So how did this cute little Game Maker game manage to cause such a gigantic shitstorm, anyway?

So how did this cute little Game Maker game manage to cause such a gigantic shitstorm, anyway?

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Furfags, 2 years of the goat mom meme got them all ready to pounce when the game released

Unconventional marketing and nostalgic references coupled with counter-intuitive story arcs and themes.

>Unconventional marketing
Pretty sure it didn't have any marketing at all other than word of mouth.

It triggered Sup Forums hard.

It was too good for its own good.


Hype culture

Tumblr ideals and goat porn

Pretty much this.

>Meta tier

All of the dogs

>Made for a cool bossfight

>Alright/Don't care

>Spaggheti xD tier

It was a very good game
kids liked it
cancerous youtubers made lots of aids videos for said kids
Homestuck fandom

Weren't strategic leaks placed on tumblr for concept art and blogging/memes and the like? I know that's basically word of mouth, but it didn't seem like most games were inseminating the community the same way.

maybe it's just my imagination.

this user gets it

The irony is, Toby hates SJWs. It's kind of hilarious that they think gays existing automatically equals SJW.

i've only completed it once

It wasn't too good for its own good, it was too popular for its own good. It as a weird internet community now that really needs to die off. Without the autistic AU tumblr comics and ectoplasm cocks its just a fantastic game.

Its existence is as a direct result of Homestuck. No other reason.

Sup Forums was actually one of the only places talking about it during the Kickstarter, I first saw the demo posted here. It arguably exists in part because of people from Sup Forums. I feel like a lot of anons feel obligated to hate it because tumblr loves it, but if it were less popular it would be regarded as an interesting, albeit sometimes cringey game.

Only thing I can think of is

>Got shilled to hell on vee (No idea why)
>Toby does music for Homostuck

Feel like the same thing happened with Stardew Valley but Harvest Moon has been shit for years anyway.

I liked it since it was a new concept of befriending enemies instead of killing them.
And the little mini bullet hell game to give a spin on the typical rpg battle.
But autistic kids LOVED it and praised it as the second coming of jesus while even more autistic fuckers hated those kids.
It was a nice game but IMO it got more attention than it deserved

>act like tumblr
>be treated like tumblr
huh... rly mks u thk

the music.

Shilled? That word has been used and abused harder than some thai ladyboy's rectum.
Similarly, it apparently no longer has any meaning or structure.

If shilling now means people talking about and recommending a game because they liked it, it's a sad reflection of this board.

>anything but shit
You have no taste.

The game was ~90% made one guy

The kickstarter's initial goal was literally 5000 dollars. The effect produced at the end of the video was made by a camcorder zooming in on a computer monitor.

I don't get the impression he had the resources for a covert guerrilla internet marketing campaign.

The meta aspect of the game is literally the only thing setting it apart and making it more interesting than your average tumblr game.


Alphys is the most well written character in the game though. Just because she's hard to like doesn't mean she's a bad character.

That's all fake though. And Undertale isn't even "their" game since Toby has no political affiliation that he speaks of. Anytime anything political is brought up he ignores it and doesn't comment. And Undertale isn't progressive.

This has kind of proven itself untrue in the time since. That, or the marketing campaign failed spectacularly.

The best part of the story is the build-up, tension, and situational exaltation. Its story is nothing spectacular, but it's all sorts of fucking amazing when you first encounter any of the big bosses, especially Undyne, Metaton, Asgore, Asriel, and Sans. Anyone who didn't think the Asgore and Sans fights weren't awesome are fucking liars.

Undertale is pretty much the game equivalent of the "Final boss does X" threads where people imagine various awesome ways to build up to/upon a boss fight.

This is the level of anti-Undertale fags. They're delusional.

Not that it's wrong to dislike the game or to find the fanbase annoying, but this is straight up delusion and is cringier than the half-Sans, half-Toriel half-demon role-playing 12 year olds. Seriously, get a fucking grip.

To me the best part of the game (when you reset after killing Toriel accidentally) is better than most of the rest of the game. I was kinda hoping that it was going to force harder moral choices on me in the future, or make bosses that are hard to NOT kill, but that wasn't really the case. Genocide was also too short (super mettatron should have been a boss, would have been interesting too since Chara should actually have trouble with killing something metal.) Asgore not knowing shit about what's going on at the end of genocide is stupid too, he should have consumed the souls and tried to fight. It's just lazy.

Undertale's hatebase is almost as retarded as the fanbase at this point, it's pretty incredible

And 1.25x as autistic.

an opportunity was missed to show us how awful she was for the experimentation.

also there was kind of a letdown in there not being any explanations to sans or papyrus's origin, or the G.Aster stuff beyond "it's a reference to cut content in other games". also a letdown in the relatively short length of the game, it's short and sweet yes, but it could've had some more interesting content, as it's fairly linear and kind of dull in that respect.

The end of genocide is pretty much everything crumbling down around you as you've finished off most living beings. It's very similar to the end of Metroid 2 where all non-Metroid life is extinct, as a way to show that the Metroids mean business.

It's part stylistic, part Toby being one person working on a game for 3 years and wanting to get it out the door and into backers' hands.

The Homestuck fandom

It was good but im still salty over hard mode.

Much like how Cave Story ended so abruptly and then cut directly to hell if you're going down the right path.

It's a unfortunate consequence of one-man teams. The games tend to be short, have pacing issues, and not follow all plot threads to creation.

Hardmode fan mod when?

The Homestuck fandom is such a tiny, insignificant part of the fanbase that I can't understand why you would want to bring it up unless you're trying to strawman tens of millions of people.

