in all I was kind bummed out there's no way to defend myself, and think the devs are faggots, but I can't say I actually needed weapons in the game.

yeah fuck things actually being threatening am I right?

>that fucking conehead on the left

Straight outta Del Toro's SH fanfics.

They are bobbit worms. They don't have brains and if you cut them in half both halves will grow into new worms.

>Touted as a survival game
>In a far-flung future where one can 3D print damn near anything
>All you've got available to you is a knife, not even a fucking spear or sabre
>Stasis rifle, though, that's fine (???)

Very satisfying to read, nice job

What the fuck.

How do you miss something that size for 2 years?

Can we go one fucking thread without whining about guns?
They don't fit the tone of the game and remove any terrifying elements if you can just blow up anything

Guns aren't in the game because it's from the future in the Hillary timeline and she banned all the guns so nightmares from the seas overtook the world because there were no guns to shoot oxygen tanks.

Have they added base building worth a damn yet or are they focusing on their uninspired retarded-ass story?

>Faggots here defending no weaponry for "M-MUH HORROR"
Sure it's scary for the fist few bits of the game but when you have a cyclops and the leviathans keep pushing you around it gets fucking annoying. Why am I stuck with a fucking knife when there should be synthetic javelins, spears and harpoons? Why can't I create real explosives with crash powder?

I can keep a safe distance from the reapers due to their size, and them being dumb as a fucking rock.

other creatures.


especially when you have your VR headset brightness adjusted properly. its just horrifying.


Huh. I didn't know this.

However, I think the inclusion of actual weapons would be bad. For me, all tension is lost as soon as I have an effective means to fight back.

I like Subnautica, but I wish there were more straight-up horror/exploration games about the ocean. I really enjoyed SOMA, and I think there are some other ones floating around that I haven't played.

Cuz the ocean is fucking cool, man.

>Acquire Prawn
>Remove Leviathan


>Acquire big submarine
>Become invulnerable

more people die from firearms than stabbings

obviously the same is true for sea creatures kek

I wish Subnautica had better designs for wildlife, a lot of them look straight up fucking stupid no matter how big they make it.

Also if I were in charge of the game I would also not include guns, they'd be out of place.
A harpoon would fit.

Accept death.

What's wrong with the base building?

In a country without guns, the stabbing deaths increase.

>no torpedoes

but thats wrong

gap between stabbings and gun violence (or prior gun violence) will always be big, regardless of whether there are guns or not

I mean actual torpedoes designed to blast things into bits, not these hippy faggy shit that "stuns". You have all this metal to make comositions and even a fish that explodes and your telling me I can't craft any sort of explosive torpedo, dumbfire missiles or underwatwr mines to deter leviathans from fucking with me?

Yeah. Fuck them for making what they want to make and not pandering to you.

What the h*ck is that bottom left thing? It's fucking massive but it's like half a fish. Where's the other half? Why does it look like it's made out of stone?

That's a sunfish user.

I honestly can't say why the hell they look that weird, but that's nature.

They are normally hiding, there is a forum thread about a guy who tried to remove one for a year, it had actually dug into the aquarium props and was impossible to get out, and whenever he did catch it it always split and grew into a new worm.

I have to admit the lack of any defences makes the game a lot scarier, and I'm only here for the fear factor.

It's strange because Natural Selection 2 has some fine designs. They're not spectacular but they certainly look more menacing.

They have literally so many creatures they could work with but so many of their designs have these big goofy googly eyes and smooth, colorful bodies. I wish there was more stuff that looked grotesque and frightening.

Sunfish, they are probably one of the weirdest (stupid) thing in the ocean and the only reason they didn't go extinct is the outrageous number of eggs they lay

We posting unholy creatures from the deep?

This is the Greenland Shark. It is the longest living vertebrate in the world, living between 300 and 500 years. It is also the slowest moving fish of its size, with a max speed of 2.6km an hour. Despite this it somehow manages to catch seals that swim over twice as fast.
Its meat is also poisonous but people in Iceland and Greenland eat it for whatever reason.

A sunfish. The first time I learned about it was when I caught one in Animal Crossing: Wild World. What a time that was

So many of them always look like they just told a really shitty joke and are waiting for their friends to get it.


>Well hey there friend, y'all heard the word of Cthulhu?

Imagine if those things were pack hunters that actually formed clusters like that.
I mean it makes no sense for gameplay or lore, but just imagine anyway.

I dun know about that. I'm pretty sure the Brits had a proportional epidemic of stabbing. And even if you are right, overall homicides barely drop at a faster than normal rate according to the man studies I've seen.

I feel like I want the source.

God has abandoned us

All these fags saying you shouldn't be allowed to have a spear, spear gun or torpedos because it would ruin the spook value, I'd like to remind every single one of you colossal faggots that the PRAWN lets you graple onto big things and fucken drill their brains out, you don't have a leg to stand on with this argument.

cant remember the last time i hesitated quite like this.



Really, I like the idea of no straight up guns. I can see a civilization in that sort of post-scarcity level with no crime eliminating guns because they sound scary.

