If you had to choose what game would you rather get? Horizon or Zelda?

If you had to choose what game would you rather get? Horizon or Zelda?


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What the fuck happened to strawpoll?

what do you mean?


Horizon looks like bioware and ubisoft came together and made mass cry 3 featuring even more pandering



I'd choose Nier A tomato

Is Nigel our guy?

It had a terrible design change

Isn't it obvious?

Zelda because it isn't trying to force its politics on me.

It's only trying to force petit Zoras, muscly female Gerudos, tall shy Sheikah, and men who are comfortable wearing women's clothing on me. And I'm okay with that.

Not buying either one though.

Hope mods will delete this shitty post. Always the same shit, always the same posts.

horizon is a sjw game. fuck that shit

>both shitty open world games that Sonycucks and Nintendrones defend with their lives
Neither. I'd rather play nothing.

Both, but won't be getting Horizon until it's dropped in price.

strawpoll.com =/= strawpoll.me

I'm not going to buy either of these shit games but if I was forced to play one it would be Zelda.

Botw looks so shit, zero dawn is supposed to be not that bad so imma just go with zero dawn

Playing Horizon right now, renting it from Redbox and all Im thinking at the moment is "Fuck Zelda."

I'm still Little Aloy at the moment but fuck is the game beautiful. Was expecting Inquisition tier graphics and animations but they are pretty great so far.

Makes Zelda's visuals even more embarrassing and pathetic.

I bought both. Been playing zero dawn alot it already wins in graphics obviously. I'm worried Zelda won't have enough structure but I'm looking forward to it

Nier Automata PC version please. I just finished almost all of the endings and want to replay the definitive version.

Why do you need structure? Make you feel comfy? I personally like the freedom more

Zelda, obv

Make your shilling less obvious

Fuck responded to the wrong guy

BotW actually looks like a game.

So does Horizon have more or less content than Zelda? does anyone know yet

Never played the game but yes absolutely.

>two women and one man
>both women are kind and looking to the future
>man is petty and borderline evil
Really juices my jimbos

Based Nige

>Smart TV

Into the trash it goes

That being said, I'm getting both. Sure is good not being a broke ass faggot.

>those results

>and all Im thinking at the moment is "Fuck Zelda."

So instead of just enjoying your game you think "god fucking damn it, this game that has nothing to do with what I'm playing fucking sucks!"

Fucking Sonyggers

Zelda , i like zelda 1 a lot
But still
Only 4 dungeons and 16 enemies + bosses and then everything is recolor.
Both games are overhyped but at the end both are mediocre/ok at best.

>Zelda has 14 enemy types total
>Horizon has 26 machine dinos alone

Oh gee

>Bribe people with a TV and still more people would rather get zelda

I have PS4 for better games than that shitty farcry with new skin, fuck off

Probably Zelda, no politics. Though I don't know if I think the Switch is worth buying. Probably just going to keep not playing games.

Zelda has very few known issues overall
HZD is a complete mess of a game through and through

I don't even want zelda and it looks like the better game. Framerate issues aside (since HZD has those too) zelda doesnt seem to have many actual basic flaws.

>poll obviously skewed towards Horizon: Zero Future
>Zelda still blowing it out of the water

How many fucking times are you going to make this poll

My friend asked me about whether he should get a ps4 pro, 4k tv, and horizon bundle, or switch. I didn't know a poll was already made lmao

Horizon bc I only have a PS4 Pro.

Will get Zelda once the Switch comes with it bundled or Christmas time, whichever comes sooner.

>pick 1
>SJW: undercover
>grotesquely unfitting artstyle on outdated hardware

I'll pick none. there are no winners here.

But you just won..

>My friend asked me about whether he should get a ps4 pro, 4k tv, and horizon bundle, or switch. I didn't know a poll was already made lmao
It probably would be better to get the playstation and 4k tv, horizon is shit but there are other games more worthwhile for the ps4.

1. Zelda

1. Nioh
2.Gravity Rush
3. Yakuza Zero
4. Bloodborne
and if you don't own a PS3 Persona 5

This, though given how little context there is in the OP it's awfully easy to vote for Zelda instead

they are completely different games, HZD is like Tomb Raide mixed with Far Cry and The Witcher 3 with great enemys and ok combat.

Zelda: BotW is like Zelda+MGS 5, fun addicting gameplay, not that much enemy variety, story takes a very little amount of time of the like 100 hours you can put into this new Zelda, atmosphere is very good. Its the more fun game i would say but also the one that could get goring faster because there isnt that much motivation from the story like in HZD.

>motivating story

HZD is definitely more linear by far. If you're someone who is willing to slog through boring monotonous gameplay because you enjoy story and setting, then HZD is just like Tomb Raider in that regard.

Zelda's gameplay experience is something people will return to time after time, IMO. Horizon is just a one-and-done deal. It's not utterly horrible, but it's really nothing special.

I'd choose Nier.


yea I made the poll for just a few of us at first but then we started spreading it to get more opinions

They're about to travel though so I think the switch will be a better option for right now.

>four years old
>only four games
Almost makes the WiiU look good.

I actually just bought a Pro and 50in 4k HDR tv. Ill be using it to play BotW first. Then after im done i might try Horizon.

Im more of a Zelda fan than a Diversity Zero White Men fan

I'm having a blast with Horizon. Just got to Utah and robot buffalo and big ass zoid bird thing are fucking my shit up.

well that settles that then

Yakuza 0