Undertale is the kind of entertainment that is based on hugely firing up your emotions (excitement specifically). As a result when you immediately play it you feel extremely impressed because your excitement level is super high. So people play the game, go on the internet and start talking about how it's gods gift to humanity. Gurren Lagann had a similar thing. However, like Gurren Lagann, once you look back on it a week later when your hype has died down you realize it had a lot of flaws and wasn't actually that great. You were just caught up in the excitement.

fan mod?

fuck that



Holy shit, an anonymous person posted a conspiracy theory on the internet, it must be true. Is ISIS involved in this as well?

It wouldnt be the same user. Also bossfight with the dog in the dev room when.

It is a very good game with a great story.

Fanbase is cancer.

Everyone will construct all sorts of bullshit reasons, but literally all that happened is that it got popular

Just pure and genuine Sup Forums autism. Literally no reason to hate this game beyond it being popular with an audience that Sup Forums hates.


How exactly is it done? I can't identify what exactly Undertale did to nail that feeling so hard.

Part of me is okay with Undertale just being a standalone game, because I think it's great as-is and am worried a sequel or even prequel might mess things up, though I'm certainly not against a new game either - I would play it in a heartbeat. A hardmode with more scenes, fights, and dialogue would be a nice compromise.


He appealed to nostalgiafags, furfags, autistimfags, and children. Also had a damn good sound track.

The real reason is Homestucks.

Toby produced a very good chunk of the Homestuck soundtrack and when the shit fanbase found out about his new game they all got sucked into it because HS was on hiatus at the time.

Also unrelated but Megalovania is the laziest excuse for a track in the game.

I don't think I'd want Undertale to be a franchise. It would feel wrong, like if they made Cave Story a franchise.

fuck you I love the Undertale version

Vriska stabbing Tavros with his own Lance > le spooky angery bad time skeleton xD

I think having a sequel is distinct from it being a franchise.

I don't and I think anyone with even a modicum of taste would want some double digit installation blob.

But Toby has said he wants to do more Undertale related things, albeit after a bit of a break, and the format/idea of the game lends itself to additional content.

All of this really hinges on whether there are artistically legitimate grounds for the inclusion of new content, and I believe there are.

Not really sure how it's lazy. Just because it's a remix of a song he made before?

good music, interesting plot devices, puns, good humor at times, able to give people good feels, joke characters, and also be short to the point where fans will begin to make their content in the form of AUs

>But Toby has said he wants to do more Undertale related things
Really? Recently?

>Toby has said he wants to do more Undertale related things, albeit after a bit of a break

Has he? I thought he originally wanted to do more stuff, but after the game blew up and the fanbase got out of control he seems to not want anything to do with Undertale anymore. Makes me sad, I do hope that with time he'll come back around.

All we can pretty much do now is wait, read fancomics, and play Undertale Yellow

>Hopes and Dreams/SAVE the World
>Death by Glamour

I'm trying to find where he said it, I'm 100% confident it's real.

He said he'd like to come back to it in the future, and stated it'd be like a surprise present or birthday party or something that you forgot you had, or something to that effect.

I'm thinking it was on his twitter account, although it may have been on the old deleted one, or it could have also been on his/the games tumblr.
Or maybe the kickstarter page.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

>Fallen Down (Reprise)

>Heir of Grief


Yours is basically mine, except I'd switch Death by Glamour with Battle Against a True Hero.






Undertale with a pikachu companion?


It's been a year

Those weren't the ones I was talking about, but still
awww shieeeeeeeet yeaaaaahhh

Prince rescue mission better happen

It's almost as if video games take a long time to make

>oh wow a word is being used it has no meaning now waah

and we've heard nothing from him?

>Toby released some concepts for this
>Torial would wake you up a minute early to make sure you had time to do whatever it was you needed to do
>Napstablook would accidentally wake you up a minute late and delete himself from the app out of shame

In no particular order

>Hopes and Dreams:
>His Theme

The true pacifist ending in general really struck a chord with me and a part of that was the music.

But it refused

This moment resonated with me on a deep and personal level.

PKMN Trainer Frisk AU when?

It's probably because it's not near finished yet and he'd rather not say anything about it!

Undertale is more popular then Homestuck ever was



>Blue: Thing I say is less popular
>Red: Thing I say is more popular

Gets to the Underground and the first thing he tries to do is catch Flowey.

The game did nothing on its own. The combination of fanbase and haters is what makes the shitstorm. The fanbase is so autistic that they think it's the coming of Christ and the haters are so autistic that they have to talk the game to shit to insult the fans, which triggers the fans to praise it even more, and so on.
It's like a gigantic tornado of shit and autism, raging all over the Internet, sucking in everything it passes

Didn't he say he wasn't going to make a sequel somewhere? I don't remember where, but I do remember him saying it...

Undertale Yellow is a fan game covering the story of the Yellow Soul on his journy through the underground.

It's well made, and the art for the ruins is way better then Tobys, but the characters aren't as well done, there's a few plot holes with the main game, and the combat doesn't feel as good, but hopefully that last part will be fixed if it ever gets finished

probably not

So Sup Forums but large scale


Man, I looked for some fapfic on A3o and I tell you what, that shit is way out of hand. Half the ones I click on are OCs with the skeleton brother's names fucking or some shit.

Yeah, my bad for not including the legend. Taken from Google Analytics

There's actually an Undertale AU where Sans is hellbent on trying to destroy the other AUs

I don't know what Underswap is and I don't want to.

desu I think you're being too optimistic
