Night in the Woods

What does Sup Forums think about this game?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's an extremely provocative indie adventure game with a lot of TLC put into it. The characters are all charming and relateable, the dialogue is raw and realistic, and the plot development rivals even the most Shakespearean of authors. If there was a game that could be considered art, it would be this gem. Don't be surprised if it wins indie game of the year.

Better than Undertale in all ways.

>shilling this hard

it's good
also everyone in the game is cute

>the only way anyone on Sup Forums can like any video game ever is if they're marketing it
haha my favorite meme

Is this that new Undertale game that came out?



seems charming but I got bored as shit very quickly.


You just prove how true it is every time you post it.

It gets better later on.

But it's a game tradition to post this every time a NITW thread pops up user.

It was fun and had a cute art style. Glad I bought it

I don't even know what's going on

>Hanging out with Bea because having a good time making her smile
>Dinner at Bea's
>tfw the fight

Shit hits home, yo. I was a lazy shit like Mae, and one of my lady friends was living with her dad in a shitty trailer pulling all the weight. I got to talking to her about it, saying she just needs to leave it all behind it spiraled out of control almost step-for-step as the Bea fight. Goddamn. I wish I was hanging out with Gregg.


You really, really should consider suicide.

start Germposting

>SJW-looking, outstanding species (gazelle, and the only one in the game) whining about fascism is the one character confirmed to be trans

Like pottery.

Another Undertale in the making. A short game that people should enjoy and move on but instead there will always be back to back threads as a fanbase that has nothing to actually talk about any more forms and the fanfics and really faggy theories about the game start developing. Soon it will be driven from Sup Forums but will all over Tumblr all the time and the entire AGDQ 2018 venue will be packed with people needing to stand because not enough chairs as people go "booo" when the speedrunner needs to skip their favorite part of the game.

>mfw I relate to Bea more than anyone should
>mfw I know what it's like to be trapped in a house with an old, sick, unpleasant father who reminds you who owns the house every now and then

I dunno about that. nothing really wacky or exciting happens in the game that would get an entire crowd going. it's a very chill game most of the way through

>tfw you're the Germ of your friend group

I feel like people mostly hate this because either:
A. They're the pieces of shit it targets
B. They're not the target of it, but react as if they are.

Mostly B, I would hope. If you aren't a complete cunt who thinks they're entitled to everything because you pretend to be nice, then the video isn't about you. Stop getting triggered by something you aren't involved in.

Haha now that I put this in my game, maybe now miladies will finally sleep with me, their honorable white knight.

But it's not in the game. It's something the artist made years ago.

Haha now that I made this animation, maybe now miladies will finally sleep with me, their honorable white knight.

what does is this even trying to say

Shilling isn't illegal but you guys could at least throw out some codes or something.

Daily reminder Gregg is the best character in nitw

I'm a woman and I find this to be dumb.

End your life.

>I paid 20 dollars for something that the person who made this was involved in
>I didn't just swallow the "pirate it" redpill

Wow, that's unfortunate.

Haven't played it, but this game reminds me of those comics with the owl and the witch and the talking cat.

You don't understand.
The point is not that the video itself is dumb, but that THE MATRIX IS A GOOD MOVIE comes out of nowhere. Like, is the author saying people "take the red pill" because they thought The Matrix was a good movie? Does he think people want to be The Matrix characters? Did he forget what sort of tirade he was going onto, so he just slapped that last line as an "attack" against his "adversaries", but forgot to make the line meaningful? I mean, the line itself is an affirmation or a consequence? What did the author mean by THE MATRIX IS A GOOD MOVIE? If he was going for the strawman argument, why is there a general affirmation in there? I think everyone can agree The Matrix is a good movie.

See now. That's what it means. What it means to you? There's no "proving right" or "proving wrong". Just The Matrix.

>mfw I know what it's like to be trapped in a house with an old, sick, unpleasant father who reminds you who owns the house every now and then
My Dad tried to push that shit on me too far one day and I showed him how weak he truly was. He's much more passive about it now.