What I wish they'd include though is hobo-crafting outside of the fabricator. You should totally be allowed to weld a knife onto a metal pole to make a spear out of, and then make really cost-inefficient spear guns out of metal pipes and those air sack things that probably break after a few uses.

It'd show that while the fabricator makes things easier, the player is capable of bypassing it if they really want to

You can't have that because then you'd have to allow guns due to the existence of crash power which would allow them to make pipe-guns as well. I also believe there are the ingredients to make gunpowder on this planet. I get what you're saying and I don't really care if there are guns or not, but the argument against the existence of them is absolutely rediculous considering most of the shit in this game are alien, and might I add, impervious to bullets, bonesharks and crabsquid are my examples for this, no spook factor would be lost with the existence of useful hunting tools.

>Everyone wants guns

Guns would be shit in this game. Bullets aren't worth crap underwater. Spear guns maybe, but with Tetris inventory half your space would be dedicated to ammo, and I don't see a spear gun being all that useful on most of the shit in this ocean

>Game takes place on earth on January 21 2017 in an alternate universe where Trump lost


plus its like nobody has been dropping gravisphers in front of leviathans for lulz.

The solution is obviously laser weaponry

They could easily introduce spear guns and make animals harder to catch by hand. That would make it much more difficult for the longterm and in my opinion, more fun.

I used a grabsphere and holy shit it's funny seeing it pull in small fish

>The main dev
You mean a shitty intern that the actual devs already discredited. These are the same people behind Natural Selection you dumb faggot.

Morons like you is why this retarded bullshit keeps spreading to more retarded faggots that lap this shit up without a thought to it.

Can you even outrun these things? It's just obnoxious to not have an effective way to fight them and not be able to outrun them.

It's not really scary anyway, mostly just bothersome once you've played for a bit.

The way enemies respawn is a bugger nuisance than the lack of guns though, like you can kill stalkers but they fucking respawn in the biome you kill them in, so if they chase you into the safe shallows and you knife them there they keep respawning in the safe shallows from then on. So I had my safe shallows full of like 16 stalkers while the areas around it were completely barren save for a few biters.

>terraforming finally got removed
its about fucking time
now to boot this shit up and see if the map chunks not loading got fixed
it did get fixed right


what the fuck i thought that was the whole issue
why is this still an issue, its the only thing left breaking my comfy immersion in this game.
have the devs commented on it recently at all or is that just going to go straight into release?
i check their trello roadmap every once in a while but i can't find anything related to that

I feel the pop-in is actually getting worse over time somehow, like getting a leviathan literally spawning right in front of you and shit.

I'm at the point where this shit isn't even spooky, just a case of "sigh, guess I gotta deal with this tedious asshole now"

>giant Bobbit Worm


well i found a card on their trello labeled "march 2 - investigate terrain seam fix"
they haven't fucking looked into this yet?
saves are confirmed to destabilize the older they get, its been an issue since day 1

looking further at their roadmap kinda hurts me as a fan
>april - fix terrain seams, communicate price increase
sure would be nice to see better performance before a price increase happens

This wasn't on an old save, this was me playing a fresh game on the most recent update, you get these beacons now that go to other crashed drop pods where you'll find cool shit and one of them just spawned a leviathan under me right as I arrived.

I've played the game to the point where none of the shit scares me even just playing on hardcore, the AI is so easy to get around that unless shit gets thrown off by clipping into terrain you can easily get around without ever getting hit.

I've even tried a whole knifing a leviathan to death thing but I got too bored because they just have too much fucking health.

Currently there's a bug that corrupts regions, making you crash every time you enter it. It can be fixed by deleting temporary files associated with that region but it's still a pain in the ass
Apparently it's fixed in an experimental build but now there's another bug that crashes the game so they can't release the fix yet
There's also a bug that spawns reapers in Safe Shallows if you enter a part of the world with reapers and it's been around for fucking months

The reapers in safe shallows is due to how they make shit respawn, reapers can get stuck in terrain and suffocate or die to collision damage and if they died inside the border of the safe shallows they'll respawn in the middle of the biome, right near your escape pod.

They removed Terraforming to improve performance infinitely.
Next is the seams-fix.
It's gonna take a fucking while tho cause they're shitty and slow.

at the very least the terrain block loading and lod issue is on the playtesting site, so it is being worked on


This is the FIRST game I've had fun playing with the Vive, put in a good 8-10 hours in one day just exploring and getting the shit scared out of me. I just wish it supported the Vive controllers instead of a gamepad.

>seams fix is literally in their "backlog" section
kill me

There's fucking nothing to build.
Warframe's dojos have more selection.

Warframe and Subnautica are vastly different games, user

>labels: minor issue
no it fucking isnt
im almost expecting all game support to be fucking dropped after release like most ea titles but hopefully there will be updates with more craftables added later. base customization is pretty sparse, although you can do some cool stuff with it depending on how creative you are

The seams themselves are technically a minor issue. They don't impact gameplay, only make it look like shit.
What does impact gameplay is the fact chunks don't load until you're like a few feet from them.