Walk into Gamestop

>walk into Gamestop
>see this blocking your Switch preorder

wat do

Other urls found in this thread:


steal her shoes

Remove her shoes and massage her feet.

>pull up pants to navel
>shove skittles up your nose for extra nasally voice
>"Hey, can I get your friend code?"
Bam, open spot in line


Why would my pre order be on the shelf


Run back to my car to retrieve the eggs

But they keep all the actual merchandise behind the counter.

pull my pants up and tuck in my shirt
take out my inhaler and speak in a nasally voice if I can have her number
she's guaranteed to move away

Use the closer downblouse creepshot to look cool on Sup Forums

You can talk about them, but only with specific people and never out of the blue.



Kill myself for ordering a garbage nintendo tablet

>Put my dick out
>Walk to her
>She starts to blow me
>She sneezes due to the dust on the carpet and bites my dick off
>Finaly my virginity is preceived as a virtue


>you will NEVER have a 3ds gf


Pee on her to show dominance

keep posting

Hey could you please fuck me so I can get my Nintendo Switch preorder? Thanks.



Ask her why she has 2 3ds and if shes' willing to share one.

I would just go back to the car and ask my mom to go into the store and get it for me

Stand beside her til she moves.

>Reading in public
>Clearly not looking at the book
This bothers me.

"Excuse me."
"...Move. You're in the way."

he was right you know

Unsheathe my Yami Katana I got from a demon I summoned and personally killed and use it's power to become one with the shadow itself, and hastily but stealthily creep behind her without notice and take the Switch.

So much wrong with this post.

>switch preorder
>girl playing video games

None of these things should exist.

Put her shoe on her head.

Well considering she is sitting in front of 3DS games, I would call OP a moron and proceed to my Switch.

Step on her 3DS that's on the floor

Realize I'm pre-ordering a Switch and stop.
Then ask her to brappp a little or something.

>remove boots
>lick feet

call my boy Quentin up

he's looking around to see if anyone is noticing how intellectual he is


Who the fuck play games sitting on the floor of the store. Never even seen 3 yo doing it, let alone adult.


"'Scuse me."
"All good."
(What a fag.)

Do you even have her permission to freely post her picture?

you can't post pictures of whoever the fuck you want in public

No, but that didn't stop Sup Forums from finding her Instagram account and having an autistic fit when she told everyone she had a boyfriend.

>respectable fields

>TFW she turns into Bear and eats my Dingle berries

But seriously, screw this guy.

>sunday night hbo

You pick up preordered shit from the counter, not the shelf.

>use it is power

step over her. I'm not a manlet like you

Step on her like the roach she is.

Kindly ask her to move so I can grab a copy of Puyo Puyo Tetris while I'm there.

cute legs

i wonder how soft they are


>just plowing through the words and not stopping to contemplating the intricate meanings they create

He he-- Hey are you here for the Switch too?
Oh look there's a Starbucks across the street.
Would you like to head there and we can set up our consoles together??

pull out muh dick and throat fuck her

>Quintin and his friends beat the shit out of a child for playing his toy in public
Holy shit I'm dying

>3DS XL coming soon

This picture is at least 5 years old. She's too old for you kids.

sit down next to this girl with my bisexual loli girlfriend and chat about nintendo stuff, get the switch, and if things went well we all play switch and have a threesome. life is good.

open her legs and start to lick that sweet pussy

Call her a pleb for not having hacked her 3DS yet and that she has no excuses.

walk up to her and BRAAAAAAP right in her face.

To be fair, most Chicago Blackhawks fans don't know anything about the Chicago Blackhawks

>play switch
>switch has no games

Walk past and look down at her cleavage at the same time.

Wait why does she have 2 DS's there?

A hero that this board didn't deserve.

i bet her ass is smelly

man this pictures so old I wonder of this girls already in her mid 30s by now.

i'd just step over here and proceed to pick up my preorder. oh this is Sup Forums never mind I'M GONNA CUM ALL OVER HER FACE AND SLAP HER WITH MY DICK LOL XDDD

I can follow the rest of it, but what're the slut sisters feeling offended by, exactly?

The fact he's having legit fun while they're only pretending to have fun, and thinking shitty things about eachother's hair and skin?

you know this guys right, you don't have to be a virgin man-child to enjoy games, just don't be a faggot autismo in public


Why are shitty, ratty boots so attractive?

Sniff her butthole desu.

>Dress to impress

Looks like he's going to a funeral.

BASED Daniel Craig

He could just be watching a movie

He was ordered by Sony to have a PSP on him at all times and play from time to time. It was in the contract. He didn't actually own one.

Smack her inferior 3DS out of her hands with my superior PSP

Say excuse me and grab my shit

Say "Excuse me." If you're polite she'll move out of the way for you.

user, she's a 20year old girl sitting on a floor in a fucking gamestop.
She'll probably swap friend codes with you no matter how melvin you try to act.

This is why you will never have a gf and die alone. You don't just rudely invade her space. Wait for her to move or don't approach at all.

well the PSP was pretty sexy, unlike the DS and 3DS which were autist magnets

Remove her smelly boots, sniff them like I was an addict, then proceed to release my goo into them. Put them back on her feet and listen for the sweet, sticky, cum nestle between her toes.

>walk past her
>realize I never actually placed a preorder for the switch because only idiots buy consoles at launch
>turn to leave and crop-dust her

It also wasn't riddled with casual shit

Imagine playing brain age with the speaking games on the bus

>sitting on bench outside of class on campus
>pull out ds
>playing mario
>no one cares
Either I live in an actual civilized city, or im not fat/ugly enough to be judged

Im fat and ugly so it literally doesnt matter at fucking all what I do or how I dress

Lick her feet and walk away without the Switch

I would probably mumble "excuse me" while being unable to maintain eye contact with her and looking at the floor

Everyone judges everyone on everything.

Just because people didn't directly confront you for being a manchild in public doesn't mean they didn't think you were being a manchild. They did.

Why not kill yourself now and get it over with, then.

Probably stop ask myself wtf I'm doing at Gameshit