Is there a worse case of a woman ruining a gaming channel/community?

Is there a worse case of a woman ruining a gaming channel/community?

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I don't know who these people are

Twin perfect

I still don't know what happened, that being said I think they were kind of a one trick pony with the SH stuff.
Not sure what they would have after that.

The guy in the right tried to steal left guy's girlfriend


post the gf

>check channel
>this is their activity and view count for an entire year

Nice attempt at advertising kid


How is that her fault?

game grumps and zoe quinn in general

Wow that's some childish shit right there.

Game grumps if you're into the conspiracies I guess, but I would say ruined is going a bit far on them. They're still far better than most gaming channels just considerably less so now


Suzy is a cunt but I don't think she had anything to do with it

That had nothing to do with it.

Fungo had to move and wanted to be the new Pewdiepie but failed at it.

Its not what Twin Perfect wanted to do so they broke up.

Even if that is true, how does that make it the girl's fault?

Well Silent Hill is no more, so what the hell else are they supposed to talk about?

>it's another Sup Forumsirgins think all women are evil thread

Which one is the girl?

I keep trying to watch that guys let's play of Silent Hill 2 with Guy Cihi (James VA), but he's so damn rude and dismissive of anything that Cihi says, makes me cringe and turn it off.Is he autistic?

Does it get any better, is it worth watching through if you're a hardcore silent hill fan?

Weird, I was just rewatching the Real Silent Hill Experience tonight.

Anyway the girl they have now is kinda cute. Fungo's girl is way cuter though, I love me some Bronze.

It's a difficult question.

The dude on the left only identifies as female. The dude on the right WAS a chick, but s/he's been taking hormones for years.

Seriously, bioware needs to work on their characters better. They both look like dudes.

>Fungo starts doing streams on his own
>the other two manchildren make a video insulting him for it
>they run out of content for TP
>start doing streams

Guy on the right is one of the most idiotic autists I've seen in a while. Even when compared to the guy on the left who makes stupid faces and stumbles through banter the entire Silent Hill Experience.

Even their SH videos are only good for the technical viewpoint which are objective. Especially in the HD version comparison.

Suzy is also a manipulative liar

she got caught scamming her customers (slapped together shitty jewelry and claimed she made it herself)

Arin defended her while pretending she didn't constantly lie, and accused the people calling her out of being in the wrong

Wasn't one of these Twin Peaks guys literally cucked?

>the other two manchildren make a video insulting him for it

Which vid is that? Wanna see it. Always liked Fungo the most of them all.

>the girl they have now is kinda cute


Cringe incoming

>watch him play a game you could play yourself
>meanwhile they have multiple videos of them streaming themselves playing SH games
>also deadly premonition

well I guess the idea is that their autistic knowledge of the Silent Hill series will provide for some interesting insights while they play that go beyond screaming at every jumpscare.

Jesus, you were right. The cringe is too strong.

Always sad when a community falls apart.

I may not have agreed with everything but TRSHE is cozycore.

>it's another woman doesn't realize she's evil post

there is a moment when guy tries to talk about a movie he was making and the guy just makes him shut up and pay attention to the game

total autism

Dungeons and Dragons.

Well Fungos channel is doing miles better than the TP channel. Fungo's videos average around 10k vies with some as high as 30k. TPs videos sit at less than 2k viewers with only Silent Hill related videos going above 20k.

Sadly this is all you can get. Guy was also on the Best Friends podcast.

I have no idea what the fuck you're on about. Versiris is no Yoko Ono and she actually does cool art. The problem now is that they've covered the ENTIRE Silent Hill canon. So no shit they're out of content. But the new shit they're doing is pretty good too.

Did you forget the cringe tastic video you made Fungo?

I watched every stream

It's just "reference" or "silly voice"

>You will never get drunk and eat pizza with Guy Cihi


Spoony? A bit after he got a new gf he became a lazy worthless ass, freeloading off his fanbase .

>shitty book of memories thumbnail
>red meme arrows

>thinks I'm fungo

Then you must be the redhead autist with the fat girlfriend, you seem personally invested in this situation

But I will, and do, shit post with him about politics.

I'm livin the dream

Spotted the newfag.

>spotted the manchild

Dude on the left made a nice no BS guide to the DS2 DLCs that's helped me out a few times.

I bet that insult was funny on reddit too.

What I don't get is how you can spend two hours talking about what is clearly just a product that was shit out with little to no care given.
At least in the case of the Silent Hill HD collection and some of the games after 4 the takedown is worth the effort, if only because of how much the developers and publishers bullshit about respecting the franchise.
You don't need a 2 hour video on why Book of Memories is not worth your time.


How would you be able to gauge what reddit finds funny? Have you...been there before?

get out, redditor

Also thanks for calling my insult funny, but there's nothing funny about men with childish mentalities. Please seek mental help.

Is that the meme man Sam Hyde everyone talks about and Clint from Lazy Game Reviews?

Tell him I said hi.