So....this....IS THE POWER.....of Wii U

So....this....IS THE POWER.....of Wii U

Finally, weather effects that are not simply cosmetic or just lower stats.

That said;
>No special volcanic seared meat
>No option for medium rare
It's still not there.

Looks fine to me?

>throws meat on the ground
>meat sets on fire for no reason
>zelda is perfectly fine on same ground


What game is this?

This isn't Zelda, deal with it.

what is that disgusting MMO armor?

>meat sets on fire for no reason
Or because.. you know.. Link is in an area where anything is flammable. You fucking idiot.

>Game entirely about killing monsters and preparing their edible parts in ways that give you buffs to go and kill more monsters for their meat.

Dungeon Meshi game WHEN? I know Monster Hunter does something kind of similar, but it needs more cooking depth.

Huh. Neat

It sets on fire because he is near a volcano I guess

Paper Mario Colour Splash

There is a temperature gauge right there user.

Pay attention.

Resident Evil: Tides of Numenera

>>meat sets on fire for no reason
>WTF I burnt alive on an active volcano!? HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW

Protects from bursting into flames when in close proximity to lava. Not very good looking though.

zelda is a elf
they are fire proof

Can confirm, am Elf.

You do know how hot a fucking volcano is right?!

>All this cooking and gathering will be useless because it's still a brain dead easy Zelda game.


>That excited little kick he does when he knows he's won

Cute as fuck.

Dragon's Crown has this feature. Every 3 maps or so you have a camp where you cook the bosses you've killed. cooking them different ways with different ingredients yields different buffs.

>Sword starts bouncing after death

I can see why but that's still super silly.

Go home Phil

What the fuck were they thinking with that armor design?

That's the curse of items having physics when not held. Game physics will never be perfect unfortunately.

holy FUCK, we dark souls fights now

I got some more.

>This zelda looks amazing, like they took notes from Kojima's autistic attention to detail and ramped it up to 11
>I don't want a Switch because it's a piece of shit
>Wii U's aren't getting any cheaper, might actually get more expensive

Emulation will have to save the day again.

>holy FUCK, we dark souls fights now
Not true, no shockwaves hit him when he back flipped over the sword. Not Dark Souls enough!

But can you wear a frog suit?

Real talk though, adding that feature to Monster Hunter or Dragon's Dogma hunting and BotW's sort of overworld would be GOAT.

im that niggerhammer

They were thinking moist pussies.

Holy fuck. I'm trying to think of a shitty rock pun but I can't. He just fucking slapped you for your full natural health bar.

>Rock pun

Literally a rock and a hard place.

>the first five hours of the game that I watched on youtube seemed pretty easy wahhhh

go play your very fun looking game horizon that I'm looking forward to trying out some time after I play zelda

Here is the most damage I've taken yet. I already got those temp hearts from a free revive (on cool down, the red elephant in the HUD) from beating one of the dungeons.

>we will no longer get the humble green tunic/chain mail
>forced to be the same mmo tier garbage


Honestly, that is the single greatest bitch slap that I've seen.


Hooooly fuck.

All these tards not catching the point about zelda not catching fire.

Way to read boys.


The power of the Wii U was just shitting to stir discussion. Have another webm.

>Better throw my weapon lol
12 3/4 hearts in one fucking hit.

They really don't fuck about.

>Wearing gang colors

You had it coming user.

jesus hootinanny christ


The amount of cool ass webms this game is gonna make is the best part.

Any unplayable framrate issues on the wii u version? Doesn't look that bad from the webms.

But we've already see way better object physics than that, dummy

Oh wow, magic armour that doesn't make you burn, it's almost like that never existed before.

I'll have fun playing it. on my wii u

I can -try- and take a webm of how bad it gets sometimes. Only thing is Sup Forums people here will use it to the ground about how "awful" the game is.

Oh no, they did something somewhat unrealistic in a fantasy game which helps you and is fun.