Greg isn't Germ. Greg WISHES he was as hardcore as Germ
>lives in the woods
>hangs out with potentially dangerous drifters
>jumps off a fucking bridge for fun
>when everyone is afraid their friend was just butchered in the woods, he's just there playing their videogames not giving a shit
Germ is the absolute toppest tier

Can somebody isn't a furry tell me if this game is good or not? Is it actually well written? The only person I've seen play it on my friends list is a giant faggot who hops on any indie game bandwagon. Is it at least worth the pirate?

it's just a joke man, you need to lighten up and stop playing the victim

Artstyle and music are fantastuc, writing is hit or miss especially if you don't get out much. Just pirate it

Pirate it because the game is good but the people behind it are losers.

>characters are charming and relatable
Like, ugh, totally, like eff the world, jeez, ugh

"Take the red pill, like in The Matrix. The Matrix was a good movie, and they took the red pill in that and it was a good thing. You should be redpilled like Neo was in The Matrix, so you can see the real truths unlike the blue pillers who ignore reality for their comfortable fake lives."

It's not about playing the victim. I and many others are just confused about the placement of the joke. It just doesn't fit in with everything else in the video.

I feel the same way, user. I don't even care about the rest of the video, but whenever I reach that point my first thought is "hey, man, what's wrong with the matrix it's an alright movie?"

It just doesn't fit in with the theme of the video.

Why is she so perfect for Mae

Woah, I was thinking about picking this up since it looked cute.


further proof that Sup Forums is attracted to the most abhorrent indie shit that is only consider a game by redditors who want to be accepted by their peers

This crowd of people who don't want to actually play games and just want to read or look at the pretty pictures need to fucking leave immediately

Pirate it. There's antifa shit in the game but it's limited to one background character and it's not a moral, only part of the character.

Please kill yourself immediately.

It's an alright talking simulator with minigames and shit, but the ending is dumb and the story feels rushed, imo. The best part about it is bullshitting with the town residents, and it needed more of that with variations in some interactions and minigames instead of some supernatural cult shit.

Pirate it or get it in a sale. It's not bad but not incredible.

>Mom escalates about why you dropped out of college
>Mom hints that they might lose the house
>Mom, this isn't funny
>"Don't worry about it."
>"Don't worry about anything."
>"Why start now?"
>"Go off and do what ever it is you do."
>tfw this conversation resonates
>It fucking resonates hard

I came for slice of life, I didn't expect it to slap me in the face this hard.

What the hell was even happening in these dreams whats with the fish and ghost floating dead people

It's because Sup Forums always talks about taking the red pill and realizing that whites are the master race and women are bad.

Play the companion game
Reunite the musicians
That's all you need to know.
Fly, you fool.

Yeah its good. I like the writing, it hits the kind of stuff Kentucky Route Zero does but with a completely different tone.

Sup Forums is satire


Games. Plural. There's 2 of them.

And how exactly does Mae know about those spirits and musicians exactly? as does she dream about something she doesn't know exists


But none of that is in The Matrix, only the red pill part. What everyone on these threads wants to know is what The Matrix being a good movie has to do with all of that.

Well any man who cries like a bitch is going to get called out for being a bitch, and that has nothing to do with "go do whatever thing men should do to stop inequality".

Meanwhile, move down south if you live in the U.S., boys. The women might be baseball bat crazy but at least they can cook and pretend you're not evil for 5 minutes.

I wish that were true.

keep playing and you'll find out jeez

So, were the cultists justified? This really is one of those "The Greater Good" instances, imo.

It used to be

It sure isn't anymore

I finished the game user, what are you getting at

>move down south
While I agree that Southern girls are pretty cute, you'd have to be a colossal moron to move down there just for the women.

Military-grade furry trash reporting in, buuuuut

It might be worth a play, but we don't know you.

I'm starting to get the feeling the people that really enjoy it are the people who can relate to a character or have friends just like the characters in game. It's slice of life so it's kind of nice in that regard. A little drama, a little peace.

If there's a character in the game that will resonate with you, then totally worth checking it out but who knows what kind of person you are and who your friends are.

