What are some games that implement horror and a feel of dread well?

What are some games that implement horror and a feel of dread well?

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System Shock 2

SCP is trash and killed /x/


Stalker with mods especially misery mod

Any horror game with shitty controls like the older resident evil/silent hill games and rpg maker games.

I believe if you could easily out run the monsters in these games they as you can in RE 4/5/6 they wouldn't be considered as good.

That's why RE 7 makes Ethan so slow.


if it wasn't for scp then /x/ would be nothing but stupid fake stories about skinwalkers and bad role-playing threads

Stay In The Light + Stay In The Darkness + Symbols Have Been Compromised

I think Half Life 2 gets legitimately scary at times. The poison headcrab scared me more than any other video game enemy I've ever encountered, which is kind of funny considering they can't actually kill you by themselves and they effectively do no damage to you once you get the antitoxin

Wonder what the worst possible combination of symbols would be.

>a dark-souls/let it die type game set in the SCP Foundation
>play as a wandering class D going from zone to zone defeating and containing SCPs
>usually die horribly
>have to team up with other wandering class D personnel just to defeat them
>never sure if they're friendly or going to kill you too

>killed /x/
That's not "Sup Forums several years ago".

>room clear
>safe place to rest
>symbols compromised
>unsafe place
>hostile environment

A majority of SCP couldn't conceivably be "defeated" by a human. Most are just objects or locations and the ones that are alive are generally immortal/indestructible

>do not be taken alive

Post favorite SCPs


>mfw entry 11 in document 050

>Alternate reality entered
>Hostile Environment
>Get out fast
>Someone else is here
>Hostile Being
>Cannot be damaged
>It is not human
>Stay Quiet
>You are being watchec
>Pray while shooting
>Do not be taken alive

Location SCP

Artifact/object SCP

Monster SCP

Human with superpower/animal with super power SCP

Virus/insect SCP

>stay in the light
>stay in the darkness

What's the most unexplainable SCP?


The alternate dimension where everything is dead.

Including 682.

Forgot the number though, it's in the 2000's.

I always see this shit posted but i have no idea what this SCP is about. Is it a creepypasta or something?

>You are being watched
>Do not make eye contact

For some reason these two together chill my blood

how literal


SCP stands for Secure Contain Protect and its a foundation that holds shit that are paranormal, dangerous to mankind, etc, they're pretty fun to read on the SCP website, with journals, origin stories etc.

>Tfw you learned what Procedure 110-Montauk really is

SCP is basically a collaborative story about a fictional world where there's tons of paranormal stuff, but there's a secret organization called "SCP" (stands for "Secure, Contain, Protect") that finds them, contains them, and covers up their existence. Kind of like Men in Black movies but horror themed.

Because it's collaborative, it has wild swings in quality between stories. Some are really cool and spooky, some are funny, some are just bad.

Red a couple and see if you like them. BTW if they have -J at the end they're "joke" ones, usually meta jokes making fun of bad submissions

give me a quick rundown and what that is

They actually explain it? I don't really remember the article too well but I thought that procedure was kept vague intentionally.


they never say directly but it's obviously head pats and hugs

To prevent the birth of an eldritch abomination that would herald the end of the world, a death row convict must perform a top secret procedure upon a young pregnant girl. As in really young, not even a teen. Read the article referenced in There is a Canon explanation within the SCP site. It is there. It isn't in the article, but in a story. I'll let you find it for yourself.