What's the verdict on this? Please tell me it's good. And not IGN good. Actually good.

Finally , fuck yes.

If Link wasn't wearing the goron suit, he would be cooking like that meat as well.

Look at the armor he's wearing. It's insulated, thick heatproof armor. You yourself will burst into flames for even going near that area.

MM so tasty!

>fire puts itself off before burning the meat


Not unplayable, but bad. If it gets worse (which allegedly the switch version does when docked) it probably will be.

the game's clothing matters and decides whether you freeze, burn, etc. wow, you made a thread praising this game. congrats? the last nintendo product I've owned was an SNES with Yoshi's Island and DKC; the new Zelda looks genuinely enjoyable but not like I'd go out of my way to buy a switch for it. I bet you're planning on buying Horizon you fucking cuck

>all that fucking cludder

I knew this game would be shit and filled with stupid minecraft collectables.

The towns are pretty low framerate but the actual combat doesn't suffer it too bad. Sometimes the Wizzrobe magic can lower to the point where its hard aim at them though (like Dragon's Dogma).

game's glitched.

Well on a scale of 1 to 72 how annoying is it. Please answer in verbs only.

Where are all these webms coming from? I thought only the PAL version was downloadable off Nintendo's servers right now. Are you all just playing the European version?



nintendo piracy is super easy

The fuck is wrong with wanting to buy Horizon?

And who the fuck said I was OP?

can't make this shit up lmao

it never gets boring re watching this.
the hit was so strong the hearts didnt go down slowly they just vanished.

I was reminded more of ghosts n ghouls

really cheap deaths because the mechanics are lacking.

For all the anons being retards about the food cooking.

How's the Wii u version?
Should I buy it or wait until I can afford a switch (should be about 2 months when I can buy it)

Yeah, not so fucking hot that the fucking air is 400+ degrees at all times


There is. Nobody's found it yet though, it's in the files.

what if the dlc makes the game feel more like a proper fucking zelda?

that would be nice. doubt it'll happen though.

Cause you can throw bombs into waters to fish, or use your archery skills.

but there is

except the player could have paused at any point to spam healing items.

Chromehounds was here. Welcome to 2006.

>10 seconds of slo-mo on perfect dodge where all you can do is a super attack button prompt

This is going to make me want to rip my hair out by the time I finish the game.

I hope the "extra" hard mode removes pause healing because the combat is so close to being good but that just fucking ruins all the tension.

but that sucks.
why did they remove all these zelda staples when it makes the most sense in this game?

Lava in an active volcano like in OP can burn at 2000F+/1000C+. It can heat up the ground right next to it to a reasonably similar temperature, which is what was cooking the meat.

Do you ever get weapons that don't break in 10 swings?

If I wanted everything to be the big goron sword I'd go play OoT

I liked 2006. It was a decent year, I'm glad to be back to be honest.

It isn't just about tossing stuff on the ground to cook, user.

I want to hunt down a dragon, kill it, then prepare its meat with diced man-eating plants and garlic, rubbed with freshly ground salt harvested from an earth elemental, and grilled over magma on an expensive lava-proof cooking set.

I don't want to go to Flavor Town, I want to go to Flavor DUNGEON

Would Nintendo do that? Just go & make Fishing pay to play download content?

Dude this game looks fucking legit, look at the grass bend as he's blown through it. Naysayers gonna still be naysaying this time tomorrow while I'm fucking the switch mount.

No. [sub]I think I enjoy hunting a little more to b honest.[/sub]

Lynel is literally the only challenging enemy in the entire game dude.

Not even the bosses are nore difficult.

This is the single largest case of cherry picking even considering just how vast the gap in difficulty between a lynel and anything else in the game.

Fucking christ they did nothingright with this hunk of shit game except bring lynel back and make them fun to fight and cool looking.

Is there a random girl that slowly falls in love with you in botw?



Check out near 13 hearts of damage in one hit