It's a little heavy handed, the ending gets a little crazy but if you're in it for the characters you might just find something to enjoy.


That's IF the god thing was real, we don't know if it was ? or if it was actually helping the town

Because the creator is talking about shit they know nothing about

Only like 30% of Sup Forums is actually old enough to have seen the Matrix movies when they came out

You could always move out, it IS his house.

Because the artist is saying that the men's right activist in the video is using the "Matrix is a good movie" as a point into why he's right and you should "take the red pill".

You guys have no idea either do ya

You fuck off with that metaphorical bullshit. Pitbuddy is unambiguously real and anything else is Firewatch-tier retardation.

>Implying I have the money or opportunities to do this

she's fucking nuts dude. some eldritch horrorterror was fucking with her mind

Recommend me some towns to look up (in 'murica) in google maps that are basically possum springs? I want to see these little towns. I looked around in PA but didn't see any that were that small

I think its far more likely that the thing they are offering shit to has no idea why they did it, and the good stuff that happened after was coincidence.I think that's why both Mae's dream and Lost Constellation show you "gods" that really don't give a shit about people. Otherwise the town wouldn't be in the existential crisis its in the whole game. It's like when the weird teens ask you what god is, all three answers have a representation. The giant cat-bird is distant and uncaring, the goat is vicious and roaming, and the Janitor is caring but absent (as in he does what he can but isn't omniscient).

>she's nuts
I don't like thinking that. It's such a cop out. So some goat demon just implanted the musicians and spirit animals (like from Adina's fable) in her mind just because lol why not?


Don't go to small towns. Everyone gossips about everything, there's barely any work, and the residents usually hate people that aren't from there.

I could, but it's much more complicated than that. I have a little brother that needs my guidance and an older brother who's practically retarded, and my Dad's not mentally fit to raise anyone on his own.

I've been obsessing over it for the past few days.

according to the current-day musicians in the town, the musicians from back in the day also went insane from the cosmic horror's influence. there's a connection in that at least

I didn't move down for women, I just so happened to find work near a nice homey area. But agreed I guess. Don't move down for the women, but if you're tired of posturing over shit like gender relations I cant suggest southern living enough. Everyone usually has something better to do, or is too drunk to care.

I once passed through Cairo, like the actual Cairo from Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. It was the saddest, most decrepit town I've ever goddamn seen, and NITW is completely correct when it showed that floods fuck small towns ever.

I'd say Gold Bar in Washington state, but I'm pretty sure even Possum Springs is more glamorous. Grand Coulee might come close, though.

You wouldn't happen to know if it's anything like Morenatsu, would you?

She was seeing the inverse of the waking world, the afterlife in her dreams (the temporary death). Those musicians were popular in possum springs in the past but died out in the woods. She starts having the dreams after the woods party. Basically she was happy when she came home until to much stress and unfamiliar stuff was around then the whole disassociation with people thing started happening again. The first dream is her destroying her college campus and the founders statue which is the day before she comes home. After that its fragments of her past, the ship from the old playground, the train she used to listen to at night ect.

This game is way the fuck different than that. MN is a visual novel with gay bara lads, and this is just a slice-of-life platformer with a handful of regular queers.

That's something else that was made years ago, retard.

If you look in the newspaper articles in the library it does that a gas leak from the mines under the town is what is actually fucking with a lot of people heads, they probably have fucking brain cancer.

that sounds hard user, I hope you're at least doing ok.

>That picture
>When I first moved out, my roommates and I gathered up all the trash computers we could and cobbled it together on a piece of particle board
>The desk was a coffee table missing a leg that we found along the side of the road with a sign reading 'If you can haul it you can have it'
>The chair was an old seat from a racing game at the arcade that we found in the dumpster because it had a broken rail

It gets better.Just stick with it.

Plus, it's entirely possible that the water supply is tainted. The cultists talk about how that's one of the things that plagued the first town.


Fine. Jesus. I was just too lazy to convert it, okay?


I like the game's art style, but I don't wanna support... Whatever the hell this webm is supposed to be. If I buy it when it inevitably goes on sale for $2 will I still be propping the dev up?